January 20th 2016

65 2 0

"Hello Daniella. How are you today?" Ms Salvia asks as I start filling out the paper works.
"Exhausted. I've been so tired lately. That's okay right?" I ask to make sure.
"Yes that's perfectly normal. We are going to have you in room 220. So if you can just wait there and I'll be with you shortly." She says with a smile. I smile back and hand her the forms. I head towards the elevator and make my way to the top. I go right and head for door 220. Same as the other times. I go change and wait on the stool. About 10 minutes later someone knocks the door.
"Hi Daniella! So we're here have your monthly check up? How are you doing?" Ms salvia asks while on the computer typing information.
"I'm just tired a lot." I say.
"Any morning sickness? Fever? Bleeding?" She asks.
"Nope." I say and she continued typing.
"Okay good. Now let's take a look on the little baby." She says and I start to lay down and put the small blanket over my legs. I grew familiar to these machines so I understand how they work. Ms Salvia pulls up the shirt and applies the cream and moves the ultrasound thing over my extremely small bump and I look at the screen. Wow, you can kinda see a body.
"You baby looks healthy and growing. It's getting bigger everyday."she says and I continue staring at the screen. My baby. Jamie's baby. Half me. Half him. I smile. Our little pea is growing.
"Okay, the checkup went fine. Your blood pressure is fine, your symptoms are good, your baby is healthy, and you have been taking your vitamins correct?" She asks and I nod my head in response.
"Okay then, I hope you have a nice evening and I'll see you next month." She says and I smile back.
"Thank you ms salvia. I'll see you!"
I say and I walk out the door and make my way to the counter. I start filling out papers and then I look up. I see a short girl with make up smeared on her face and has blonde hair. I squint and recognize her completely. Ashely.
I quickly finish the papers and storm to the other room.
"Miranda!" I call.
She turns around and her eyes widen.
"Dani, I thought you had your appointment tomorrow." She says trying to wipe her smeared make up. What the hell?! Is she pregnant too?
"Why the hell are you here?!" I demand. He eyes wonder the room and people start to look at us.
"Let's talk outside." She says and she grabs my wrist and pulls me outside.
"What. Happened?" I demand slowly. Tears start to run down her cheek.
"I'm.. I think... I'm pregnant." She says and my eyes widen.
"When?" I ask harshly.
"D-December. A-at the part-ty." She says and hiccups while telling me. More tears run sow her cheek and I grab her and let her cry on my shirt and she sobs. How did this happen?! She is so innocent. I can't give up on her. Not after she stayed with me since day one. Once she calmed down a bit I pull her away.
"Okay. Let's go to the appointment and we'll talk at home okay?" I assure her and she nods and she looks like a scared little girl. I walk her in and we make our way to her check-up.
"There." Another doctor said. This was I guess Dr Williams. She was Ashely's doctor now I guess. Ms Salvia doesn't really like when people call her Dr Salvia because she thinks it makes her sound old. She was able to keep her Ms.
"M-My baby?" Ashely says weakly. Dr Williams nods and confirms it. Ash is pregnant. Ashely looks at the screen and tears fill my eyes again. She starts sniffling and I know she is trying so hard to fight of tears.
"Baby is about 4 weeks old. Pretty small. It looks healthy though. Your good to go." Dr Williams says with a smile and hands Ash the ultrasound. She looks at her baby in awe. I watch her as she cries seeing her new baby. Who is the daddy?
I drive her home. Apparently she took the bus so now I drive her as she falls asleep on the front seat of the car. I drive silent with no music or radio. How could this happen? This is so unlike her. But that means we are both going to have a baby! Cousins!! Oh my god! Our babies are going to grow up together and then they are going to be best friends!! I smile of the thought. My best friend and I are pregnant.
Once we get to the house I wake up Ash.
"Hey, Ashely. Where home." I shake her and she wakes up unsteady and quickly unbuckled herself and throws the car door open just in time for her to vomit all over the concrete. I move close to her and pull her hair away. Once she is done she sits on the seat and takes a deep breathe and then finally jumps out of the car making sure she doesn't step on her breakfast. I climb out of the car and help her go inside. She looks so exhausted. I take her to the cottage and to her room and she climbs on it and falls asleep quickly. I bring her a bucket just to make sure if she doesn't make it to the bathroom when she wakes up. I close the door on my way and go to my room and let out a big sigh and let myself fall in my bed. I rub my small belly and realized I am getting a little hungry. I get off the bed and go to the kitchen and get some yogurt with fruit and eat slowly. My mind starts to wonder and I picture both mine and Ashely's baby's running around the living room playing tag and then me and Ash run behind their steps and we chase them until we all got tired. I smile. Soon.
I wake up with cold fingers on my shoulder.
"Caro?" Ashely asks waking me up.
"Hi. How are you feeling?" I ask getting up.
"Pathetic. How did I let this happen?" She says putting her hands over her face.
"Hey it's not your fault. I get it we are young but things like this are common." I say rubbing her back.
"Yes I know but it was only one time and now look at me. I was the one who prevented from sex and I was the one taking care of my pregnant best friend but now it's me who's pregnant." She says and tears start to run down her face. I pull her towards me and let her sob again.
"Who was it anyway? When?" I ask.
"It was at the party on Christmas. A boy named Marco." She says and I immediately freeze. Marco is with Ashia!!!! Oh my god she is going to flip!
"Marco?!" I almost yell. And she backs away and red starts to fill her cheeks.
"Hey it was one time! Don't tell me you already think I'm a slut!" She says.
"No it's not that! It's cuz he is with Ashia." I say and she also immediately freezes.
"Oh god." She says quietly and turns her head.
"Oh god now Ashia is going to hate me." She says and tears starts filing her eyes. I hold her again.
"Hey it's fine okay? We'll get through this okay? We are both pregnant now we both have to take care of out babies. They are our future us." I say with a smile and she lets out a small laugh and I smile. She sounds better when she laughs.
"I haven't even asked you how your appointment went." She says and I smile at the thought.
"Good. Baby is healthy and I'm healthy. It's fine." I say and she smiles.
"We are going to be moms." She finally says smiling.
"Yea, yea we are." I say. We continued that night talking about pregnancy and names and clothes. Kaylee was with Julian that night so we were left to talk about our future. And our future kids.

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