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" I'm feeling really horny right now."

" What the fuck."

" Niall, we did not need to know that."

" I'm just saying, I'm horny."

Niall was lounging on the couch in the living room at the Lilo apartment. Louis was proudly sitting on Harry's lap and Harry was sitting on the chair. Liam was sitting next to Niall with Zayn on his other side cuddling into him.

Niall, for some odd reason, has been feeling horny recently ever since he hit 28 weeks in his pregnancy. No one understands why he's been so horny.

Niall let out a tired groan. Everyone in the room looks at him.

" What's wrong Nialler?" Harry asks.

" I already told you. I'm horny and I want to have sex." Niall says.

" We don't want to know." Zayn says. Niall rolls his eyes.

" Have Liam have sex with you." Louis says. Niall looks at Liam.

" I'm down even though I have a boyfriend." Niall says. Niall starts inching closer to Liam.

" I'm not down for that." Zayn says. Liam stops Niall.

" No, Ni. That's not the right thing to do. That would be cheating on your boyfriend." Liam says.

" So? He doesn't have to know. And besides, he doesn't want to have sex with me yet." Niall says. Harry, Louis, and Liam look at each other. They don't believe Jace said that. Jace definitely wanted to get inside of Niall.

" It's still not the right thing to do." Liam says.

" Who cares? I'm carrying your child. It hasn't stopped you before." Niall says. Liam looks at Louis.

" Look at what you've done." Liam says. Niall pouts his lip at Liam.

" You don't want to have sex with me? Baby and I need you." Niall pouts. At the mention of baby, Niall felt baby move around in his stomach.

" Of course I want to have sex with you, but it's wrong. It's too wrong." Liam says. Niall shows Liam his stomach.

" Please Li? Baby wants you to have sex with me. I feel it moving." Niall says. Liam rolls his eyes.

" Don't use baby against me. You just want to have sex because you want it." Liam says. Zayn looks at Niall.

" Stop trying to get Liam to have sex with you. He's not going to have sex with you." Zayn says. Niall looks angrily at Zayn.

" I never asked for your fucking opinion." Niall says." It's not like he's going to have sex with you either."

" He likes to have sex with me." Zayn says. Louis rolls his eyes.

" Stop lying Zayn. You never have sex with Liam." Louis says.

" How would you know? You're never here." Zayn says.

" Because Liam isn't like that." Louis says.

" Well, I'm still horny and no one is doing anything about it." Niall says.

" Niall, what are we supposed to do about it? Liam can't have sex with you." Harry says.

" I'll get Jace to have sex with me then." Niall says.

" Niall, stop trying to get people to have sex with you." Harry says.

" It's not my fault I'm fucking horny!" Niall says.

The doorbell rings to the apartment. The five boys look at the door weird.

" Who the fuck could be at the door?" Louis says.

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