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" Niall, you look good."

" Thanks Harry. I try." Niall says running his hand through his hair to make it even more perfect. Niall was checking himself in the full body mirror that was attached to the closet door to make sure everything looked right. He was wearing a pair of jogger pants and sweatshirt-like shirt as his outfit. And he was making sure his hair stayed perfectly in its quiff. Niall worked too hard on his hair for it not to be perfect.

" Why do you look so good now?" Harry asks leaning against the wall next to the closet.

" Liam is taking me on our first official date tonight at a restaurant nearby." Niall says fixing his outfit a little bit.

" Liam's taking you out in public? I thought he wanted to keep your relationship on the down low." Harry says. Niall looks at Harry through the mirror.

" I mean, yeah he still wants our relationship on the down low, but he wanted to properly take me on a date. Cause all we've been doing is watching movies at his place and he wanted to change things up." Niall says.

Harry nods his head," So, what time is he coming to pick you up?"

" Since I have an early class tomorrow, he wants to have the date earlier. So he's picking me up around 5:30." Niall says. Harry looks down at his phone to check the time.

" You do realize that it's 5:30 right now?" Harry says. Niall looks at Harry with disbelief.

" It is? Then where would Liam-" Niall was cut off by someone knocking on the door. Both boys look at the door. Then Harry started pushing Niall to the door.

" It's your boyfriend! Answer the door!" Harry says. Harry pushed Niall to the door and ran to his bed. Harry casually laid down on his bed and started looking at his phone, but Niall knew Harry was actually looking at him.

Niall answers the door and Liam was standing there with a big smile on his face and Niall's favorite flowers in his hands. Niall couldn't help but smile at Liam.

" Hi Li." Niall says.

" Hi Ni." Liam says. Liam hands Niall the flowers he was holding," I got these for you. They're your favorite." Niall grabs the flowers and smells the scent coming from the flowers.

" Thank you, Li. They're beautiful." Niall says.

" They're beautiful just like you." Liam says. Niall feels his cheeks burn up at the complement. Niall looks at Harry.

" Harry, can you find a vase for my flowers?" Niall asks. Harry nods his head and stands up from his bed. He searches through the room to find a vase. Niall looks back at Liam.

" I'm really excited for tonight." Niall says.

" I am too. I have lots of things planned for tonight." Liam says. Harry walks over to Niall with a vase full of water.

" Here." Harry says handing Niall the vase. Niall places the flowers into the vase. Niall hands the vase back to Harry.

" Harry, place my flowers on the bedside table next to my bed please." Niall says. Harry nods his head. Harry walks over to Niall's bedside table and places the vase of flowers on the table. Niall looks at Liam.

" I'm ready now." Niall says. Liam reaches his hand out for Niall to grab a hold of. Niall slips his hand through Liam's hand and they link fingers together. Niall looks back at Harry.

" I'll be back later Harry." Niall says.

" Have fun you two!" Harry says. Niall walks out of his dorm room and closes the door. Niall and Liam walk down the hall and to the elevator. Liam presses the down button and the two wait for the elevator.

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