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" Harry or Louis, where do you want the box of bedroom things?" Liam calls once he stepped into Larry's new apartment. Niall was playing with Drew in the living room.

Since Louis and Harry are going to get married soon, they decided to move to another apartment just down the road from the other apartment. And the four friends were helping the finacés move. Well, Liam and Louis were doing majority of the work, Harry was bossing the two around, and Niall was watching over Drew. Niall liked this because he got out of doing work.

" Put it in the master bedroom!" Harry calls from who knows where. Liam walks down the hallway of the bedrooms and walks into the biggest bedroom. Harry walks into the living room where Niall was with Drew.

Once Drew noticed Harry was in the room, Drew squealed," Haz!"

Harry smiles at his best friends son. Harry walks over to Drew and scoops him up. Harry places Drew on his hip and looks at his best friend.

" Why aren't you helping?" Harry asks.

" Cause I've been watching Drew." Niall says.

" I can watch over him now." Harry says looking back at Drew. Drew smiles at Harry. Harry returns the smile.

" What about you? This is your apartment, you should be helping." Niall says.

" I do help. I boss people around." Harry says.

" And why aren't you lifting anything? I know you. You take charge of everything and everything has to be your way." Niall says.

" Well, I'm not feeling good." Harry says. Niall narrows his eyes at Harry. Niall can tell Harry isn't telling him something and Niall wants to know what's going on with his best friend.

" Harry, you know you can tell me anything. That's why we're best friends." Niall says. Harry lets out a sigh and looks down at his feet.

" I haven't told anyone this yet and I don't think I'm ready to." Harry says. Niall stands up to stand next to his friend. Niall places his hands on Harry's shoulders.

" You can tell me." Niall says. Harry lets out a sigh.

" I'm pregnant." Harry says. Niall's mouth drops  in a smile.

" Really?" Niall asks.

Harry nods his head," Yes. I found out a couple weeks ago."

" Harry, this is great news!" Niall says. Harry smiles.

" I know. But I don't know when I should tell Louis." Harry says.

" You should tell him soon. You shouldn't keep this from him. He needs to know too." Niall says.

" I know. I might tell him tonight." Harry says.

" I believe in you." Niall says.

Meanwhile, Liam and Louis moved majority of the boxes into the correct rooms. They stood in the hallway of the bedrooms and were trying to catch their breaths. Liam takes one more deep breath and looks at Louis.

" You excited to have your own apartment?" Liam asks.

" Yeah. Harry and I have been talking about this for a while," Louis pauses," So now that it's just the two of you in the apartment, how are you going to win Niall back?" Liam starts shaking his head.

" Oh, I don't know. I just want him to be in my arms again." Liam says.

" Beg for him on your knees. Or if you want to stay on your knees, give him head." Louis says. Liam rolls his eyes.

" Louis, no. That's stupid." Liam says.

" It's not stupid. He'll like it." Louis says.

" I wouldn't want to do that with Drew in the room next to us. That wouldn't be cool." Liam says.

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