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Niall was sitting on the couch in the living room adoring over his son and the other father. Liam was sitting on the ground playing with Drew. Liam was playing with Drew in a way where Drew was learning. Drew was at that age where he was interested in everything he saw so he liked to discover. And right now, Drew and Liam were discovering Drew's favorite stuffed animal, G-G the giraffe.

" DJ, tell papa what this is." Liam says mentioning towards G-G in his hands.

" G-G!" Drew says. Liam kisses the top of Drew's head.

" Good job bub!" Liam says. Drew smiles and takes G-G out of Liam's hands. Drew looks up at Niall.

" Da, G-G!" Drew says showing G-G. Niall smiles at Drew.

" Yes, I see G-G." Niall says. Drew stands up and walks over to Niall on the couch. Drew places G-G on the seat and tries to pull himself onto the couch. Liam was right behind Drew to help him, but Drew stopped and faced Liam.

" Pa no." Drew says with a frown on his face.

" Bub, you might get hurt. I'm here to help." Liam says.

" Pa no. Me do." Drew says. Liam sat back and placed his hands up in defeat. Niall let out a giggle. He loves how Drew controls Liam.

Drew turned back around to face the couch. He places his hands on the seat and his feet on the side of the couch. Drew tries to use all the muscle he has to pull himself up, but he fails. Drew stood in front of the couch and pouted up at Niall.

" Da." Drew pouts crossing his arms, something he learned from his daddy when he talks to his papa.

" What DJ? You want to do this yourself. You can do it." Niall says.

" Maybe if we encourage him he can climb up." Liam says," Come on DJ, you can do it!"

" DJ, G-G is waiting up here for you." Niall says. Drew got the courage to climb on the couch because G-G needs to be with him. Drew grabs onto the couch and pulls himself up. He laid down on the seat once he pulled himself up there. Drew sat up and noticed he was on the couch. Niall and Liam smile at Drew.

" You did it bub!" Liam says. Drew smiles and crawls over to Niall.

" Da, me do." Drew says. Niall pulls Drew onto his lap. Niall cuddles Drew into his chest. Drew giggles at the motion.

" I know DJ. I saw it. Daddy and papa are very proud of you." Niall says. Niall continues to cuddle with Drew. Liam sat on the floor and enjoyed the sight he was seeing.

And this was when he realized, this is the time where Liam should win Niall back.

Liam stood up from the ground and Niall looked at him weird.

" Where are you going?" Niall asks.

" Don't worry about it. You stay there." Liam says. Liam walks out of the room and towards his room. He walks to his closet and opens the doors. He grabs his guitar and walks out of his room.

This is happening. I'm going to win him back, Liam thought as he was walking back to Niall.

Liam stood in front of Niall with his guitar. Niall looks at Liam weird.

" Why do you have a guitar? And since when have you had a guitar?" Niall asks.

" That's not important right now." Liam says.

" Then, what are you doing?" Niall asks.

" I should've done this a long time ago and I hate myself for waiting so long. I just want to say, I've loved you for so long and this is my way of showing it." Liam says. Liam starts playing the first strings of the song. Niall just sat confused on the couch. Where is Liam going with this? Niall noticed the first strings and his mouth drops a little. Liam was about to sing Niall's song.

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