Christmas Eve 2015

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"Want your hair curly?" Ashely asks as she does my hair.
"Sure." I say and she starts on the iron. My hair has changed since I dyed it. It's thick wavy black and my bangs cover all my forehead. She eventually finishes and they are thin curls and a flower pin on the side. I look pretty.
"Now the outfit. Kaylee got you something, is that fine?" She asks.
"Yea that's fine." I say. And just then Ashely comes out with a Mrs Clause dress. It's cute but really?!
I laugh.
"Oh my god! It's cute!" I say and I couldn't stop laughing and Ashely starts laughing too.
"Don't worry, she gave me the elf one!" She says and laughs again.
"Hahaha! Anyway I should get dressed." I say and I take the dress and walk in the closet. She left legging too and some really nice heals. I put it all on and walk out the door. There I see Ashely in a green dress like mine and white and red stripped legging. I burst out laughing! Oh my god! I almost cried!
"Do I look hot or nah?!" She says and I laugh again.
"100% hot!" I say.
"Good! Now let's go out and show Kaylee. Is Jamie on his way?" She asks.
"Umm let me check." I go and grab my phone. I'm so happy he agreed to come spend Christmas with me and Ash and Kaylee! I'm going to meet new people too, Kaylee has some cousins that are coming from Guatemala and some from Arizona. So I get to meet new people too!

Hey handsome, are you on your way?

I put the phone down and just a few seconds later I get a text.

Hi beautiful;) yup I just walked out the house, I'll be there in about 15 minutes, I'll see you there.

Okay then I'll wait right here:)

Mm I can't way to give you my present;)

Mm does it have to do with a bed and friction ;)

Oh baby, you know me so well;)

Oooooo!! We are gonna get it on!! I smile and out the phone down. I walk back to Ash and she is fixing her hair.
"He'll be here in about 15 minutes." I tell her.
"Okay then, we should go back to Kaylee's house, it's almost 9 anyway." She says.
"Okay." I say and we walk out my room then outside the cottage. We go back to kaylees house and wait for Jamie. We walk in and when Kaylee saw us she burst out laughing. She was wearing the same as Ashely but was still laughing. I rolled my eyes but laughed too.
"Bootiful!" She screamed. I laughed.
"Is Jamie on his way?" She asked.
"Yup, he'll be here in a few minutes."
I say.
"Mm well I can't wait for you guys to meet my boyfriend!" Kaylee squeals.
"YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND?!" Ashely and I almost scream, she never told us about a boyfriend!
"Chill guys! Yes I've been in a relationship for about 2 years. He hasn't been here because he has been in Florida with his family for a while. He left like at the beginning of November but he is came back tonight for Christmas! He is with my aunt Carmen right now so we'll see him at the house!" She says quickly. Both mine and Ashely's mouth has fallen. She never told us she was in a relationship but she also didn't tell us she was not. Oh well.
"I can't wait to meet him!" I say with a smile and a smile stretches across her face as well. We smile and we go to the living room and lay down and wait for Jamie. In about 10 minutes we hear the door ring and we all get up. I go toward the door and Ashely and Kaylee grab the dishes of food to put them in the car. I open the door and my beautiful baby daddy is standing right there.
"Hi beautiful." He says and grabs my waist.
"Hi handsome." I say and I put my hands on his neck and he sways me.
"Merry Christmas Eve." He says and gives me a kiss. I smile and bite my lip.
"Hot dishes coming through!!" Kaylee yells and out bubble pops. We move out of the way and Kaylee and Ash head toward Kaylee's car. Jamie and I giggle.
"Shall we?" He asks and I smile and nod then we head toward the car.
"Merry Christmas Eve!" Camilla says as she opened the door for us. "Hi Mija!" She says to all of us and gives us each kisses on the cheeks.
"Hi Tia Camilla, this is my boyfriend Jamie." I say with a smile. My boyfriend.
"Pleasure to meet you Mrs Lopez." He says.
"Aye por favor call me Camilla!" She says and gives Jamie a hug.
"Do you need any help Daniella?" She asks.
"Um, well there are just presents in the car." I say.
"Please let me and Maya go get them, you should be putting yourself in any work situation." She says and she walks out to get the presents. Just then Maya walks out with also another elf dress to get gifts.
"Well hello Mrs Clause! You look hot!" She says and I smile.
"I'll be right back." She says and goes and gets presents.
I smile and look at Jamie, he has his hand wrapped around my waist.
"We should go to the living room. There are some family that I haven't met before here." I say and he smiles.
"Okay let's go." He says and we walk ahead. The tree is humongous! So many lights and so many presents!we walk around it and we find Kaylee.
"Ohh! Okay guys this is my boyfriend Julian!" She says. Wow! He is attractive! Tall and muscular with spicy hair and a dazzling smile.
"Hi, I'm Daniella." I say.
"Julian." He says and his voice is deep. Oh sweet mother of chocolate!
"Jamie." Jamie introduces himself.
"Oh and this our Tia Carmen, and her husband Adrian and her 3 kids, Ana, Victoria, and Pablo." She says and the woman had black short hair and was washing dishes. Adrian was with the little boy that must be Pablo and the two twins Victoria and Ana were playing with some dolls.
"Hi." I said
"Oh ya they don't speak English." She says with an apologetic look.
"Ohh it's fine. Hola, me llamo Daniella." I say.
"Mucho gusto, Tu tia Carmen." She says.
"Hola, me llamo Jamie, novio de Daniella. Mucho gusto." Jamie pops in. Woah he speaks Spanish?!
"Hola mijo, yo soy Carmen." She says and shakes our hands. We walk through the other way and we meet another aunt. She is Lola and lives with her husband Ruben in Arizona with their new born daughter Sophie. We were able to make a good conversation with everyone. Soon we were all eating. Jamie was on my left then Ash was on my right then Kaylee next then Julian them Maya then Lola then Ruben Camilla then Jose then Carmen then Adrian then Victoria and Ana. It was pretty big. We all ate and talked. This was so nice! Soon after it was almost 12 Jamie and I walked outside in the balcony. He wrapped his jacket around me.
"Having fun?" I ask him.
"Yes, as long as I'm with you I'm enjoying myself." He says and gives me a kiss.
"Mm, so when are you giving me my present?" I ask in between his kisses.
"Ah, be patient Dani. You'll get it." He says and pulls away with a wicked but glorious smile. I smirk at him. Mine.
"Hey guys it's about to be 12, we are about to open presents." Ashely says popping in. We both turn around and walk inside hand in hand to the Christmas tree. We were all gathered around and waited till twelve. Finally when everyone was counting down me and Jamie were cuddles up on the couch and watched everyone go crazy. Then they started handing out presents. I opened some and a lot were for the baby. Cute outfits and blankets. Awe! Then I got some gift cards and lotion. Kaylee and Ashely loved their gifts. They went at it for awhile until it was finally past everyone's bedtime and most of them were drunk on wine. Jamie and I laughed at all of them and took videos. Our first Christmas together. I smile from the though.
"We're here!" Kaylee screams from the back. She was drunk! She brought Julian with him and Ashely was also there giggling the alcohol out. "This right there is the place where you and I will make love tonight! Oh how much I missed your erection fill my cookie!!" Kaylee screams and I was shocked!
"Okay out!" I say laughing and Jamie was laughing too.
"Hahaha! You guys also have fun tonight!" She says with a wink and hands us a condom. What the hell?!?! A perfect O shapes my mouth and Ashely jumps out laughing all the way back to the cottage.
"Oh god!" I say once they were gone and we stay in the car and laugh so hard.
"Thank god I drove!" Jamie says and I laugh.
"Mm maybe we should use this since we have it. He smirks holding the condom between his fingers. I roll my eyes.
"We don't need those." I smirk back.
"Mmm your right." He says and gives me the smile.
"Am I going to get my Christmas present right now?" I ask him quietly.
"Mm I would love to take you right now. But no, tomorrow. Then I'll unwrap my present." He says and gives me a kiss on the cheek. I grunt.
"Ugh fine." I say.
"Okay I'll see you tomorrow. I'll pick you up at 7:30." He says.
"Oh ya, is it fine if I bring Kaylee and Miranda?" I ask.
"Yea that's cool. Just let them chill outright now." He says and I chuckle.
"Goodnight handsome." I say.
"Goodnight beautiful." He says and I walk out and head towards the back door. I walk further into the cottage and walk in. All of Ashely's stuff is on the floor leading toward her room and I go check on her and she is crashed on her bed. I smile and turn off the lights and go to my room. I change out of my clothes and let myself fall on the bed. I turn on the tv and put my hands on my belly then fall asleep.

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