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" Ni, can you please stop ignoring me so we can talk about the baby? I don't even know what I did for you to ignore me."

Let's just say, that ever since Niall had his suspicion on Cheryl's daughter being Liam's, he's been ignoring Liam. It's the wrong thing to do, but Niall was beyond pissed at Liam.

Niall was casually sprawled across the couch watching the telly as Drew played with his toys on the ground in front of him. Liam was standing off to the side looking at his boyfriend. Karen was sitting in the chair, scared on what's going to happen next between the two.

Niall ignored Liam and turned the telly up a little. Liam angrily rolls his eyes.

" Niall, please just talk to me. I hate not talking to you." Liam says. Niall continues to ignore Liam and try his best to focus on the telly. Liam stands right in front of the telly. Liam knows he'll catch Niall if he's standing in front of the telly.

But the pettiness level Niall is on though, made Niall just look around Liam and continue watching the telly.

Niall was so petty during this pregnancy.

" Niall, please I'm begging you. Why are you ignoring me? I want you to tell me." Liam says. Niall rolls his eyes and stands up from the couch. Liam got excited because he thought Niall was going to say something to him, but Niall didn't. Niall looks at Drew sitting on the ground content.

" Come on bub, lets go take your nap." Niall says reaching his hand out for Drew's. Drew looks up at Niall.

Drew doesn't quite understand what's happening between his parents, but he knows that it's not good.

" Otay dada." Drew says. Drew was just going to agree with his dad to make him happy. Drew grabs G-G and the husky puppy, they recently bought, and walked up to Niall connecting their hands together. Niall leads his son up to his room.

Once the two were out of the room, Liam looks at Karen.

" Why the hell is he ignoring me?" Liam asks.

Karen shrugs her shoulders," I don't know Liam."

" I don't understand what I did. All I've been was nice to him." Liam says.

" Talk to him privately then." Karen says. Liam rolls his eyes.

" Mum, I've tried that. He just continues to ignore me." Liam says.

" Do you want me to talk to him? I can try." Karen says. Liam lets out a laugh.

" Yeah, like he'll talk to you." Liam scoffs. Niall walks back down the stairs and was about to sit on the couch when Karen stops him before he could sit down.

" Niall, do you want me to make you something to eat?" Karen asks. Niall looks at Karen and smiles.

" Sure." Niall says. Karen stands up from the chair and walks next to Niall. The two walk out of the room with a disbelieved Liam left behind.

The two walk into the kitchen. Niall walks to the table and sits down. Karen walks to the refrigerator.

" What would you like Niall?" Karen asks. Niall looks at Karen.

" I'm not really sure. Surprise me." Niall says. Karen smiles and looks for ingredients to make Niall's favorite sandwich. Karen grabs what's she needs and walks to the table and sits down next to Niall. They both smile at each other. Karen starts making Niall's sandwich.

" How are you Niall?" Karen asks. Niall lets out a sigh. He doesn't know how to respond.

" I feel okay." Niall says. Karen stops making the sandwich and looks at Niall.

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