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Niall was not feeling the best the last couple of weeks. His lower stomach ached and he would throw up whatever he had in his stomach. So guess where Niall was at the moment.

That's right. Niall was puking his guts out in the bathroom that the floor shared.

Niall hated throwing up so he wasn't having the best day already. It was only 8 in the morning and on the weekends, Niall sleeps until at least nine.

Niall finishes throwing up and flushes the toilet. He walks out of the stall and goes to the sink to wash his mouth out. He washed his mouth out fully so there was no more trace of vomit in his mouth. Niall finished washing out his mouth and walks back to his dorm. He walked into the dorm to find Harry and Louis cuddling and watching a movie on Harry's laptop. Niall walks to his bed and slams his face into his pillow.

" Niall, you okay?" Harry asks pausing the movie. Niall lays on his side and looks at the couple.

" I don't feel good." Niall says.

" Are you still throwing up?" Louis asks. Niall nods his head.

" Go visit Liam. He can help with your stomach ache." Harry says.

" I can't. Liam has been busy with Zayn all the time and never wants to see me." Niall says. Louis shakes his head.

" I hate Zayn so much." Louis says. Niall looks at Louis weird.

" Why? I thought you guys were friends." Niall says.

" Oh, I'm not his friend. He's such a jerk. He makes fun of people. And to make matters worse, when Liam is around Zayn too much, Liam starts acting like Zayn. He's so mean and rude." Louis says. Niall's mouth drops. He was right. Niall knew Zayn had bad vibes the first time he met him.

" I knew when I first met Zayn he had bad vibes." Niall says.

" Yeah, you're good at that." Harry says.

" And I know this is a downer on you Niall, but ever since I met Zayn he always tries to get with Liam. He would do whatever just to get him." Louis says. Niall jumps up from his bed.

" Are you kidding me? Now that Liam is finally gay, Zayn is going to swoop in and take him away from me!" Niall says. Niall was about to run out of the dorm when Harry stops him. Harry grabs Niall's shoulder and makes Niall look at him.

" Hey, calm yourself Niall. Liam loves you and he would never cheat on you. And technically, he never really came out as gay." Harry says. Niall calms himself down. Harry was right. Liam never really came out as gay.

" Okay. I'm okay." Niall says. He sits back down on his bed. Harry sits back down with Louis. Niall looks at Louis.

" So, is that why you've been here all the time? Because of Zayn?" Niall asks.

" Yeah. I try to keep my distance away from Liam and Zayn." Louis says. Niall feels his stomach cramp up and he groans in pain. The couple look at him with worry.

" Niall, are you okay?" Harry asks.

" No, I'm not okay. My stomach has been killing me." Niall says clutching his stomach in pain. Niall has never felt a pain like this before. Harry looks at Niall, trying to fit puzzle pieces together.

" Niall, does it feel like someone is stabbing you from the inside?" Harry asks. Niall looks at Harry weird because that's exactly how his stomach felt.

" Yeah. How'd you know?" Niall says.

" Did you and Liam have sex with each other recently?" Harry asks. Niall's whole face turns red.

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