Arpil 20,2016

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"Hello again Daniella, how are you? Any moving yet?" Linda asks as I get my papers to sign in.
"Doing great Linda, and they just begun a few days ago." I say with a big grin. She grins back.
"Oh how wonderful! Those are always the most exciting moments! I heard a you were expecting twins, is that so?" She asks. I nod and smile as a response. She nearly bounces of her chair.
"Congratulations! To both of you!" She says and Jamie appears behind me and I give him my shy smile.
"Your room today will be in 263. You can go now if you please." She says and I hand her the papers.
"Thank you Linda, I'll see you in a bit."  I say and go towards the elevators.  Jamie and I walk in and had our hands twisted.
"You know we should start planning the birth." He says breaking the silence.
"I'm pretty sure I want to have my babies here." I say.
"Are you going to drug them?!" He asks shocked.
"I'm getting an epidural, but its not drugging them directly." I say a little shocked. How does he know about this?
"Look I've done some research and I think we should have a home birth." He says. I quickly burst out laughing.
"You think I'm going to go through even more pain and suffering then I would be in when I get the epidural? Your crazy." I say and continue laughing.
"Oh come on, I just want what's best for Mariana and Esteffany." He says. I look at him.
"Mariana and Esteffany?" I ask.
"I thought we picked those names already." He says frowning.
"Ya I know. They just sound different now." I say with a shrug. We finally made it to our stop and we gout out and walked to my room. I changed and was ready on the bed. A few minutes later Ms Salvia walks in.
"Hello Daniella. How's everything doing today?" She asks kindly.
"Great." I reply.
"Well those suckers have defiantly grown. They are finally passed their midterm, yay!" She claps softly and I giggle. Wow. I'm halfway through the pregnancy.
"Okay so let's take a look shall we?" She asks and takes the cream and applies it to my down my grown belly. She moves the stick and I see them. My two darling Angels. They swim around and I feel a small hit. I laugh.
"Well they seem to be growing. All seems normal and they are growing healthy." She says and I feel Jamie's hand tangled with mine once again. She takes some shots and hands them to me.
"Okay so now it'll be question time. Any lower back pain these days?" She asks.
"Starting to get them." I say
"Morning sickness?" She asks.
"Nope." I say.
"Heart burn?" She asks.
"No." I say.
"Breast tenderness?" She asks.
"A few times." I answer.
"Movement?" She asks.
"Started a few days ago." I say smiling and patting my belly.
"Bleeding discharge?" She asks.
"I have experienced some a few weeks ago. I tried not to worry because I read it sometimes caused by stress and I was in some around the time." I answer.
"Okay." She says and writes it on her notes.
"Am I okay on that?" I asks worriedly now.
"Yes, that's normal, no need to worry about that. It's your body getting used to not having a period. Just as long as it's not heavy then you'll be fine. Great, now your blood pressure." She says and puts a finger clip on my pointer finger. We wait and then it beeps.
"Blood pressure is normal. Have you been taking your vitamins?" She asks and I nod.
"Okay. Now let's check your weight." She says and I get up and stand on the weight scale.
"125." She says. Dang! I gained 20 pounds since I moved here!
"Okay well everything seemed to be going well. If you have any questions feel free to ask." She says with a smile.
"Will an epidural drug the baby?" Jamie asks and I turn around and scold at him.
"Epidural is a drug used by the mother during labor so she won't feel the pain as much. Obviously whatever the mom takes the baby will get it in return but an epidural won't necessarily harm the babies. Many woman prefer taking it." She answers.
"Is having a home birth better then having it here?" He asks again and I turn and give him the look.
"A home birth is a topic that some couple like to think about but there are many cons in this situation. One could be that the pain can be to strong for the mother and there won't get official treatment to help her and she can loose lots of blood and die or so will the baby. At hospitals we have attendants helping in and out and making sure you and the mother are safe and steady." Se answers.
"Thank you." He finally says.
"My pleasure. Now if you like we can go check out and you'll be on your way." She says with a sweet smile and shakes both our hands and leaves. Once she was gone I look at him.
"Really Jamie?" I scold and turn around and start changing.
"What? I was just asking questions." He mutters.
"I told you my decisions on that, I made the research and chose that because it was the safest!" I say finally walking out in my normal clothes. I open the door and head towards the elevator. He didn't say anything. Once we were in the elevator he finally spoke.
"I'm sorry baby, I was trying to help too." He says. My face softens and turn to him and grab his face with both my hands.
"I know you were. And you are helping me a lot by just being here with me. I love you for that." I say leaning in and giving him a sweet passionate kiss.
"And I love you, Caro. Always." He says grabbing my hips. We stay there in the elevator until we made it down and we finally went home.

Heyy guys!!! Hope you enjoyed the new chapter!! Another trip to the doctor! So what do you think? She she eventually decide to have a home birth or stay at the hospital? Anyways... Please comment and vote! Love you!!

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