February 20th, 2016

42 3 0

"Hello again Daniella." Linda from the counter says happily.
"Hi Linda. How are you?" I ask starting filling out the paper.
"Excellent. How are you feeling dear?" She asks.
"Great thank you." I say.
"How's the baby? Any kicks yet?" She asks looking at some paperwork on her table.
"No, not yet." I say finally signing the last paper.
"Soon. Ms. Salvia will see you in room 242. Good luck!" She says handing me a paper.
"Thank you!" I say walking into the side door to the elevators. I press the 2 and I let it take me up.
Ashely doesn't have her appointment until 5. Her and Marco are going. Jamie has been wanting to come with me, it's just he has lots of work right now. He got another part time job so he can make our Hawaii dream come true. I made it to the second floor and started looking for my room. I opened it and got ready like the other three times I was here. I waited on the bed as the doctor came in. I looked at my belly. My baby was growing. Finally Ms. Salvia walks into the room.
"Hi there miss Daniella. How are you today?" She asks.
"Fine, thank you. And you?" I ask nicely.
"Great thank you for asking. Now let's take a look to this little baby." She says getting the ultra sound machine ready.
"How's the pregnancy going? Any morning sickness? Headaches? Change in appetite?" She asks.
"Not so much morning sickness. A few headaches here and there. My appetite has grown. Hungry every five minutes." I say with a small chuckle.
"That's normal. That's good." She says giving me a strong smile. She puts the cold liquid on my belly and rubs the stick over it. I look at the screen and see a little person. So small. It's starting to shape a little.
"Well it's growing. It seems healthy. No complications. Would you like a First Trimester Screening?" She asks. I look at her confused.
"What is that?" I ask.
"It's a procedure to check if your baby had a disorder. They use a needle and poke it through your stomach and it will reach the baby and we'll draw blood from the baby and check its chromosomes." She says. My eyes widen and I feel heat rush through me face. They want to poke my baby?! Oh hell no!
"No thanks." I say a little sour. Why would they do that to start with?? My poor incentive baby... I'm not going to let them hurt it.
"Okay. Your blood pressure is fine. The baby is fine. Everything is going great. Keep taking your medication and any unusual changes please don't hesitate to contact me. I hope you have a good day." She says happily and walks out the door. I stay there feeling really frustrated. No I can not have them hurt my child. I get up and walk to the bathroom and changed. I finally walked out the door and signed out. I walked towards my door and turned the music up loud until I was home. No one was there so I locked the cottage and stayed in my room. I grabbed one of the books Kaylee got me and began reading. It distracted me until I went on my back and my eyes closed and I fell asleep.

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