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" Uncle Ni! Uncle Ni!" A small voice woke up Niall from a deep sleep. Niall opened his eyes and had to look around his room to think where he was and what day it was. When he finally focused his eyes, he found his nephew sitting on his lap.

" Uncle Ni!" His nephew says. Niall's smiles at his nephew.

" Hey Theo. What's up bud?" Niall says.

" Christmas!" Theo says. Niall looks at Theo weird. His brother and wife were coming later on Christmas Day. Niall grabs his phone and checks the time.

Well, it was later.

Niall slept until 4 in the evening. Niall has never done that in his life even he wanted to. Niall wasn't even that tired to sleep for that long. His baby is messing him up.

" Games?" Theo asks mentioning towards Niall's phone.

" No, but let's go play with your presents." Niall says lifting Theo off his lap and standing him on the ground.

" Okay Uncle Ni!" Theo says and ran out of Niall's room. Niall checked his phone before he ran after Theo. Niall had multiple Christmas texts from his friends.

From Lewis 🐱 to Ni-Ni 🐵:

Happy Christmas Nialler!! 🎅🏼 Oh and say happy Christmas to little baby too for me!!

From Hazza 🐸 to Ni-Ni 🐵:

Happy Christmas to you and my godchild!! Love you both!

From Jaceto Ni-Ni 🐵:

Happy Christmas Nialler 😊 can't wait to see you again

From Sperm Donor🖕🏻to Ni-Ni 🐵:

Happy Christmas Ni. I can't wait to spend Christmas with you and our baby in the future. I hope the baby isn't causing you much trouble. Tell the baby I love it. Thanks xo.

Niall smiled at all the messages. He loved his friends. But the last two messages, is where it got his heart.

Niall couldn't wait to see Jace again. Niall missed seeing Jace.

And Liam had a kind heart. Niall loved that Liam was thinking about the baby.

" Uncle Ni!" Theo calls from downstairs. That was Niall's cue to stand up and finally walk out of his room. Niall walks out of his room and downstairs where his family was. And by family, it was just his mum, brother, and his sister-in-law. Theo was playing with a toy he probably got from Christmas morning.

" Look who's finally up." Maura says. Niall rolls his eyes and sits in the chair in the living room.

" When did you go to bed last night?" Greg asks.

" I went to bed my usual time. 11." Niall says.

" Then there is no way for you to sleep until four in the evening." Maura says.

" I don't have an answer mum." Niall says.

" Maybe the baby is making you tired." Maura says.

" Oh, that's right! You're pregnant!" Greg says.

" How far are you along?" Denise asks.

" I'm only 13 weeks." Niall says.

" We went to the ultrasound last week," Maura says grabbing the picture of the ultrasound and hands it to Greg and Denise," and here's his baby."

" Look how cute it is!" Denise says. Theo drops his toys and runs to Denise.

" Mama, me see." Theo says. Denise shows Theo the picture of the ultrasound.

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