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Niall's doorbell to his house rings. Niall quickly runs to the door and swings it open. Liam was standing there with a big smile on his face. Niall smiles a small smile.

" Hi Ni." Liam says.

" Hi Liam." Niall says actually acknowledging Liam's hello.

" Niall! Let Liam in!" Maura says from the kitchen. Niall brings Liam into the house and closes the front door. Liam looks down at Niall's 16 week baby bump. Liam smiles.

" Our baby is getting bigger." Liam says placing his hands on Niall's bump. Niall smiles.

" I know, I'm happy about it too. I want my bump to be bigger already." Niall says.

" Don't worry, your bump will get bigger with time." Liam says rubbing Niall's stomach. Maura walks into the front room and throws her arms around Liam. Liam smiles as he wraps his arms around Maura.

" Hello Niall's mum." Liam says. Maura lets go of Liam and looks at Liam.

" How are you Liam? How was the holidays?" Maura asks.

" It was good. Lots of family time." Liam says.

" Same here." Niall says.

" We're going to leave as soon as Harry gets here." Maura says." So do you want something to eat?"

" No, it's okay. I got something on the way here." Liam says.

" Where do you live again, Liam?" Maura asks.

" I live in Wolverhampton. It's near Birmingham." Liam says.

" And you drive over here just for the baby? Why do you do that?" Maura asks.

" Because I do anything for my boyfriend and my baby." Liam says.

" That's so great, Liam." Maura says. She looks at Niall." You guys are great together." Niall rolls his eyes at that statement. They aren't even together, but whatever.

" Maura, I'm home!" Harry says walking into the house. Harry walks to the three standing there with a beanie covering his curly hair.

" Harry!" Maura says. She walks up to Harry and throws her arms around Harry. Harry hugs her back. Niall looks at Liam.

" She loves Harry more than me and he's not even her son." Niall says. Liam lets out little giggles. Harry and Maura look at Niall and Liam.

" Since Harry is here, we should get going." Maura says. Harry looks at Niall. He smiles at Niall's bump.

" Look how big the bump is getting! I'm so happy!" Harry says.

" I'm happy about it too." Niall says placing his hands on his stomach.

" Boys, let's get into the car." Maura says.

" We're coming mum." Niall says. Maura walks out of the house and the three boys follow behind. Maura unlocks the car and the boys get in. Niall was about to sit in the front seat when Maura stops him.

" Niall, sit with your boyfriend." Maura says. Niall lets out a sigh.

" Fine." Niall says. Harry sits in the front of the car while Liam and Niall sit behind the front seats. Maura starts the car and pulls out of the driveway. She starts driving down the street. Niall leans back and makes his stomach poke out more. Liam places his hands on Niall's stomach.

" I love your bump so much." Liam says.

" I do too." Niall says.

" I want your bump to be bigger. I want to see our baby." Liam says. Harry turns around and looks at Niall and Liam.

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