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" Do you really need to go? Stay here and meet my family." Jace begs.

Niall was trying to pack up his and Drew's things because it's Christmas break, but Jace had other plans. Niall looks at Jace.

" Jace, I've told you multiple times that I'm going to my mum's house for Christmas break. I haven't seen my family since last Christmas break and they still want to meet Drew." Niall says.

" But my family wants to meet you." Jace says.

" I wish I could meet your family too, but now is not the time." Niall says. Niall continues to pack Drew's things into his suitcase. Jace lets out a groan and walks out of the room. Niall rolls his eyes. Niall finishes packing his and Drew's things. Niall looks at his son who was sitting on the bed sucking on his dummy and playing with his stuffed giraffe.

" Alright Drew, it's time to go to my old family home. But, we have to wait for Uncle Harry to come pick us up." Niall says. Drew perks up at the mention of Uncle Harry. Niall smiles at Drew.

" Yes, you love your Uncle Harry." Niall says. The doorbell to the apartment rings. Niall looks down at Drew weird.

" Is Uncle Harry here already?" Niall asks. Drew smiles behind his dummy and lifts his arms up. Niall grabs his suitcase and picks up Drew. He places Drew above his hip and walks out of his room.

" Niall, get the door!" Jace calls. Niall rolls his eyes. That's what he was doing.

Niall walks down the hallway with the bedrooms and to the front door. Niall places his suitcase down next to the door. Niall unlocks the door and swings the door open. Before Niall could say anything, there was unexpected guest who started to yell at Niall.

" Why are you going home for Christmas break?"

Drew squealed at the unexpected guest at the door. Drew raised his arms toward the unexpected guest. The unexpected guest took Drew out of Niall's arms and placed him on their hip. Niall frowns at the guest. Niall looks at his best friend standing next to the expected guest.

" Why did you tell him I was going home?" Niall asks. Harry shrugs his shoulders. Niall rolls his eyes. Niall faces the unexpected guest.

" Drew and I are going to my house for Christmas break because I miss my home and my family want to meet him." Niall says.

" My family wants to meet DJ too, but they can't. Why does your family having superior over my family?"

" Maybe because I'm the superior parent, Liam? I get to decide where he goes and he goes wherever I go and for this month it's my home." Niall says. And if you didn't know who the unexpected guest was, it was Liam. Pretty obvious though.

" That's literally not fair though! We're family now, you should stay here." Liam says. Niall gives Liam a dirty look.

" We are not family. I'm not staying here for you. Drew and I need to spend time with my family." Niall says.

" Then DJ and I should spend time with my family." Liam says.

" He's not spending time with you and your family. He's going to stay with me the whole time." Niall says.

" But that's not fair!" Liam says. Liam looks at Harry," Can you tell your friend that he's not being fair?"

Harry was about to speak when Niall cuts him off," No, I'm not letting you speak about my decisions."

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