June 8th, 2016

63 4 0

I grab the yogurt from the fridge and grab some apple slices and berries and watermelon and put them in a bowl. I turned the music on and Ariana Grande starts singing "Let Me Love You."

I start swaying my hips and singing to the lyrics. I mix the fruit so I get more yogurt. This song could have been perfect for the first time Jamie and I... Umm... Did it, after coming from Nevada.

I just broke up with my ex
Your the one I'm feeling as I'm laying on your chest
Good conversation got me holding my breath
And I don't normally say this but goddamn your the best, best best
Just let me lo-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-love you, you...

I look around and it's 10:43. I want to surprise Jamie at school. His last day of school is today! It was mine like 30 minutes ago. Also get a weeks vacation. My last day of work was on Monday. Most of the teachers took the kids to the park as a field trip or some other fun place. I haven't been working on my vet job yet but I need to start. Jamie gets this week off from work too. He asked for a vacation and they gave him time.
Once I was finished I put the plate in the sink and went to my room to change and get my purse. I put on a pink blouse and yoga pants(yoga pants have been my favorite since my belly began growing) I leave the cottage and make my way to the car. When I got in I turn the radio on loud. Low life by The Weeknd and Future. I make my way down to the high school and while I wait I get Ashely's papers out. I have to go turn these in one day. Finally I see people come out and I get out. My belly is so big now... People stare at me. A few say hi. When I find Jamie with Marco and a few other friends, I smile. I see the bitch Melissa touching his arm and try to flirt with him.Then she sees me. When she sees my belly she gives me a horror look. She whispers something in his ear and he gives her a dirty look and says something back. I put on a proud face and walk towards him. This will be fun. Guys stared at me and girls rolled their eyes. I stood in front of Jamie and grabbed his face and kissed him passionately. My eyes were closed and our tongues danced in our mouths. Mmm, he tasted sweet.
"Hi handsome." I say finally breaking away from him.
"Hi beautiful." He says smiling holding my waist. We smile at each other and he runs a one hand around my belly. I move to the side and we hold hands.
"Oh, I remember you. Melissa right?" I ask her and she has her straight up bitch look.
"I'm sorry, I don't recall." She says with her ugly red lips.
"Oh I'm Daniella, Jamie's girlfriend." I say looking at him and he looks back at me with a wink.
"Mmm. Nice to know... Whore..." She whispers turning away.
"Stupid bitch cunt." I whispered back. She quickly turned eyes widen and I just smile at her as Jamie turns me around with his arm around my shoulders. I interlock my fingers with his.
"Damn Dani, you don't let hoes mess with me." He says smiling.
"Anything for my man." I say and give him a wink. We pass by people and we stop with Marco and Ashely.
Ashely came with him for the day just as a guest.
"Hey Miranda." I say smiling.
"Hey Dani. Got rid of a few hoes?" She asks raising a brow obviously noticed my little scene.
"You know it, bitches don't mess with me or my man." I say smiling. She rolls her eyes but laughs. I move to Ashely, and Marco starts to talk to Jamie.
Ashely finally seems to be living. Her hair is glossy blond again, longer now but healthier. Her makeup is finally on point and there is color to her cheeks.
"You look nice." I say smiling.
"You do too, belly is finally poppin!" She says and we laugh.
"You came here to surprise Jamie?" She asks smirking.
"Duh haha!" I say and we laugh again.
"You know now that we're here, we should go on a double date. To celebrate our last days of school!" She says happily.
"We should. We can invite Julian and Kaylee." I say.
"Ya, I'll call them. Hey babe, are you busy right now?" She asks Marco.
"No why?" He asks.
Then I hear a squeak in the background. I turn to see Ashia short and jumping to give me a hug.
"Ashia!" I say and we hug.
"Hey! I saw what happened with Melissa... Damn girl you really keep your property!" She says laughing.
"Yes!" I say laughing. She turns really quick and extends her arm to grab someone's arm.
"Dani, I'd like you to meet my boyfriend, Adrian. Adrian, this is one of my best friends, Daniella. Dani for short." She says. The extremely tall good looking guy shakes my hand. He has obviously been working out and has beautiful brown green eyes.
"Dani." I say and he shakes my hand.
"Adrian." He says with a smile then looks at my stomach. I turn to roll my eyes. Judgmental much...
"Hey we are going out right now with the group, you want to come?" I ask her.
"Sure! Where?" She asks.
"Umm I'm not sure, we are still deciding." I say and walk back to Jamie.
"So a triple date?" He asks smiling.
"Quadruple including Ashia and her boyfriend Adrian." I say smiling and giving him a hug. He looks down at me.
"Oh cool, you've met Adrian?" He asks smiling.
"Ya." I say.
"We were on the football team together last season." He says. I look at him confused.
"You played football?!" I asked shockingly. He never told me this!
"Ya, I quit when I wanted to start bringing my grades up. Worth it now." He says rubbing my belly. He gave up football for me? And the girls?...
"Oh." I say.
"Hey Adrian." He says breaking away from me to give Adrian a bro hug.
"Hey man, this your girl?" He asked looking at me and my belly.
"Ya, my beautiful Daniella." He says reaching for me.
"And umm.." He says kind of giving Jamie the look at the belly.
"These aren't his, if that's what your wondering." I say straight up. They look at me and Jamie knew I was pissed. I walked away and find Ashely. I felt an arm grab me and I turn.
"Hey chill girl." Ashia says to me.
"I'm sorry, I just hate being judged cuz I'm pregnant. And then I hate when they automatically assume Jamie is the dad and I don't want them to judge him." I say frowning.
"I know I know. I should have told him before, you know explained. Not everything but like the story you want me to tell him. It's still supposably Alex's right?" She asks.
I nod.
"Okay, don't worry I'll handle it. We can still go out and have a good time." She says smiling. I smile back.
"Thanks Ashia." I say smiling and she goes back. I walk to Ashely and she is talking to Marco.
"Kaylee says that cool, and where." She says.
"Umm how about we go to Islands and then after we can go to Wet'n'Wild?" I ask.
"That's not a bad idea... What do you think babe?" She asks Marco.
"That sounds cool." He says smiling.
"Ya that's good. We should go home and get some stuff and then we can all meet at Islands in 50th and West Wood." She says to me.
"Ya, that's good." I say smiling.
"Great, I'll tell Kaylee and you can tell Ashia and Jamie and Ashia's boyfriend." She says and I nod and head towards Jamie.
"We said we could go to Islands and then go to Wet'n'Wild. Is that okay?" I ask him holding his hands.
"Ya that's perfect... It's so hot right now." He says fanning himself.
"Great. You guys going too?" I ask Ashia and Adrian.
"Ya?" She asks him.
"Sure." Adrian says and she looks at me and nods.
"Okay, we can go get our stuff and meet at Islands in 50th and West Wood." I say.
"Okay, that's good. I'll see you there." She says and walks away. I look at Jamie and he looks at me.
"So ashamed that I'm the dad?" He asks but not offendedly.
"I just get mad. People being judgmental towards me or both of us gets on my nerves. Sorry if it made you feel bad." I say frowning and playing with my fingers.
"Don't be. I get it. Soon we can say the truth, but for now, let's just leave it how it is." He says smiling. I smile back and wrap my hands around his neck.
"I love you so much." I say nuzzling his nose.
"And I love you Caro." He whispers.
"Can't wait to celebrate." I whisper.
"Oh I can think of a few ways we can do that." He says swaying me.
"Mmm I can only think of one." I say smiling.
"Oh? And that is?" He asks furrowing his brows.
"You being with me. That's all that matters." I say smiling.
"Oh I can promise that." He says and he leans down and plants a soft sweet kiss on my lips.
We finally got to the restaurant and we are getting out of my car. I wore a white floral pattern sundress with cute red sandals. My hair was up in a ponytail. We got inside and it was full, but we saw the group in the corner. We tell the waitress we are meeting someone and then we walked to them. Ashely, Marco, Adrian, and Ashia were there. We were just waiting for Kaylee and Jullian.
"Hey!" Ashia says scooting over so I could sit. I smile and say hi.
"They are growing quickly!" She says putting her hand on my belly.
"Oh goodness I know! They kick a lot too... Actually a little less now, but like a week or two ago, it was like I could not sit without being kicked every 2 minutes!" I say.
"Oh, I read that they stop kicking in the last few weeks or months since they don't have a lot of room." She says.
"I think so. They're due date is August 18th. So around 2 months. And they are twins so I guess that's an excuse." I say smiling.
"Oh my gosh! Have you decided names?" She asks excitingly.
"Ya, Mariana Vivian and Esteffany Rose." I say smiling.
"Aww!! Those are SOO cute!! We need to start planning your baby shower!" She says happily and I quickly look at Jamie.
"Umm for baby showers, is it just girls?" I ask nervously.
"Most of the time yes, what have you never been to a baby shower?" She says giggling and I stay silent looking at her. She stops laughing.
"Oh you haven't?" She asks arching a brow.
"Well neither me or Jamie." I say.
"Oh... Well most of the time yes, the mom and a few friends. But if you want to be there then you can." She says to Jamie. He gives her a small nod.
"Or when my mom had her baby shower, my dad and his friends went out and did dude stuff, I don't even know. Probably watched a game, or went to the bar or something. You can also do that. Just come back at the end for the presents and cake." She says laughing and we join her.
"Does that sound good?" I ask Jamie.
"Whatever you want love." He says.
"Ya. We were thinking the baby shower could be done in July. Is that okay?" I ask.
"Ya perfect! Kaylee and Ashely and I will get right on it!" She says smiling. I smile back. A few minutes later Kaylee and Julian came and we all ordered out food. We all talked and laughed around the table. They told us hilarious high school moments that made me almost cry. Finally when we finished we got up and each went to our cars.
"The Wet'n'Wild on 21st right?!" Ashely calls.
"Ya that one!" I call back and she smiles and gets in the car. I hop in my car with Jamie.
"That was delicious!" I say happily.
"Yes... Now I want some desert." He says smirking at me.
"Mmm that could be arranged for tonight." I say smirking back.
"I'll keep that in mind." He says backing up the car. We drove for a while and turned the radio on. Dangerous Woman came on and he tried reaching Ariana's pitch and I started laughing so hard!
"Oh my lord stop!" I say almost crying.
"Well like you can do any better." He says laughing at the end of the song.
"Oh is that a challenge?!" I say laughing.
"Hell yes! Hit me with your best shot!" He says smiling. I smirk at him and grab my phone and looked up the song I wanted to hear. Ariana again "Let me love you". I sang all the right notes and Jamie stared at me. Then the Lil Wayne smoke came up and I was ready.

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