November 20th, 2015

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"There it is." Says Ms. Salvia. She is my doctor for the baby. She's smiling. "Look can you see a little dot right there?" Oh my god. It's so tiny. It's beautiful. My little pea. I feel tears fill my eyes. "Ya." Was all I can say. "Now let's listen to the heart." She moves something on the computer then I start to hear little thumps. My baby's heart. We listen for a while then she speaks. "Okay, your baby looks healthy. I'm going to get you a packet of do's and don'ts while pregnancy. Then I'll get you your prescription for your maternal vitamins. This is your first child is it?" She asks. "Ya, ya it is." I respond. "Okay then I'll be right back." And just like that she leaves and I'm alone. She'll was going to come buy she was getting things ready for the online school things ready. Kaylee has to work. Even though she is a millionaire, she still wanted to work for more money. I wait a while rubbing my belly. Then I hear the doors. "Okay here you go. Please call me if there is any problem. Your next appointment is on December 20. She is really on that baby's ass to maker she it's fine, well I'll see you, take care."
She says as I walk out the door. "You too thanks." I say and wipe my eyes. I grab my phone and text Ashely that I was out. It was good that the hospital was only 10 minutes away. I told her to pick me up by the 7/11. I was hungry. I walk out the hospital and go left to where I was able to see the 7/11. Once I got there I went toward the food section. I grabbed a hot dog and a soda. I started preparing it then I dropped the ketchup. Ugh. I bent down to get it then I bump my head. Owe! I grab my head and look up. It's Jamie! He smiles when he sees me. "Dani, we have to stop meeting in gasoline stores. And we should probably stop numbing into each other like that." He says and chuckles. It's so beautiful! "Anyway what are you doing here?" He asks. "I just got out. I got hungry so I came here. And you?" I ask him. "I had to put gas in my car. Got hungry. You should come over. You didn't text me." He says making a sexy smolder. OH MY GOD! "Sorry, I've just been busy. And I'm not sure I should get home." I start to say. "Oh come one, for a while? Just tell your mom that you'll be home by 5." He says. "I don't have a mom." I say now looking at the floor. "Oh. Your dad?" He asks. I shake my head no. "Then ask whoever your staying with. I want to get to know you. You look really pretty." He says and gives me a smile. I smile back. "I guess I can call." I say. "Cool. I'll pay those for you. I'll wait by the door." He says grabbing my hot dog and soda. I smile and grab my my phone out. I quickly dial Ashely. I wait and she picked up on the third ring. "Caro what's wrong?" She says urgently. "Nothing's wrong. I just wanted to tell you that You don't have to pick me up. I made a friend and he is offering me to lunch. I'll be back later. Okay?" I say. And it stays quiet for a moment. "Okay. I'll trust you. Just tell me how did the appointment go?" She asks. "It went well. The baby is fine and healthy." I say. "Due date? How old is it?" She asks curiously. "July 14th 2016.
It's 3 weeks." I say smiling remembering very detail. I was able to hear her smile. "Aww! Okay tell me more things when you get home. Now go on and enjoy your date!" She says and I roll my eyes. "Bye." I say and hang up. Then I look up and see the beautiful person. "Ready?" He asks. I smile. "Ya."
"Tell me about yourself. Where did you come from?" He asks as I take slow bites of my hot dog. I think for a bit. I can't really tell the truth. " I was adopted and raised by my parents in Albuquerque. They actually died 5 days ago. My cousin's parents are my godparents so I'm living with them with my sister Miranda." That was good right? "You have a sister? Is she like a twin?" He asks. "No. We were both adopted by our parents but we are not blood to blood sisters." I explain. "I'm sorry by the way. Bout your parents." He says. "Thanks" I say quietly. We stay quiet for a bit. "So, what's that in your bag? Did you get it at the hospital?" He asks as he looks at my small hospital bag in my hands. I look down. I at least I can tell him this truth. Right? "They are my results. I'm pregnant." I say a little shyly. But I shouldn't be ashamed. It's my baby. He looks at me. "Your kidding right?" He asks. I shake my head no. "How old are you?" He asks. "16." I say straight up. He looks at me. "Your pregnant. How? Why?" He asks a bit shocked. "Well how is pretty easy. It's when two people..." He cuts me off. "I know how a baby is made. I'm asking like when did this happen?" He asks. "About a
Month ago. At a party. The guy is a jerk. He was a mistake. But I'm happy with just me and my baby. Especially now since..." I say and try real hard to try to tear up. "Awe don't be sad. It's going to be okay. Listen if you need anything, text me okay? You know what you probably won't. But I will. What's your number?" And then he pulls out his phone and starts adding my name. "555-0693" I say wiping tears. Dang I'm good on fake crying! "Okay. Now let's talk about something else." Then he started talking about his family and our conversations went on for hours. Every time I look at him, I feel a glow in my eyes. Can he be the one? Will he leave me like Alex? I'm having a feeling for him that I haven't felt with Alex, ever. Or any of my boyfriends. Can he be my new Alex?
"Tell me, how did it go?!" Ashely and Kaylee ask with excitement when I got home. It was nearly 6, I've been with Jamie the whole day. "It was great. The doctor told me the baby was healthy." I saw as I put my stuff on the table. "Did you get any pictures?" Ashely asks quickly. I dig through the bag that they gave me at the hospital and found the sonogram that they took when I went there. One look at it and they made the awe sound. "It's so tiny!" Kaylee exclaims. "My little pea." I say with a small smile. "So the due date is July 16?" Ashely asks. I nod to answer her question. "Baby shower can be the first few days of June!" Kaylee says. She's pretty exited. I laugh but say yes. That's would be nice. "Oh I have some new!" Kaylee says. "My parents invited you guys for dinner tomorrow at their place!" She squeals. My eyes widen. "What? What did you tell them??" I ask with worry. "It's fine, they know what happened and they trust me. They are okay with it. Besides if people ask they are going to have to answer." She says drinking a glass of wine. I guess it's fine. "Okay, so tomorrow at 7:30. Anyway I have to go with my trainer. I'll see you guys later." She says as she starts grabbing her stuff. "Bye" Ashely and I say as she leaves. Ones she's gone I turn to Ashely looking at me. "So where did you go after the appointment." She asks with a smile. I smile back and feel red in my cheeks. "Well remember when we went to the store the other day and I started talking to a guy? Well we met a few times after that and he asked me if we wanted to go to get coffee them to the park. We talked all day. I think I'm starting to like him." I say as I play with my fingers. "Caro. Listen. Take this slow. Remember the last time something like this happened. You ended up pregnant." She says with a smirk. "I know, but there is a different spark them what I had with Alex. With Alex we never talked, just had sex. So far with Jamie... All we do was talk. And I feel happy when I do. Like I have hope for something." I say as I start zoning out thinking of him. She smiles. "I'm happy to see you happy. But be careful okay?" She says and I nod happily. "I'm going to cottage, okay? I need a nap." I say as Ashely starts to get up to make dinner. "Okay, I'll be there in a while." She says and turn on the tv and takes out he meat. I walk out the back and walk through the stone pathway to the cottage. I open the door and make my way to my room. I close it and turn on the tv and lay in my big bed. I get my phone out and scroll through emails. So I guess I start school on Monday. I mean at least I don't have to worry about waking up early. Then I realized, how old is Jamie? It's a Friday morning and he didn't go to school. Just on time I get a message from him.




Nothing just watching tv. And you?

Laying down... Wanna join me?;)

Haha very funny... Can I ask you something?


How old are you?

Why you ask?



Oh, 17.


How old are you?

16. 17 in February.

Oh cool... I just turned 17 a few weeks ago so.

Ohh happy late birthday:)

Haha... Very funny


Anyway, you looked never today... Can we do this again?:)

On a date??

If that's what you called today then yes. Want to go on another date with me Daniella?;)

Jaja... I'd love to... When?

How about tomorrow?

Oh. Tomorrow I have the dinner with kaylee's parents.

Oh I'm kinda busy tomorrow... How about Sunday?

That's fine... I can pick you up at 12:30... Is that fine?

Ya that's cool.

Okay now. Where do you live?

Haha...stalker much...:)

Haha very funny

7153 N Panella Lane.

Okay then I'll meet you there:)

See you then :)

I turn off my phone and put it under my pillow and slowly fall asleep.

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