June 14th, 2016

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"So you guys came to a conclusion?" Amy asks us as we walk into her office.
"Yes. We'll take the one in Gape." Jamie says smiling.
"Excellent! No one has put in any other offers... So we can just get the paperwork filled out, get the approval and then we'll sign the papers." She says getting some papers.
"How long would this take around?" I ask.
"Depending on the approval and the paperwork being filed. Maybe 3 weeks total? Maybe by a month you'll have the apartment." She says smiling.
A month. I think that'll work.
"Okay. That's good." I say half smiling.
"Okay here you go." She says handing Jamie and I the papers and pens. For maybe 45 minutes or so we talked about arrangements and paperwork.
"I hope you two are happy! I'll see you guys again in about a week or two!" She says and we start leaving her office.
"Thank you soo much Amy! This is fantastic!" I say and we head out. We pass by McDonald's and we have lunch.
"So you and Kaylee figured out when to have the baby shower?" Jamie asks me as I eat another mystery meat.
"Yup. July 9th." I say.
"Good." He says smiling.
"So tomorrow you go back to school?" I ask. I knew our long amazing week has to come to an end. It was like a home vacation.
"Sadly. But it will be over soon. After we move in, I'll be in school for about 2 or 3 more months and then you have 3 or 4 months and we'll be done with high school. We can get a job for the rest of the year, then start college second semester." He says taking a bite of his burger. Doesn't seem like such a bad idea.
"And who will take care of the girls while I'm at work?" I ask.
"Umm I'm not sure... If you want we can ask my mom..." He starts.
"I don't want to put her in lots of pressure. She already takes care of Justin and Juliet, then she's probably help take care of Karina's new baby, then there's 2 girls from me... That's a lot." I say.
"Hey it's okay, we'll figure it out eventually. Right now we are focused on getting moved in and finish high school. Okay?" He asks looking at me.
I make a warm smile.
"Okay." I say and we finish eating our food.
"So you guys got it?!" Ashely says as I talk to her on the phone.
"Ya... We signed the papers today." I say calmly.
"Wow... Wow... Congratulations Caro!" She says pretty excited.
"Ya, we still have to wait for the approval and all but most likely the retailer said they'll say yes." I smile."
"Well I'm glad your happy... For the family." She says and I think she's smiling. I smile too.
"Ya me too. Well I gotta go, I'm going to birthing class... I'll talk to you soon." I say getting my duffle bag.
"Okay, I'll call you tomorrow. Love ya!" She says.
"Have fun on your trip! Love you too, bye." I say and hang up. I put my hair in a nice ponytail and walk out.
"Off to your birthing class?" Kaylee asks from the kitchen as I walk pass her.
"Yupp, I'll be home later. See you then?" I say looking at her.
"Ya okay, have fun!" She says smiling and I see her cut some veggies. I walked to the door and make my way out. I see Jamie's car parked in front and I walk to it. I open the door and see his dazzling smile.
"Hi beautiful." He says as I hop in.
"Hi handsome." I say and I lean in and give him a sweet wet kiss.
"Mmm" we should probably go before this leads to more." He says and I smile and push off. He turns the radio on and the music and conversation fill the car for the rest of the ride.
"Let her float in the water gentlemen! Grab her back ge tally but let her body stay above the water! Slowly walk around the pool in unison!" The water instructor says and I laugh but let myself float up the water. Jamie gives me a small peck on the cheek and he walks me around the pool. For the next hour or so we do some relaxing and complicating techniques.
"Okay guys, you did wonderful! Next class were going back into the class... Please try these exercises at home or public pools and it will be easier by birth! Have fun!" She says as Jamie helps me out of the water. I wrap my body in a warm towel and I head towards the lady's room.
"I'll be waiting okay? Don't be long." Jamie says by the time were at the doors.
"I will." I say rolling my eyes but smile. I see him smirk.
"If I were Christian, you would know your punishment." He says and I giggle.
"I won't take long." I saw coolly and walk in the bathroom.
"Dani!" I hear someone call my name. I turn to see Audrey move past a few people until she got to me.
"Hi Audrey!" I say smiling.
"Hi! How are you?" She asks smiling.
"Well it's getting there." I say and we laugh. We talk for a while as we get ready. Finally once I showered and got dressed we head out and find Jamie and Angel talking amongst themselves.
"Hi." We say as we approach the boys.
"Hey baby." Jamie says to me holding his hand out. I take it and we he wraps his arm around my shoulder.
"Missed you after the wedding! Did you guys have fun??" Audrey asks as we start walking out.
"Ya, lots. Did you?" I ask her.
"Yes! It was pretty fun! So many babies you know!" She squeals and I laugh.
"Well anyway, we should get going. Well you you Thursday!" She says and her and angel walk to their car. We wave goodbye and head to his car. Once in his car we buckle up and he starts down the road.
"So what are you doing later tonight?" He asks me.
"Kaylee wants to goth rough more baby shower stuff." Is sat quietly. I turn to the clock and it's only 8:15. Almost 11.
"Oh well. So tomorrow I start class, want to do something after I get out?" He asks.
"What time do you get out?" I ask.
"Around noon. They aren't full all day classes but still get the credits." He says shrugging.
"Sure, maybe a yogurt?" I ask sweetly.
"Sounds like a plan." He says smiling and looking at me. I try to give a smile but it's hard when I'm nervous about tonight.
"When do you finish your class?" He asks me.
"Mmm... Well depending what time I start, I'll try to start early so I'll finish by noon." I say and he nods.
For the rest of the ride we talked about the baby list, how and where we will buy the baby supplies. Finally I arrived at home.
"I'll see you tomorrow Caro. Love you." He says and kisses my buckles and I giggle.
"Behave for your mom okay girls?" He says touching my belly and I laugh.
"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow. Goodnight love." I say and give Jamie a sweet long kiss.
"I'll miss you." He whispers and I close my eyes. Why does this feel like I'm not going to see him again? I bite my lip and turn away. I get out and make my way to the back. I turn once more and wave to him and he wakes back. I walk in and he slowly drives away.
I walk to the cottage and remembered I'm staying with Kaylee. I was to the backdoor and open it.
"Hey Caro! How was class??" She asks happily. I force a smile.
"It was fun! We went in the pool and it was pretty relaxing." I say with a small chuckle.
"That's great! Did you eat?" She asks.
"Umm no, but actually imma drive up to Jamie's in a while. We wanted to talk to his parents really quick about the move. It won't take that long." I say trying to avoid eye contact.
"Okay, but you should eat something real quick." She says turning a round to pick up a plate. I sit on the counter and wait. She serves a plate with steamed veggies, mashed potatoes, and some rice. It actually smelled really good! I finished pretty quick and look up to see its already 9. I need some time to relax.
"Thank you Kaylee it was delicious!" I say walking to the sink.
"Here I'll take those." She says and I smile and walk back to the room.
"When are you leaving?" She asks.
"Around 10." I say.
"Why so late?" She asks.
"Umm... They went out for dinner and they were going to be up tonight." I call back.
"Okay then." She says and I walk back to my room. I turn the tv on and start looking through Netflix. Maybe it's time for a new show. I scroll down and find Jane the Virgin. I heard it was good. I play the first episode.
Through out the entire house I have been so focused in the show and very entertained. Her moms name is actually really pretty and unique. Xiomara.(Zio-Mara) I really liked it. Maybe if I ever have another girl I'll name her Xiomara. By the end of the first episode I was hooked! I want to keep watching and find out what happens. I think she should be with Rafael but I guess Michael is okay.
I turn and notice it's almost 10! I get up and throw on a pink v neck and some yoga pants. I grab my purse and phone and make sure I have the right amount of money. I walk out the room. As I pass by Kaylee's room I open it open and right the second I wish I didn't!
Kaylee was butt naked on her back and the sheets were covering beneath her waist and I saw her legs pushed up and then Julian pops out of the sheets and I almost throw up! Oh my god! I quickly close the door and start panting.
"I'm sorry Caro!!! Are you leaving now??" She shouts.
"Yes... Umm I'll see you later!" I shout back and start walking quickly to the door. I walk out and hop into my car and start driving around. Someone please throw holy water in my eyes!!!
I don't have to be there until 11 so I just decided to take a spin. I head west and pass by the beach where Jamie took me on thanksgiving. The night the girls were conceived. I bite my lip remembering the night...

"Baby." He says. "No no no, its fine. Nothing will happen. Just... Please." I beg. "Okay." He says and I push my legs up and I let him fill me with his love. Oh my!!! I moan from his entrance. I tilt my head back and he moves in and out slowly. His fingers curl around my hair and he presses kisses down my cheek and neck.
I move my fingers down gently down Jamie's back. He moves his hand down my side and grabs my right butt cheek and squeezes hard that I yelp. I feel my insides tighten and my legs growing weak.
"Yes baby. Feel me.." Jamie hisses and I groan.
"Faster Jamie..." I moan out. And like that my wish is at his command. Not long after I couldn't hold it anymore. I let my release and so did Jamie. He falls on top of me and we pant together. Maybe even that night I knew I would have his baby...

I decide to drive back so I wouldn't be late. I didn't realize i have been driving now for 40 minutes. By the 15 minute drive back I slowly gather my things and hop out of the car in front of Denny's. I walk in and look around. Not manny people. I look at my phone and it's exactly 11. I look down the booths and spot him. I put on a proud face and walk to him.
"Wow." He says.
I raise a brow.
"What?" I ask annoyed.
"Your even more beautiful then i remembered. Kind of regret not coming with you." He smirks.
"Well to bad you blew it. I have nothing to do with you and i just want to get this over with." I say grabbing my purse.
"Listen to you Caro. A few months ago you were the one outside confused about your old best friend but was certain about me." He says softly. I roll my eyes.
"I remember the way you smelled like... When you let down those pigtails of yours. Pure vanilla. I remember the way you let me pull down your skirt and stockings. How you slowly took off your shirt for me... The way you unbuckled your bra and I saw the beauty of breasts. Caro I miss you and I want you to come home with me. Kids shouldn't be away from their parents." He says reaching for my hand. What the fuck?!
"Is that how you remembered it? Ya it was pretty special to me before... But I realized I was being a fucking slut that was just next in your little line of scams. Let me tell you this straight up, they are not your kids. They are Jamie's, no doubt. And I will never go back to the horrible torturous place you call home. Never. Now here is your goddamn money and never fucking come back again." I hiss at him.
"Oh Caro, I always get my way." He says with a wink.
Suddenly everything went fast. Someone started yelling my name and I felt hands grab me. I scream and turn and see lots of police surrounding me.
"Carolina Sanchez! You are under arrest for false identification and running away!" One shouts and I feel my hands being tied to the back. I panic and start looking around and screaming.
"Let her go!" I hear someone shout and see Jamie running towards me.
"Jamie!" I scream. I felt the police pull me back and I cry out.
"Jamie!" I yell and I see Kaylee grabbing Jamie back. I see her crying and Jamie's veins  are popping out! I get pulled back and end inside a police car.
"No!" I yell and the car starts. I lean my head towards the window and cry.
Stupid! How did I let this happen?! I cry myself until the police car stops. They open the door and they yank me towards some doors. I try to walk but my legs tumble over and over. I look down the entire time and end up in a small cellar. They take off the handcuffs and I go in the back and curl myself in a ball. I hug my belly and start crying. I heard someone talk on the other side but I didn't care. I was stupid enough to let this happen. Now what is gonna happen next?

Heyy guys!!! Omg!! Twisted ending!! I had this planned out for sometime and I think it was time! I'm sorry if it was a but disappointing or shocking.-. I'm planning lots of stuff so don't get your hopes up! This will mean trials and bring back some old characters soooo hope you enjoy!! Anyways please vote and comment! Love you!!!

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