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Please read my authors note and comment at the end of the chapter. Thank you.


" Drew James Payne, sit your butt down now!"

Niall was casually trying to get Drew to calm down. For some odd reason, Drew has been acting up the last couple weeks and he would act the opposite from what he usually does. Like right now, Drew would usually be sitting down playing with his toys quietly, but nope. Drew had to be running around the apartment yelling his head off about who knows what.

Niall was supposed to be relaxing, but how could he relax with his 18 month old son running all over the place?

" No da!" Drew exclaims. Niall stops in the middle of the living room to catch his breath. Niall hates Drew like this. Niall wished Liam was here to help, but nope, Liam had to get things at the store now.

" Da!" Drew yells.

" Drew James, don't make me put you in time out!" Niall yells. Drew runs past Niall.

" No da!" Drew yells. Niall looks at his son run past. Niall let out an angry sigh.

" That's it! I give up!" Niall yells. Niall plops himself on the couch and turns the telly on. Niall was now going to take this time to ignore Drew.

Drew noticed his dad not chasing him and so he stopped running and yelling.

" Da?" Drew asks. Niall heard Drew, but chose to ignore him. Drew got tears in his eyes. Drew was about to run to Niall when the front door opens and Liam walks into the apartment. Drew looks at Liam and runs to him.

" Papa." Drew says throwing his arms around Liam's legs. Liam looks confused down at Drew.

" Hi DJ. Where's daddy?" Liam says.

" Telly." Drew says. Liam grabs Drew's hand and walks to the living room to see Niall sitting on the couch watching the telly. Liam stands behind the couch and looks at Niall.

" Ni, why is DJ crying?" Liam asks. Niall looks up at Liam.

" He was running around and I was trying to catch him, but then I gave up and I guess he didn't like me giving up." Niall says.

" Ni, you shouldn't have been running around trying to catch him. Baby isn't well already and running around could've made it worse." Liam says.

" Sorry Li, but Drew just wouldn't stop running around. So I gave up." Niall says. Liam lets out a sigh and looks at Drew.

" DJ, you can't be running around the place. Daddy can't chase you like that." Liam scolds. Drew looks up at Liam with sad eyes.

" Sowwy papa." Drew says.

" Don't say sorry to me, say sorry to daddy." Liam says. Drew shakes his head and starts getting more tears in his eyes. Liam picks Drew up and places him on his hip. Liam looks at Drew.

" Why can't you say sorry to daddy?" Liam asks.

" Da mean." Drew says.

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