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" I don't want to go out there anymore." Harry says feeling anxiety as he stares at his huge baby bump.

Today was the Tomlinson-Styles wedding and they wanted it before Sage comes. Well, Harry was thinking this was a bad idea because he didn't like his stomach. He was starting to feel uncomfortable about it.

And Niall was there trying to help him out and make him positive.

" Harry, you have to go out there. You're going to marry the love of your life, Louis. He's waiting for you." Niall says. Harry looks at Niall with tears in his eyes.

" Put Niall, look at my stomach. It's so big!" Harry cries.

" The only reason why your stomach is so big because in a couple weeks you're going to have your baby girl. Do you remember what you named her?" Niall comforts. Harry lets out a sigh and wipes the tears out of his eyes.

" We named her Sage." Harry says. Niall smiles.

" Right. And you're going to marry Louis for her." Niall says. Harry nods his head with a smile. Then he shakes his head.

" I can't do it, Niall." Harry says slamming his face into his hands. Niall starts rubbing Harry's back in comfort.

The door opens and Liam peaks his head into the room. He looked concerned.

" Hey, you guys okay?" Liam asks. Niall looks at Liam for help. Liam gets it and walks into the room. Liam walks to the friends.

" Harry, what's going on?" Liam asks. Harry looks up from his hands and looks at Liam.

" I can't marry Louis because I'm too fat." Harry says. Liam looks at Niall and Niall shakes his head. Liam looks back at Harry.

" Harry, Louis won't care if you're fat. I'm pretty sure Niall told you this, but the only reason why you have a stomach is because Sage is ready to come out soon. Louis is waiting for you and he wants to marry you and have Sage together." Liam says. Harry lets out a sigh. Harry looks at Niall.

" How does he do it?" Harry asks. Niall smiles at Liam.

" I don't know. But I'm glad he knows how to." Niall says. Harry stands up and offers Liam a hug. Liam wraps his arms around Harry.

" I'm glad Niall has you." Harry whispers in Liam's ear. Liam smiles.

" I'm glad too." Liam says. Harry lets go of the hug and looks at Niall.

" I probably should get out there." Harry says.

" It would be a good idea." Niall says. Harry walks out of the room with Niall and Liam following. Harry meets up with Anne.

" Harry, what took so long?" Anne asks. Harry lets out a sigh.

" I was self-conscious about my stomach." Harry says. Anne kisses his cheek. Niall and Liam lace their arms together. Then the couple walk down the aisle.

The Tomlinson/Style wedding was a small one consisting of just close family. Harry didn't want to feel more judged than he already was feeling about being pregnant before marriage.

So on the right side was Louis's family consisting of all his siblings, step-dad, and his grandparents. And on the left side was Harry's family consisting of his sister, dad, step-dad, and his grandparents. And Maura and Karen were invited so they both sat on Harry's side of the alter containing Drew.

Niall and Liam walked down the aisle to the alter. Liam stood on Louis's side and Niall stood where Harry was going to stand. Niall looks at Louis and he literally looked like sunshine. He was so happy.

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