January 30th, 2016

52 2 0

"It smells good!" I tell as I walk inside Kaylee's home.
"You think? It definitely looks good!" She jumps in her cute pink kitchen apron and I laugh.
"And Ashely?" She asks.
"She's still getting ready." I say.
"Oh, how was she this morning?" She asks.
"Better, no morning sickness for a while... Until the afternoon. But it only happened once so today is a perfect day!" I say happily.
"Yay! Well Julian went to pick up some drinks. Is Marco and Jamie on their way?" She asks. I look at the time. 6:36. Jamie agreed to pick Marco up. They said they would be here around 7.
"Maybe. I think so. I'm just going to change and I'll be back to help you serve." I say and head towards the back door.
"Okay but don't take long!" She calls back and I giggle. I skip to the cottage and open it happily. I walk to Ashely's room and find her still applying on mascara. She is dressed in a black tight dress, strapless, with a sweat heart neckline. Her blond hair is straightened and is in a perfect bob cut. Her hair is longer then how I remembered being when she first cut it.
"Wow." I say.
"Really? Do you think he'll remember?" She asks softly.
"I hope he does. He'll realize how beautiful you are and of course hell picture you from that night." I say with a smirk and she lefts out a small chuckle.
"I'm going to change. I'll wait for you at Kaylee's okay?" I say and start walking backwards.
"Okay." She says and I finally leave the room.
"I head towards my closet and pick out the beautiful floral dress I found the other night at the mall. I loved it. I realized I was a day late for the tummy picture so I grabbed my camera and walked towards the mirror. I turn to my side and pull my blouse up a bit and snap. The picture comes out so pretty. I blow on it and put it with the collection of other pictures. Finally I put on the dress. I already did my makeup and hair. So not in complete. I smile and head towards Kaylee's house and realize they are almost here.
"You need any help?" I ask Kaylee.
"Umm you can just set up the plates, I'll bring the food right now." She says and all of a sudden I hear someone walk in the door and I jump feeling excited. I walk over to see it is just Julian with the drinks... Oh well.
"Ha, you thought it was your boyfriend." Julian says with a husky voice and I glare playfully at him.
"Whatever." I roll my eyes but we laugh.
I go back to fix the table until I hear a doorbell. I rush towards the door and open it. I jump happily into Jamie's arms.
"Hello beautiful." He says in my neck.
"Hello handsome." I say my face still on his chest.
"Awe thanks Daniella I tried to look good tonight." Marco says in the back playfully. I laugh. I let them in and lead Marco to the kitchen.
"Hi!" Kaylee greets them at the door. She gives Jamie a hug and then looks at Marco.
"Hi Marco, I'm Kaylee." She says and hold out her hand.
Marco looks at her as if she's seen her before but doesn't say anything.
"Marco" he says kindly.
"Well the food is ready, we can all sit down. We are just waiting for Miranda. She should be here in a bit." Kaylee says and rushes to the cute antique telephone and I'm pretty sure she is calling Ashely. I let them sit and make themselves comfortable. Jamie I guess is used to it. Marco is still getting used to the size.
"Damn. This place is huge." He says.
"Ya, my uncle and aunt make a lot of money, so does Kaylee so she was able to afford this." I say smiling.
"And you live outside?" He asks a bit confused. I laugh.
"Yup, in that small cottage." I say pointing to my home. He finally sits and we get the things settled. Finally we hear the back door open and we all turn to see Ashely walking in. She looks confused for why we were all staring at her. I watch Marco. All the color drains from his face. He recognizes her.
"Umm. Hi." Ash says blushing.
"Hey, Miranda. We are just about to start dinner. Here sit down." I say softly next to where I'm sitting. She walks gracefully next to my seat. Never looking up. Finally she made it and looks up for a second. Marco wasn't looking at her. It seemed he was trying to understand a complicated math problem.
"Umm Marco, this is my sister Miranda." I say softly. He looks up for a deck to make eye contact with Ash.
"Hi." He says.
"Hi." She says back. The dinner went a bit awkward. Nobody really talked. Only thing like pass the salt or the fork. I would try to start something but it didn't work. Finally when most of us were done I looked at Kaylee unroll she saw me. I have her a look and she seemed to understand.
"Umm Julian, is it fine if you and Jamie go bring some desert?" Kaylee asks a little edgy in her voice.
"We brought-" Jamie was starting and I moved my hand on his thighs and I guess I got the wrong place but he stiffened and looked at me wide eyed. I raise my eyebrows and move my eyes to Marco and Ashely. He seemed to understand too.
"Ya lets go." He says and both Jamie and Julian stood up.
"You want me to go too?" Marco asked also on his way to stand up.
"N-No it's fine bro. Julian has a things in the backseat. We'll just go." Jamie says and they leave. We were left alone.
"Hey umm Dani, can you help me get a box of pictures from when I was little from my top shelf?" Kaylee asks.
"Sure." I say getting up and Ashely grabs my hand and looks at me horrified.
"Don't worry, I won't bring any pictures of mom." I say and sprint to Kaylee. We walk away towards he long halls. I take of my shoes in her room and so does she and we close the door as if went inside and walk slowly back to hear what they were saying. All we headed was out breathing.
"What are you doing here?" We hear Marco whisper.
"I'm Dani's sister." We hear Ash say.
"I mean did you know about this?" He asks.
"Yes I knew about it. I just didn't know you were going to remember." She says.
"Well I do." He says a little harshly.
"And what exactly is your problem for this? It's not like we are a couple." She said quietly.
"Well. I don't know. It's just unexpected. I mean it happened once and I was not myself that time-" she starts.
"I'm pregnant." Ash interrupts. Both me and Kay gasp quietly. My eyes widen. That was too fast. There was silence.
"You... Are... Pregnant?" Marco tests out the words.
"How do you know the baby is not mine?" He demands. A laugh shoots out of Ashely.
"You really think I'm that big of a slut?" She says loudly.
"No it's just... I'm asking if is mine!" Marco snaps back.
"Of course it's yours! I've only had sex one time and it was with you! We were both drunk and you just appeared to be the lucky guy!" Ash says in return.
There was silence.
"What are you going to do?" Marco finally says.
"I don't know. But don't worry. I'll figure it out. Your off the hook." She says and the chair speaks and I know she was getting up to leave.
"Miranda wait!" Marco calls but I heard the door slam open and shut. Marco was alone but I heard footsteps coming towards us. We quickly run back to Kaylees room and I act natural. I walk out and see Marco leaving.
"Marco please." I start.
"You knew about this and you didn't tell me?!" He yells.
"It was not my right to say!" I snap back.
"Well if you knew that I was going to be the father of your sisters baby then I think I should have been the first to know!" He gets louder.
"I just found out! Don't blame this on me! I have other things I have to do!" I yell back.
"Well I'm sorry! I'll just leave and leave your slutty pregnant ass here with your sister!" He yells and I feel my eyes water. Just then everything went fast. Marco was on the floor and Jamie was on top of him punching him until j saw red.
"Jamie stop!!" I yell and I start screaming trying to get him off. Julian comes and pulls Jamie off of Marco.
"Don't you ever call her that you bitch! You just can't accept that you are going to be a damn father! What a man you are." Jamie starts but then walks away. He heads towards the back and walks to the cottage. I was left gasping and sobbing.
"Marco I think you should leave." We hear a voice from behind us say. At the door Ashely stood crossed arm but pure fury in her eyes. Marco doesn't hesitate. He stomped out the door blood dripping nose and bruised face. I stay on the floor sobbing. Why did this happen? Just then I feel warm arms around my shoulders and is turn around to hug Jamie and let my tears soak his shirt.
"It's alright baby it's over. Please stop crying he didn't mean it." He soothes me and I try to calm down. Kaylee is rubbing her head and heads towards the kitchen to pick up. She was angry. Then I felt Jamie pick me up and headed towards the cottage. I keep my eyes closed and pull Jamie close to me. He then lays me on my bed and strips me out of my clothes and brings my normal joggers and t shirt. He doesn't try to put the mood on. He just wanted me in bed safe. I didn't say anything either. Finally he lauded in bed with me. He was next to me and held me close to his side. I felt his arm trail down my breast and onto my belly. He rubs it and the beautiful feeling helps me sleep. Then I was gone.

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