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Niall started off his morning in the bathroom. That's right, he was throwing up. Niall sat back on his heels after he was finished with his morning sickness.

" God I hate throwing up." Niall says. He looks down at his stomach." You're lucky I love you already."

Niall stood up and washed out the vomit from his mouth. He couldn't stand the taste of vomit so he's making sure he gets every last piece out of his mouth.

After he was sure all the vomit was out of his mouth, he walked back into his dorm room. He walked to his dresser and got dressed into the outfit he was going to wear for the day. Harry sat on his bed and watched Niall with sad eyes.

" I'm sorry Ni." Harry says. Niall looks at Harry weird.

" Why are you saying you're sorry? There's nothing to be sorry for." Niall says. Harry plays with the end of his shirt.

" I don't know. I just know you seem miserable especially when you throw up." Harry says looking down at his long feet hanging off his bed. Niall laughs.

" Of course I'm going to be miserable when I throw up. I hate vomiting. But I'm not miserable." Niall says.

" I don't know, but I just don't like it. Can I treat you to breakfast today?" Harry says.

" Haz, you don't have to." Niall says.

" But I want to. I feel bad." Harry says. Niall lets out a sigh.

" Okay. But we have to hurry because my class starts soon." Niall says grabbing his backpack. Harry stands up and nods his head. The two best friends walk out of the dorm and towards the dining hall.

On the way to the dining hall, the two were talking about anything. Niall wasn't paying attention to where he was walking and crashed into someone and fell on his butt once again. Harry came to his aid.

" Are you okay Niall?" Harry asks.

" Yeah, I'm fine." Niall says. Harry looks up at the person who knocked Niall down.

" Hey, you should watch where you're walking." Harry says. Niall looks up to the person. Niall's mouth drops a little. It was that boy who knocked him down over the weekend a week ago who was very attractive.

" No, Harry, it's my fault. I wasn't watching where I was going." Niall says. Harry helps Niall stand up.

" Are you sure?" Harry asks. Niall nods his head and looks at the boy who knocked him down.

" I'm so sorry. I don't watch- Wait. I've seen you before." The boy says.

" You knocked me down over the weekend a week ago." Niall says. The boy laughs.

" That's right! Sorry about that time too." The boy says.

" I don't even know you and I've been knocked down by you twice and it hasn't even been a full month yet." Niall jokes. The boy laughs while Harry stares at them confused.

" I probably should get your name then." The boy says.

" I'm Niall." Niall says.

" I like the name Niall. You don't hear it very often." The boy says," I'm Jace."

" That's a really cool name!" Niall points out.

" Why thank you." Jace says," Were you heading to the dining hall?"

" Yeah. Me and my friend were." Niall says mentioning Harry.

" I was too. Wanna walk together?" Jace says.

" Sure. Come on Harry." Niall says. Jace and Niall start walking without Harry. Harry catches up with the two of them.

" I'm still buying you breakfast." Harry says.

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