November 21st, 2015

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"I look fat in this dress!" I say as I try on one of Kaylee's dresses. Seriously, since I found out the pregnancy I have been craving so much food that I gained like forty million pounds! "You look fine! Really, and we aren't going to stay really long." Ashely calms me down as she makes extra touches to the skin tight blue dress. I frown and start putting on the heals. I look outside and it's already dusk. We head out the cottage and find Kaylee's car. We jump in and Kaylee and Ashely discuss about the things they are going to talk about during dinner. I sit in the back like usual and look at the stars. Oh I wish I could be with Jamie right now. It's so easy with him. Then I go back to reality when I see a house straight our way that is twice as big as kaylees. Oh. My. God. We jump out of the car and it takes me a while to steady myself walking up the stairs. Once we got up Kaylee rang the doorbell until one beautiful woman in a pure gold dress pops out with a million dollar smile. "Kaylee, baby!" She says and runs and hugs Kaylee tightly and Kaylee hugs her back. "Mom!" She says as she hugs her. "Remember Ashely?" She says as she pulls Ashely closer. "Ashely! Oh my god look at how much you've grown! And your hair!!" She excitedly says as she pulls her into a hug. "Hi Mrs. Lopez! This is Carolina." She pulls away and introduces me. "Oh hi! My name is Camila Lopez. Just call me Camila." She says as she gives me a hug. "Nice to meet you, Camila." She pulls away and says, "Well the food is ready. Let's dig in!"
"Did you like it?" Mrs. Lopez asks as she clears the table. "Loved it!" And I did, this was the best tasting meal I've had in ages. "Thanks Mija! Just wait until next week for thanksgiving for the real thing!" She says and I just remembered next week is thanksgiving. I smile and they start another conversation. So far we have talked about what happened and both Mrs and Mr Lopez have been fully listening. "Okay listen Mija we are going to get one thing straight. The minute you walked into our home you are considered family. So now that we know you are pregnant, we are going to help you in absolutely any way possible. We are going to protect you and take you into our home, but one rule. We need to trust each other. No lies. Okay?" Mrs Lopez says seriously. And I nod. "And another thing. We are going to have to be keeping up with the news to make sure they aren't on to you." Mr Lopez says from the blue. I haven't thought of that. Have they been looking for us? Both me and Ashely nod in agreement. "Well that is it then girls. Welcome to the family." Mrs Lopez says with a heartwarming smile and I give her a nice smile back. Throughout the evening we talk about ourselves and got to know each other pretty quick. About 10 after, we left. Kaylees parents are great. Better then my mom ever was. I wonder what she is doing right now. Probably at a party enjoying my disappearance. Oh well. But what about Ashely's parents? Oh god they must be devastated. And her little sister and brother. I wonder how Ashely is handling it. I'm clearly fine. I finally left that living hell. I put my head on the window and watch the road ahead.
Once we get home Ashely and I go straight to the cottage. I let my hair down and take off the dress and heels and start the water in the tub. I look through the cabinets and found some bubble shampoo and dumped some in the classy tub. I twist my hair and get a hair clip and put it up. Once the bubbles hit the top I close the tub and jumped in. I stay in there for a while and turn on the music and close my eyes as I hear The Weeknd's voice. About 45 minutes or so, I realized I was still in the tub and jump out and start rinsing my body then grabbing my robe. I let the water go out and let my hair down again. I go toward my bed and dig under my pillow for my sweats and t-shirt and put it on. I lay on the bed and watch tv. All of a sudden I hear a knock. "Can I come in?" I hear Ashley from the other side. "Ya, come in." I call back. She walks in with her hair mesh and a long sweater. "Wacha doing?" She asks. "Nothing just here watching tv." I say. She walked closer to my bed and sat on the edge. "So you like it here?" She asks. "Love it!" I say gesturing the room. She laughs sadly. I frown. "You miss your family." I say. "Ya. I do." She says playing with her fingers. "Why did you come then?" I ask softly. She looks at me straight in the eye. "Do you really think I would leave my best friend in the world when she needs someone the most? Who has been through enough in her life? No. Never. I love my family and I miss them so much, but really you are the only one who understands me and is willing to do anything go me too. Plus I thought it would be cool to live on your own with your best friend." She says with a smile in the end. "Thank you. You didn't have to go through any of this but I'm extremely happy that you Stayed with me." I say and gave her a hug. "Anytime. Anyway, I think I should go. You need to sleep. Goodnight." She says and starts walking. "Goodnight." I call back. Then she closes the door. I move the sheets and go under them. I grab my phone and look for Jamie.


Hi beautiful ;)


What's so funny?

You think I'm beautiful :)

Haha! You are, that's why I said it :)

Lol whatever.. So we are still going out tomorrow?

If you still want to... I know I do:)

Haha... Yes I still do... Just making sure... Anyway I'm going to sleep. Goodnight:)

Goodnight beautiful:)


And just like that, I put the phone down and rub my belly then slowly fall asleep.

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