Thanksgiving 2015

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"Aye Mija! Que Bonita!" Kaylee's mom says as she opens the door. I smile because I know I look fat in the dress again. Why do I keep getting skin tight dresses?! I give her a kiss on the cheek and go put the mashed potatoes on the table. I smile as I give Jose(Kaylee's dad) a hug. "KAYLEE!!" We all turn as we hear a long squeak at the top of the stairs. "MAYA!!" Kaylee screams back at her. They run towards each other and start to squeal. "Ohh Carolina, this is my sister Maya. Ashely, you remember Maya?" Kaylee asks. "Ya I remember her." She responds and gives Maya a hug. "And you, ooooo you are one delicious looking thing!" She exclaims and gives me a hug. Ohh this was a weird. Then all of a sudden I feel something squish my butt and I jump. OMG! I back away and Kaylee comes to the rescue. "Okay that's enough! Sorry she...umm... She has a different taste in women." She whispers and I suddenly feel uncomfortable. "It's fine she has a girlfriend." She says quietly. "Guilty as charged." She says with a wink. "Let's eat!" And just like that we go toward the table. We sit around the table and we say thanks. Then we start to eat dinner. "So Caro has a date tonight!" Kaylee squeals and she says my real name slowly. "Oh really? That's nice! Well I don't want you to be late so the time is yours." Kaylee's mom exclaims. "Oh it's fine, I guess I can stay a while more." I say grinning. "So you really went through all those things?!" Maya squeals. "Ya" I say with a shy smile. "That must be tough... And you have the baby?" She asks pointing at my belly. "Yup!" I say with a giggle. "Oh and that reminds me, I think people should start calling us by the names in our papers. So for now on you guys need to call me Miranda and her Daniella." Ashely says with a brave smile. "Of course I think that's an excellent way to get used to." Kaylee's mom says. We chat for a while and I helped wash the dishes. "Caro... Daniella, I think you should go, so you won't be late for your party." Kaylee's mom says from behind. She's right. But I don't even know where or when it's going to be. "Ya... Umm about that... I don't know where it's going to be." I say looking down. "Can you call him?" She asks. Ohhh ya I have a phone! Duh! "Ya! Haha I will." I say with a smile and she laughs and let's me make my call. I press the name Jamie. I let it ring and by the forth ring he answered.

"Hey, so are you still up for the party?"

"Ya I can still go. But can you pick me up?"

"Of course, this is a date isn't it? It's the most respectful thing to do for your girlfriend." He says and I can hear his smile. I giggle.

"Okay I'll send you the address. Text me when your here."

"Okay I'll see you in a bit."

"Okay, bye" then I hung up.

I walk back to the living room and everyone was helping clean the table. I get the address by Kaylee's mom then I help pick up the plates and put them in the sink. "Aren't you going to go?" Ashely asks. "He's picking me up in a while." I say still picking up plates. "Please be careful alright?" She says worriedly. "I'll be fine. I'll text you if I need anything. I won't stay really long." I reassure her. "Okay. Have fun." She says with a smile. I smile back and give her a hug. I wait for about 15 minutes when I hear a ring from my phone.
"Hi, I'm outside. Are you ready?"
I look out the small window and bite my lip. Then smile.
"Ya I'm ready. I'll be out right now."
"Okay. Don't take long" he says and I hear his smile. I smile too and hang up.

"Ash... I mean Miranda, I'm about to leave!" I call out.
"Wait!" I hear her call.
She comes toward me and fixes my hair then takes out a red lipstick. She puts some on me then takes me to the mirror in the bathroom. I see a reflection but I don't recognize her. Her hair is perfect with thick curls and her cheeks have color like a rose. Her lips are as red as blood. Her eyes are full of color that matches her perfect outfit. The dress is a short sleeveless black cocktail dress. It's tightfitted and you can only see a tiny little lump on the belly. Her legs are prefect color and shape and her butt sticks out roundly.
I look closely. She's me. I'm beautiful.
"I look..." I say
"Beautiful. Different." She says with a smile. I smile too.
"Go have fun okay?" She says.
"Thank you!" I say and give her a big hug.
"I'll tell them you left. I'll see you later. Will he take you home?" She asks.
"Ya I think so. And thanks again. Bye." I say as I walk out the door.
"Bye" she says back.
I walk toward the black car. It's so glossy! Someone walks out the door. Jamie is in a leather jacket and jeans. He looks so hot! "Damn, you look beautiful!" He says excitedly. I smile and I feel blood rushing through my cheeks. He walks over to the other door and opens it for me. Oh so romantic! I jump in and hold my small purse on my lap. I buckle my seatbelt as he closes the door. He jumps in the car and we head straight.
"That was a nice house." He says on the way.
"My aunt and uncle's. My aunt is a surgeon and my uncle runs a company. So get paid well." Which is the truth. I left out the part where they won the lottery.
"That's good." He says and we talk the entire way to the party.
We stop at a beach. "It's at a beach!?" I ask shockingly. I'm not dressed for this!
He laughs. "Yes it's at a beach, but it's in a cabin over there." He says pointing to a cabin in the middle of the beach where lots of people are inside. Oh. Am I the only one dressed nice? I look at the other girls and I see a few dressed nice. Oh well.
"Ready?" He asks.
"Yea." I say and I open the door and jump of. We walk hand in hand toward the party. "Your going to be able to meet new people. I think you'll like them." He says smiling and I smile back. I guess I'm good at making friends. Then I think of my friends back in Nevada. I miss some of them. Not Ally... The slut banger. We walk inside the small cabin and the music is really loud. It's so crowded and people were dancing. The lights were dim so I could see persons face perfectly. We walked a little deeper into the party and we were still holding hands. We got to a bar and Jamie said hi to a few people.
"Marco! Hey bro!" He says and gives him a bro hug. Marco is a tall guy with a perfect tan and a nice smile. He had brown curly hair with a black hat over it and a white t- shirt. He was holding hands with a short girl was was about Maya's hight and had a black tight dress with a floral pattern on the skirt. "Hey man! Is this your new girl?" He asks. I crease my brows. New girl? Well he did say he was with quite a few girls. "Ya... Ya. Marco this is Daniella, Dani this is Marco." He yells over the music. "Nice to meet you." I call out and we shake hands. "This is Ashia, Marco's girlfriend." Jamie says. "Hi." I say. "Hi." She says with a small smile. "So you guys are ready to party?" Marco says holding bottles of beer. I stop. No beer. "I'll get some later." Jamie says. "Daniella?" Marco asks me. "No thanks." I say politely. "No, sorry,Daniella can't have any because..." And I squeeze his hand and look at him with a sharp look. He looks back at me. "Because... She promised her aunt and uncle she wouldn't drink." He says nervously. "Oh.okay then. Hey we are going to go see Emily and Josh. We'll catch up in a bit." Marco says taking Ashia with him. After then leave I pull Jamie to the side. "Please don't tell them about the baby. I don't want people thinking I'm a slut." I say to him. "People aren't going to think you are a slut." He tries to convince me. "Please, just don't." I say my eyes fill with worry. "Okay I won't." He says taking my hands. I smile at him. "Thanks." I say. "Anytime beautiful. Want to dance?" He asks with a smile. I smile back and take his hand. "Sure." I say and he gives me a wink and pulls me to the dance floor. We go and we dance for a while to loud music and for once I feel young. My whole life I have been having to take care of myself and protect myself from my mom, I never really had the time to go to parties. The first party I went to it was the end of freshmen and the last was the one was with Ally and Alex...  I stop dancing remembering the night.
"He what's wrong?" Jamie asks concerned. "Nothing." I say and pull a smile again and continue to dance. I grab his neck and he grabs my waist and start dancing to The Weeknd. My favorite! We dance for a while until I got tired. We finally go to the bar and he gets a soda and I get water. I'm pretty sure my makeup has smeared and my hair has gotten messed up. I'm sweating so much! I throw my head forward and grab my hair into a ponytail. There, better. We go around the party and he introduces me to some more people. They all seem nice. Until we run into a girl named Melissa. "Melissa, this my girlfriend Daniella." He says and I say hi. She doesn't seem so pleased. Is she one of his exes? Well he has introduced me some other of his exes and they seem nice and they don't seem to mind the idea of me being with Jamie. "I'm Melissa." She says without making eye contact. "But where have you been. I've missed you quite a lot." She says flirting with Jamie. Oh, great. "Melissa. We aren't a thing anymore. So chill." He snaps at her and she shuts up quickly. Ya that's right, he's mine now! "Well why are we standing here, lets dance!" Melissa says and grabs Jamie's hand and pulls him to the dance floor. Melissa is small and thick. She has red hair that clearly looks dyed. I follow them. Jamie starts grabbing my hand and we dance together but then Melissa comes and always tries to take him from me. Jamie finds a way to come right back to me. I can tell that she is getting annoyed. Jamie doesn't stop though. She eventually gives up and storms away. We finally have our time to dance. It's so much fun! I was able to get to know new people and we became friends. Soon after some people started to leave. The crowd didn't get smaller, just as people left, more people came in. We went back to the bar and I drank more water. I checked my phone. 11:46. Ashely hasn't texted me yet. So I guess it means I can stay longer. "Hey I'm going to use the bathroom. I'll be back in a bit." I tell Jamie. "Okay, I'll wait here." I walk a few steps away to the ladies room. I walk in and fix my makeup.
"Bitch you better back away from him." I hear someone behind me. I turn around and see Melissa. "What?" I ask. "You heard what I said. I have been the one who has been waiting for him, and your in my way. You better stay away." She demands. Oh this could be fun. "You just can't accept the fact that he chose me over you. I can't stay away from him because he wants me around. Now the only person who can tell me to stay away from Jamie is Jamie. You don't scare me. The only thing that scares me from you is your eyeliner. It looks like a penguin." I say and I see her eyes widen when I tell her about her eyeliner. "Not being mean. I'm just saying the truth. Now will you excuse me, I'm going back to my date." And just like that I walk out the bathroom and go towards Jamie. I don't let the incident in the bathroom bother me. Jamie chose me. "You want to go outside?" Jamie asks when I get to him. Oh that sounds nice. "Ya, sure." I say. "Oh here." He says and gives me a jacket. "Oh thank you." I say. We walk out the loud music. The beach looks so nice right now. No crowds just the peaceful water. We walk hand and hand by the water. "It's so beautiful right now." I say. And it is. "Ya it is." He says. "I want to take you around  California and show you around. You can find other beautiful places." He says. "Really? That would be nice." I say with a smile and he smiles back at me. "You know you should go to Campbell High School. You already know a few people there, I think you'll like it." He says. "I don't know. Right now I guess it's not the right time." I say. "Just think about it." He says and he turns around so now he is in front of me. I have to look up at him. He is so beautiful. "God, your beautiful." He said. I smile and bat my eyes. And all of a sudden he leans in and sweetly kisses me.  I close my eyes and taste the flavor. He is so sweet. The kisses seem more deeper and I can feel his tongue dancing with mine. I wrap my arms around his neck and he grabs my waist. Our breaths grow harder and all of a sudden I feel his hands grab my legs so he's carrying me. I squeal and then giggled. He starts walking straight. "Where are we going?" I say as he kisses my neck. "Just a nice place where we can take this. The proper place." He says still kissing me. I turn my head and there is a small little house behind some trees. Oh my goodness. He opens the door and right away throws me in the little bed that's in front of the door. He takes of his jacket and slithers out of his shirt. 6 pack! 6 pack! 6 pack!! I smile. He leans forward and kisses me and I grab his neck. He sits on me and as he kisses me he unzips my jacket. He throws the jacket on the floor. Then he unzips my dress down and everything appears. He  gets on top of me and kisses me. My lips, my cheeks, my chin, my neck, my breast and my belly. I keep my eyes closed enjoying the pleasure. I push off my heels and he also takes of his shoes and socks. He unzips his zipper and gets on me again. He kisses my neck and I hold his back and message it. "I want you, now." He whispers in my ear. "I'm all yours." I respond quickly. He stops all of a sudden. No, no! Come back! "Baby." He says. "No no no, it's fine. Nothing will happen. Just... Please." I beg. "Okay." He says and I push my legs up and I let him fill me with his love. Oh my!! It's less painful then the first time. I've missed this. But he is better. Way better. That's all I remember.
"It's getting late." I tell him. We lay in bed and I'm curled around him. "Ya. I should take you home." He says. I untangle myself from him and find my clothes. I put it on and fix my hair. I was done before him. I walk behind him and wrap my arms around him and tiptoe so my head was on his neck. "Thank you. This was amazing." I say with a smile. He turns around and wraps his arms on me too. "Anything for you Dani." And he plants a kiss on me. We walk out and head toward the car. "How did you get the place?" I ask him. "My parents own a few little houses on the beach." He responds. "Oh. Oh I forgot, I'm staying at the house where you picked me up on our second date. So you can just take me there." I say. "Okay. So you live with your cousin?" He asks. "Yes. Miranda and I thought it would be better for us, Kaylee has a small cottage in her backyard and Miranda and I thought it would be a good idea if we have our own place." I explain. "Oh that's cool." He says. It's 1:02. I check my phone. No text. I text Ash and tell her I was heading home. We talked more on our way home. Once we got home, he grabbed my my neck and kissed me. "I had a good time." He says. "Me too. I'll text you okay?" I tell him. "Please do. I'll see you tomorrow okay?" He says. "Okay." I say with a smile. I give him a kiss again then jumped out of the car. I go through the back and I turn around and wave goodbye. He waves back and I go inside. I go to the cottage and take out the key. I go inside and hear the speakers. I go to the living room where I find Ashely with a large blanket over her and watching something on Netflix. "Hey! How did it go?" She squeals. "It went great! I met new people and Jamie and I got to know each other. I had fun." I say remembering the cabin... "Well that's great! Well right now Kay and I are going Black Friday shopping, wanna come?" She asks. "It's okay, I'm tired from all the dancing. I'll stay here." I tell her. "Okay then. Well I'm going to leave in a bit, so have fun here." She says with a laugh. "Okay, I'll see you tomorrow." I say and I walk to her and kiss her on the head and go to my room. I throw my things in my chair and squeal and jump on the bed. Omg I did it! I claimed him as mine! I stay smiling like a lunatic then decided to take a quick shower. I go to my bathroom and take my clothes off and jump inside the shower. I wash my body and laugh. I start singing really loud to Earned it. This was the best night ever! He didn't make me feel like a slut like how Alex did. I felt powerful. So nice. He's mine. I jump out and dry my hair. I had my robe on and I hear the door close. Ash left. I walk out the bathroom to my bed and I see a figure and I jump. "Ahh!" I scream. "Hey it's just me!" He says and it's just Jamie. "How did you get in here?!" I whisper and he points at the window. I sigh. Wow. "Round two?" He asks with a sexy voice. I smile. I undo my robe and let it fall on the floor. "Hell ya." And finally our bodies connect again just like earlier.

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