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It's been a rough three weeks since Niall has been in the hospital due to the horrible car crash. Liam stays along Niall's side, waiting for him to wake up, but Liam hasn't spent any time with his sons. Brendon finally got to leave the hospital a week ago, but Liam has to stay with Niall, so Karen has been watching the children.

Liam has been praying for Niall to get better. Niall needs to get better.

But for the past three weeks, Liam has been telling Niall what's going on in the family lives. Liam had to keep Niall updated.

" My mum has been telling me that DJ is helping with Brendon. Isn't that the cutest? I'm glad DJ has taken a liking to Brendon." Liam says. The heart monitor attached to Niall continues to beep. Liam lets out a sigh as he looks at his hand connected with Niall's good hand.

" I've been saving some money, and I've also been looking for a bigger place for our family. I found something I could afford, but I want your opinion on it first before anything big happens. What I was looking at was a townhouse. There's three bedrooms and two bathrooms. There's a two car garage. Oh, and there's also a den. But I want you to look at it before I can buy it. I think you'll like it though." Liam says. Liam starts playing with Niall's fingers on his good hand.

" You know Ni, I love you so much." Liam says. Liam hears someone walk into the room. He didn't want to look though, he was too focused on the love of his life.

" Hi Liam. We came to visit."

Liam turns around to see Louis and Harry standing in the doorway with Sage's car seat in Louis's hand. Liam smiles at the familiar faces.

" Hi guys." Liam says. The couple walk over to Liam and sit down next to him.

" How are you putting up?" Louis asks.

" I'm putting up somehow." Liam says.

" That's good to hear." Louis says.

" Has anything happened yet?" Harry asks.

Liam shakes his head," Some of the bruises are healing, but other than that, nothing's happening."

Harry places his hand on Liam's thigh in a comforting way.

" Don't worry Liam, he'll be okay." Harry says. Liam nods his head. Silence filled the room. Then Liam broke the silence.

" I'm keeping myself sane by talking to him. I don't think it's working though." Liam says.

" I think it's working. You don't sound insane." Harry says.

" But I feel insane." Liam says.

" What have you told Niall?" Louis asks.

" Well, I've been talking about our boys. My mum keeps me updated on them and then I tell Niall. I just told Niall that I was looking for a bigger place. I haven't told Niall this yet, but I finally bought him a ring so I can propose to him. I just don't know when I should." Liam says looking down at his and Niall's connected hands.

" That's nice of you to tell him things like that." Harry says. Liam smiles a small smile.

" Propose to him when he first wakes up. That'll do him good." Louis says. Liam looks at Louis.

" Wouldn't that just confuse him though? I would be confused waking up from a coma and then all of a sudden have someone asking to marry me. And besides, what if Niall wakes up and lost his memory?" Liam says.

" You don't know Li. I've read somewhere that some people in comas can still hear what's around them, they just can't respond. And who knows if he loses his memory, you'll help him gain it back." Louis says. Liam shrugs his shoulders a little bit.

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