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Niall felt tears spring to his eyes. Louis's mouth was dropped in shock. Harry walked behind them and looked at them confused.

" What's wrong?" Harry asks. Harry looks at what the two are looking at and gasps. That's when Liam and Zayn separate from each other. Liam looks at the trio. His eyes go huge.

" Niall, it's not what it looks like." Liam says. Niall could feel his legs crumbling from underneath him. Niall shook his head and sprinted out of the apartment with tears streaming down his face. He got tired and eventually walked a couple blocks away from the apartment. And that's when he broke down. He fell to his knees and shoved his face into his hands.

Niall couldn't believe what he saw. He thought Liam cared about him. He thought Liam was different.

Niall was wrong.

The clouds rolled in and rain started to pour onto Niall. Niall laughed. Just my luck, Niall thought, first my boyfriend cheats on me and now it's pouring rain. Great.

" Niall!" Someone yelled in the background. But Niall couldn't focus. He just had the image of his boyfriend shoving his tongue down someone's throat burned into his brain. Niall was far from upset.

And what's even more upsetting is that Niall's carrying Liam's child now. Niall doesn't want it anymore.

" Come on, Niall, let's get you out of the rain." A voice Niall could barely recognize says. Niall was so lost nothing seemed familiar. He felt two pairs of arms carry him out of the rain. And they dragged him to some place familiar, but Niall couldn't place his finger on why it was familiar. But now they were in a building because it was no longer raining.

" Niall, look at me." The same voice says. Niall tried his best to focus but he just couldn't. He felt someone wipe the tears falling down his face. He tried his best to focus on the person, but it was hard. All Niall saw was bright green eyes and styled curly hair. Niall had to think. His best friend, Harry, had bright green eyes and styled curly hair.

" Harry?" Niall asks.

" Yes, it's me. It's Harry. Do you want your usually ice cream?" Harry says. Niall's eyes focus. He looks around to where he was dragged. They were in an ice cream parlor that him and Harry went to all the time. Harry and his boyfriend Louis were staring at him. Harry was standing at the end of the table and Louis was sitting across from Niall. Niall had to think about what time of day it was.

" But, it's still early." Niall quietly says. Harry wipes another tear that escaped Niall's eye.

" It's never too early for ice cream." Louis says. That statement makes Niall smile. Harry and Louis smile knowing that Niall is getting somewhat better.

" Yeah." Niall says. Harry places a soft kiss on Niall's forehead and walks away leaving Louis with Niall. Niall looks at Louis.

" Louis, was it real?" Niall asks.

" What was real?" Louis asks. Louis doesn't want Niall to freak out again.

" Liam and Zayn kissed. Liam cheated on me." Niall says. Louis lets out a sigh. Louis takes Niall's hands in his tiny hands.

" I'm so sorry, Nialler." Louis says. Tears sprung into Niall's eyes.

" I can't believe this is real." Niall says.

" Forget about him. He's a big jerk anyway." Louis says. Niall looks angrily at Louis.

" How am I supposed to forget about him when I'm carrying his fucking child?" Niall says raising his voice. And that's when Harry ran over with their ice cream. Harry didn't want Niall yelling in a public place like this about a situation like this. Harry quickly handed Niall his ice cream.

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