April 10th, 2016

53 3 0

I lie in Jamie's bed reading a baby magazine. My belly was defiantly supporting the magazine. Finally Jamie walks into the room with a towel around his waist. My eyes widen.
"Like what you see babe?" He asks smirking.
I smile shyly. It's been more than a week since the incident with Alex. We haven't talked about it at all. It's better for both of us. I watch him put a pair of sweatpants and he comes to bed. I curl up around him.
"Still no movement?" He asks confused.
"No I guess not." I say looking down.
"Shouldn't they be moving like crazy? Aren't they be going to be like 6 months already?" He asks concerned.
"I guess. I'm not sure." I say and he doesn't ask anything else. We stay in bed for a while and he nuzzles in my hair. The feeling sends tingles over my body. I grab him and start kissing him. He pulls towards me and I'm in my back he puts his legs between mine and we stay there intertwined. Then the tv switches and the news turns on I turn and face the tv and I see my face right on the screen. HOLY FUCK! I push him away and and scramble over finding the remote.
"Dani?" He asks and turns to see the screen. I move my hands over the mattress and finally found it.
"Don't change it!" He yells and takes the remote from me and turns the volume up.
"For the past 4 months these two young females Carolina and Ashely have been missing from Reno,Nevada. They report they were last seen on November 17th at their high school. They are not related but they are really close. If you have seen any of these two young ladies please call the the office." A lady says and they start telling another story. Jamie turns to me and we stare at each other.
"Baby please." I start.
"Tell me what the fuck was that all about or I'm going to call right now!!" He yells and i start crying.
"Tell me Daniella! Or if that's even her name!" He yells.
"I'm sorry! I've been wanting to tell you!" I sob.
"Why the hell didn't you?!" He yells back.
"It was never the best time!" I call back.
"Tell me Daniella!" He yells.
"My name is not Daniella! It's Carolina! I was born in Reno Nevada and was abused by mother everyday for the past 16 years! I ran away from home and Ashely came with me! I left the day I found out I was pregnant! I left because I couldn't take another day in that living hell! I needed to be on my own I didn't need anyone to take care of me! I changed everything to protect myself from taking me back! I changed everything that I could but I didn't want to hurt you, ever!! It hurts everyday having to keep this from you but I was scared to take any risks!" I yell and I cry.
"You have changed my world forever Jamie! I love you! My life was a living hell before California! You made it complete! I couldn't take it anymore and I had to leave and you know what, I found home!! You are my future and these babies are my future! Please forgive me!" I shout with tears falling down my face.
He stares at me for a second. He opens the door and slams it and leaves me in the room by myself in tears. I curl up on the pillow and cry and sob and scream. He hates me. My world is going to crumble over. I'm going to be alone and be a single mom. I cry until finally I fall asleep.
I woke up and I turn around and saw it was 7:32. I get up and went downstairs. Nobody was here. Where have they all gone. I all to the kitchen and saw Jamie standing in the isle.
"Hi." I say at the doorway. His didn't say anything.
"Jamie. I'm so sorry. I understand if you don't want to be with me anymore. I'll grab my stuff. I'll go back with Kaylee and Ashely." I say slowly turning around. Suddenly I felt his arms around me. I stay there letting his arms hold me.
"I'm so sorry I got angry with you. I didn't know you've been through all that. Let's talk." He says and takes me to the couch.
"Please tell me what happened. From the beginning." He says. I stare at him.
"Jamie it's a long story..." I start.
"No, no. I want to hear it. I promise I'll be by your side the entire time. I won't scare off." He says and shows a really small shy smile.
"Okay. I was born in San Diego, as they told me not so long ago. I lived with my parents. They were happily married. I guess my dad started seeing other woman and my mom got angry and depressed and started drinking and going out and doing drugs. She took us to Nevada and we never came back. The last 13 years there I have been abused. My dad died... Well killed when I was 4. My mom killed him. So I lived with her scared of doing anything, depressed. When I was 7 I met Ashely. She's my best friend. I love her and she was always there for me. She was the only person who knew my darkest secrets. Not even the boy that liked me since 7th grade knew. As the years went by I made more friends. Changed and hid my scars. I grown to a woman and I took care of myself most of the time. Sophomore year, I started liking a boy, Alex. His looks were to die for, girls drool over him." I say smiling from the memory.
"I tried not no make it noticeable. Then Junior year happened. We texted and talked a few times. I was usually with my old friend Ally. She was a slut I guess." I say and he chucked.
"In October they were having a party, a costume party. I dressed up as a slutty Minnie Mouse. It was all Ally's idea. That night, I made the biggest mistake with Alex. The next day I got accepted to UCLA and found it in the trash and my mom beat me for getting mad and yelling at her. Happened a few times. After that weekend I found out Alex has been with 15 other girls before me. I was scared he would turn me into something I was not. I felt like a slut and a hoe when I thought of him. You never made me feel that" I say and give him a small smile.
"We were together 3 times a week for about a month. We never went on dates though. I thought I loved him. The day I found out I was pregnant went like a blur. First was just breast tenderness then I was puking. I had horrible mood swings and then I started noticing the symptoms and Ashely took me to get a pregnancy test and they all came out positive." I say and he frowns.
"I had to tell him obviously. But I didn't know where I would stay. My mom would beat me and kill the baby. I had to leave but I didn't know where. When I went home I found my mom had the only picture I had of my dad and she started yelling and ripped the picture. She said she was the one who killed him. I got angry and I beat her up. I grabbed all my stuff and went to Ashely's and I made my decision. We agreed to come to California and she had her friend Kaylee so we would stay with her. I was going to bring Alex with me and when I went to go tell him that I loved him and about the baby and the move. I found him with Ally. He broke my heart and said he didn't want anything to do with the baby and I was worthless. I left with Ashely then." I finish. He stares at me.
"And your name is Carolina?" He asks.
I nod.
"Miranda is Ashely?" He asks. And I nod.
"Carolina, I'm so sorry." He says and he hold me.
"Caro is fine." I say.
"Caro. It suits you." He says.
"Jamie I'm so sorry I kept this all from you. I wanted to tell you everything, but I was too scared you would hate me." I say.
"Caro, this is all fucked up. You don't deserve this. I won't leave you. I love you too. It's just all confusing right now. You mean so much to me. You all are. You deserve to be taken care of. It will be me. Please don't feel bad. You are my future and let's forget about your past." He says.
"Jamie I wish I could, Alex is back. You saw and he is threatening to take my baby or else he would tell." I say.
"We'll fight then. You were abused so that can't take you back." He says.
"But Kaylee and her family knows and they can be taken in for kidnapping. And now you are at risk, and so is my Aunt Brisa!" I start but he hushes me.
"I won't let anyone hurt or take any of you. You all have reasons." He says.
"But Ashely doesn't! She came with me to protect me, she didn't live in abusive home or was threatened or got pregnant before. I don't want to loose her either!" I say.
"Nothing is going to happen to any of you. I know." He says calmly.
"How do you know?"
"Listen I talked to my parents about Hawaii. It's too much for them. For all the bills for both of us and the babies since I'm going to be with you. Maybe we should stay here. And we'll figure it out. If we have to fight we will. I'm here for you Caro." He says.
"If we are safe I don't care where we are." I say.
"We are all here for you. Oh, how old are you really?" He asks. I laugh.
"I'm still 17. I told everyone my birthday is on the 21 but it's really the 18th." I say.
"How did you do all this? Make a fake ID and works on everything?" He asks.
"Kaylee is really smart." I say.
"Another crime." I frown.
"Well it worked for everyone. Did you not go to school for that reason?" He asks.
"That and for the baby. Or babies now." I say and we laugh.
"We should find a place of our own after graduation. Just us." He says.
"If I get caught, they'll send me back. I have to wait until I'm 18." I say.
"We'll see how life goes then." He says and I laugh. I suddenly feel a sharp pain in my stomach but it's not hurting. I gasp. Jamie looks at me.
"They're moving!" I squeal.
"Really?!" He asks. I grab his hand and move it to the side of my belly. I feel the movement again. He looks at me eyes filled with surprise.
"Your going to be a great dad." I say quietly. He looks at me confused.
"Jamie, your their dad. Not Alex." I say smiling.
"What do you mean?" He asks his eyes glowing.
"Before our first time we... Umm.. Did that, I lost the baby. Alex's baby. I got pregnant that night. I didn't find out until December. Jamie, your their biological dad." I say with the biggest smile. He suddenly pulls me close to him.
"Oh god why didn't you tell me this?!" He asks happily nuzzles in my hair.
"I was scared you were going to run like him!" I say chuckling again.
"Never in a million years! This means he can't take them away! They are mine! I have custody!" He says holding me close.
"Jamie, I love you so much." I say my eyes filling with tears of joy.
"Carolina, I love you too." He says kissing me holding me and our babies. We are forever together with no secrets, no lies, just love.


Hey guys!! So it's my first time writing a not for ya'll but thank you sooo much for the 1.58K views!!!! I appreciate it a lot!!! So what do you think??? Caro finally told Jamie the truth!! There will be more drama eventually and sorry for the slow updates! Anyways, please comment and vote! Love you!!
Love~ 01_Natural_Beauty😘😘

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