December 20th, 2015

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"Hi again." Ms Salvia greets me as I walk inside the hospital.
"Hi" I say to her.
"Okay so we are going to have you in room 221. So you can just go through the elevator and you know what to do right?" She asks and I nod.
Yup just go in the room and change into the gown and lay in bed.
"Okay I'll wait for you up there." She says and goes back to the office. I walk toward the elevators and press the up button. I wait inside and pat my belly. I got to the top and head toward the room and went to change. After I go and lay on the bed and pull my pants and wait under my blankets. I wonder how much my baby has grown! I wait a few minutes then Ms Salvia comes back in.
"Okay Daniella, lets see how the baby is doing." She says and then she puts on some gloves and gets the cream and puts it on my belly then gets the camera string thing and connects it to my belly. I get the chills, it's cold. I look at the camera. The baby hasn't grown at all.
"Huh." She says. She looks confused too.
Why hasn't my baby grown?
"Can you wait a second. I'm going to get Dr Jocelyn." She says and the leaves.
What's going on?! A few minutes later a tall dark woman appears.
"Hello Daniella, I heard there has been some confusion with the baby. In going to take a look." She says and puts the gloves on and pours some cream. She looks at my baby and presses a few buttons.
"It appears that something has happened to your baby." She says. Oh no!
"Your baby is not there. But there is another baby. Have you been seeing someone physically?" She asks and my mind goes straight to Jamie.
"Um yes." I say.
"Have you experienced bleeding?" She asks.
"No." I say confused.
"Well it has seem you have had a miscarriage. No signs of it but you have. You are now pregnant again but with someone else's baby." She says slowly.
Oh. My. God. How could this happen?!
"It appears the baby passed a few days before thanksgiving. Baby was conceived after." She says. Really?
"I'm sorry that you lost the baby. But congrats for the new baby." She says with a smile. I know what she is thinking about. Little slut. You are only 16. Oh well.
"Well here is the information . Next appointment is January 20th." She says with a smile them leaves. I look at the papers 4 weeks and a half. Due August 18th 2016. I smile. Why am I smiling? I go out and got dressed. I walk back outside. What am I going to tell Kaylee and Ashely?! I walk back to the office and try to find Ms Salvia. I call her and take her to the other room.
"Look I'm sorry but right now I need help. My cousin and uncles and sister I have been seeing someone else. I got pregnant before my parents died. Please can you give me another one so they think the baby has grown?" I beg.
Her eyes wides and her mouth fell.
"Umm I'm so sorry. I didn't know. I think I have some ones I can let you borrow." She says and she walked back to the office and then comes back with another picture.
"Thank you so so much!" I say.
"It's okay. Please take care now okay? And good luck." She says and gives me a smile and I smile back and walk out. I walk outside and go to my car. I'm having Jamie's baby. This time I am not going to tell him. I don't want the Alex thing again. But I'm having his baby! But my other baby died. I feel a tear run down my cheek. No I can't cry. This is something new. My new baby is not going to have a father that abandoned him. My baby is going to look beautiful like his or her father. Now Jamie is going to be a dad. I can't tell him. No. I am not. Not until he can prove himself. I can't tell anyone. Not even Ashely. This is my secret. I put my hands on my belly and smile. Then I start the car and head towards home.
I walk in my kitchen and put the keys down. No one is home. I remember I am going to meet Jamie's parents today. He texted saying at 7:30 and its 2:08. I should take a nap. I walk to my room and lay down and turn on the tv and put my hands on my belly. No wonder my belly hadn't been growing. Out of the blue my mom pops in my head. Well she's going to be a grandma. She would kill me. I try not to think of her. I start picturing my baby. Gonna have his or her daddy's looks. Lucky her. Mm. Probably was the night of thanksgiving. At the cabin at the beach. I smile from the memory. I close my eyes and fall asleep.
I wake with a chill. I look around and it's 4:52. I should start getting ready. I get up to take a shower and found my phone. I got a few texts. I check Jamie's first.

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