June 20th, 2016

38 2 0

I stand looking at myself in the mirror. I finished applying my light make up. Some mascara some eyeliner, some blush and a light pink lipstick. Casual. I have a long white and grey stripped blouse and some black leggings. I grab my hair and put it up in a tight ponytail.
I walk back to my room and look at a picture I have of me and Jamie on my nightstand. I remember the day we took the picture. It was in May, before the whole Ashely loosing baby thing happened...

"You still look beautiful. Just take it off." Jamie says as we walk down the beach holding hands. I had a coverup hiding my cream pink bikini and my now big and showing belly.
"They are going to confuse me for a whale." I complain and he chuckles.
"Come on, then we can take a romantic dramatic picture." He says and I laugh.
"Come. You must be hot in this, and I have no problem taking it off myself." He says looking at me.
"Fine. But only for a while." I say smiling and reaching for the end of the white coverup. I pull it off and I find Jamie smiling.
"Like it don't you?" I ask smirking.
"More like love. Come lets go in the water." He says and he pulls me to the water. It felt really nice actually. I walk in deeper and Jamie doesn't let go of my hand. Finally he turns really quick and grabs my neck and pulls his lips close to me. With my right hand I grab his left arm for support and with my left hand I grab his side. We stay there for a few more seconds and then he pulls away.
"What was that for?" I ask biting my lip.
"Because I love you. And because my boy Jason just took a picture of us." He says and turns to a pale dude with a camera at the end of the beach smiling and waving. I start laughing.
"Romantic dramatic picture?" I ask smiling putting my arms around his neck.
"Anything romantic and dramatic for you." He says putting his hands on my hips. I smile and lean in and give him one more beautiful kiss...

I put the photo down and make my way to the door. I go down the hall and see Ashely in the kitchen making food.
"Thought you might like breakfast before we leave. I made oatmeal and blueberry waffles." She says smiling.
"I'll get the orange juice." I say smiling and getting 2 cups and the juice from the fridge. We sit down once she served and we start eating quickly.
"Are we going with Kaylee and Julian?" I ask.
"I don't think so. I think we're going alone. You know just to the courthouse." She says assuring me. I nod.
"Are you nervous?" She asks. I nod slowly again.
"I am too. They told me my parents and brother and sister are going to be there." She says and I look at her shocked.
"They are?! What are you going to say?!" I asked loudly.
"I can't do anything about it, just like how your mom is going to be there. We are just there to tell the truth."she says shrugging.
"You miss them." I say quietly.
"Of course I miss them Caro. But we have gone to far for them to just take me. I have my life here now. I'm going to fight for that." She says sadly. I smile at her.
"You have your doctors appointment after don't you?" She asks.
"Ya. After though. 5 pm." I say.
"Oh okay. Hope it goes well." She says and I nod. After we finish we put the plates in the sink and head to the car. We drive with light music in the back and we eventually see Kaylee and Julian behind us.
We finally got to the courthouse and we park. We walk to the front office and I find lots of people there. My eyes widen to see people I have not seen in a long time.
I see Ally, my other old friend Kaylee, Logan, Becca, Mrs. Lopez, Mrs. Lea, Mr.Millo, Dr. Mason, his chuncky annoying assistant, Ricardo, Aunt Brissa, Marco, Kaylees mom and dad, Ashely's Parents and brother and sister, Ashia, Adrian, Ms Salvia, Linda, some other Doctor, dr ginger, Jamie's parents, Manny, and a lot of other people. Then I spot her. My mom. Dead cold staring at me. Her look is pure hatred. I gasp. My head spins and people stare at me. I suddenly feel hands grab me and I shriek and turn around.
"Hey hey, calm down its just me." Jamie says and I start panting and I feel you body freezing up and I can't breath.
"Caro, Caro! Calm down!" He almost yells and I shake my head and feel my feet moving and I'm out of the door. I cover my eyes with my hands and let the tears run down my cheek.
"Caro don't cry! It's going to be over soon. Please it's for a few hours and a few more days and we'll go back to our lives. Hush now. They'll let us in a while." He says holding me in his arms. I breath and slowly I calm down.
"Your fine right?" He asks after a few minutes and I manage to nod.
"Okay. I know it's hard to face all these people but you can do it okay? I'm here for you. Always." He says and kisses my forehead. I nod. We walk back in the doors hand in hand. I avoid everyone's eyes and walk to Kaylee.
"Where's Ashely?" I ask her. She curls her lips and signals her brow to her. I turn to see her with her parents hugging and crying. I sigh and watch them have their moment. Such a sweet moment. If I could have a moment like that, I would never let go.
I stay with Jamie and I let him hold me close. We find a small bench on the corner and we sit there just cuddling. The judge was running late on the last trial so we had to wait a while more.
"Hey I'm going to go to the restroom. I'll be back in 2 minutes." Jamie says unwrapping his arm. I look at him sadly.
"I'll be out quickly I promise." He says and I sigh and nod. He gets up and leans in and kisses me sweetly and passionately. I felt stares but I didn't care. I loved this man. Then he let go and he was gone. I get on my phone instead and start looking through our pictures. Not even a minute later I felt a hand on my shoulder and I gasp.
"Hey, it's me." He says and I look up and see Logan standing in front of me.
"What the hell you you want?" I ask coldly.
"Look I'm really sorry the way I ended us." He says.
"Us? We never had an us. It was always and only just you and me but not an us." I hiss.
"I mean our friendship. If I had known that all this happened i wouldn't have let you go." He says. I roll my eyes.
"So if I didn't get pregnant you wouldn't have don't this? Or is it that I hooked up with Alex? I don't understand and I really don't care anymore." I say angrily.
"Please just give us sometime to talk. 5 minutes." He says putting his hands in front of him.
"He's going to be here any minute." I say raising a brow.
"Who is?" He asks.
"My boyfriend. And my baby daddy. So don't waste your time." I say quietly.
"I'm not wasting my time. You were my best friend Caro. The only one I loved. I'm sorry I let things happened how they happened. I'm sorry you didn't feel needed. I needed you. Junior year was... Pretty awful after you left. I'm sorry you got pregnant and rejected by your boyfriend. I promise you if that was me I wouldn't have left you." He finishes.
"Don't you dare apologize. Me getting pregnant and being rejected was the best goddamn thing that has ever happened to me. I love California and I actually found my real love. I had a great school year and met great amazing people. People who actually cared about me then people in Nevada ever did. I found my family and I took care of myself. I don't need your pity or apologies. And for the record Alex was never my boyfriend. All he did was sleep with me. Nothing else. And I want nothing to do with him ever again. I just want and need this over."  I finish.
"Your having his kid. He's going to be involved." He says.
"No I'm not. They are not his." I say.
"Then who's are they?" He asks.
I was about to say something but I felt a hand on my shoulder.
"They are mine. What makes you think you can talk to her?" Jamie says from behind me and tells Logan stone cold.
"She was my best friend. I deserve some answers." Logan snarls.
"You left her alone without a friend. She doesn't have talk to you. Now get lost." Jamie says.
"What the hell has happened to you Caro? What happened to the sweet loving person you were? You didn't have to leave. You could have stayed here and I would have gotten over it and I would have helped you through this all." Logan says loudly.
"I've always been grown up Logan! I hated my life in Nevada, it wasn't my first time I was thinking about leaving so I was going to be gone either way! I'm happy here! I'm more than happy! I was going to have a perfect life here with Jamie and my girls, if it wasn't for Alex I would have gotten away with it! I don't have to answer to you ever! It's my life, let me live it! I don't need you or anyone else getting in the way of it or be part of it! Now why won't you get you clingy ass out of here and let me live!" I yell.
"You don't know that I still love you! I miss you everyday and when they told me that they finally found you, I couldn't wait to see you! I really fucking missed you and I wanted to come here and talk to you and tell you everything that happened! And I know you love me. Didn't you miss me?" He asks his voice sad.
"Logan. I never loved you in that way. Only as a friend. Honestly, I never really thought about you when I was gone. I had other things to worry about. No, I didn't miss you. I'm sorry you had to waste your time, but I grew a life here. I moved on from the past and I was so close to officially saying goodbye to it, but now I'm back to the start. I've grown so different here. My likes and dislikes are different. I, me myself total, am different. I don't want any of you in my life. Not anymore. I'm sorry." I say shaking my head. Logan looks at me and it was like I just shot him with a gun.
"What happened to you Caro?" He says one last time and walks away. I roll my eyes and look at Jamie.
"What?" I asked a little annoyed.
"That was a little harsh don't you think?" He asks me.
"Do you want me to protect you or do you want me to run off with him?" I snap.
"Caro just calm down. I understand you don't want to be here or be around any of these people but we're going to have to get through with it okay?" He says calmly and I sigh. I look away.
"A few more weeks Caro. Just a couple more weeks." He says and I nod.
"Okay." I say half smiling.
"Caro!" I hear someone call. I look up and see Ashia and my aunt Brisa come to me.
"Ashia!" I say and I get up and open my arms.
"I can't believe it! Are you alright? You don't seem pretty happy to see certain people here." She says shrugging.
"I'm really not. I just want this over with." I say taking a deep breath.
"I'm sorry mija. Do you want anything? Water?" My aunt Brisa asks.
"No I'm fine thank you. You know my mom is here right?" I ask quietly.
"I know. Nothing is gong to happen. They have her chained right now." She says half smiling.
"Okay." I say letting out a sigh of relief.
"Now are you ready? It's almost time." Ashia asks and I breath and nod.
"Okay." My aunt Brisa says.
"I'm going to say hi to Ricardo. I'll be back." I say and go in between them.
"Ricardo." I say when I get to him.
"Dani darling! Oh god this actually happened! Do you think I'll get into trouble for lending you the money?!" He asks hugging me.
"I'm not sure, but I'm going to try my best for you not to. I promise." I tell him. He gives me a warm smile and I walk to find Ashely. She's still with her parents.
"Ashely." I say putting my hand on her shoulder. They all look at me. Her mom stares at me coldly and looks at my belly. Her dad turns red. Ashely grabs my hand.
"Mr and Mrs. Gonzales. I'm sorry this happened." I say barely letting the words out.
"You. You got her to leave! I don't want you to ever come near my daughter again!" Mrs Gonzales yells.
"Mrs Gonzales, I can't do that. She's my best friend and I need her. She has been beside me for the longest time. I need her and she needs me." I say.
"No! You tramp! You are a horrible influence on my girl! What if she gets pregnant too! Your goddamn fault! She was a perfect child before you showed up!!" She yells.
"I was already fucking pregnant mom! Okay! I got pregnant and I lost my baby! You can not tell me what to do anymore! I've known Caro since I was 7! You can't separate us! You cannot say I was a perfect child before she came because I've known her my whole life! Okay! Now leave me and her alone!" She yells back and her mom swishes her hand across her face.
"You got pregnant?!" She yells and her father turns redder.
"I lost her mom! She was there for me and even if I wanted you there she was and I can never loose her!her or Marco! They are my family and you can't separate us!" She yells and tears are streaming down her face and she backs away and runs down the room and I try to follow her.
"Hey!" I hear someone call and I turn and see Ally and the other Kaylee and Becca.
"What do you want ally?" I ask annoyed.
"Why did you run? Was it because you saw me with Alex?" Ally asks frowning.
I breath in and close my eyes.
"No. Its not all the way why I left. First I saw you sleeping with my ex and you!" I point my finger to Becca.
"You started the rumor I was pregnant. You looked through Ashely's phone! I could have told you guys if I wanted but thank god I didn't!" I almost yell.
"What did I do? I though you were my Saul sister?" The other Kaylee says softly.
"You didn't do anything Kaylee, but I'm tired of my past okay? I've moved on. Ally you can look like a hooker for anyone and sleep with everyone's boyfriend except mine. Becca you can go start some other rumor, because that's the best thing you can do! Oh and here's one. They are not Alex's babies!" I yell and storm away.
I find Jamie and people start walking out of a room.
"Case for Carolina Sanchez and Ashely Gonzales vs The state of Nevada." Someone says and I walk through the doors.
"Ms Sanchez!" I hear someone tell.
I turn around and see a talk slim brunette woman with a suit walk towards me.
"Ms Sanchez, hi I'm Grace Montez. I'm yours and Ms Gonzales' attorney" she says. I smile and shake her hand. We walk inside the courthouse and make our way all the way to the front.
We sit on the right side and look to the left.
There were 2 men there. 2 that I didn't know. I look around and find Ashely walking towards our table. As Grace introduces herself I look on at the people on each side.
Our side we had any Aunt Brisa, Kaylees parents, Jamie and his parents and Manny, Ricardo, Ms Salvia, Linda, Marco, Dr. Ginger, Ashia and Adrian. On the other side was Ashelys parents and brother and sister, Ally, Becca, other Kaylee, Logan, Mrs Lea, Dr. Mason and his chuncky assistant, Mr. Millo, Mrs Lopez, Alex, and other people I didn't recognize. My mother was no where to be seen.
"Order!" The judge says using the gravel.
"We are here for the case of Carolina and Ashely vs the state of Nevada. May the 2 parties stand." He says and we stand. Ha starts talking about things I didn't understand but we eventually sit.
"Now in this case we have 2 teenage girls running away from home and have been missing for 7 months. They have been keeping home under Kaylee Lopez and Julian Fernandez. Through the questioning it all started with Ms Carolina Sanchez conceiving a child with Mr Alex Gomez last October. Mr Andrew Jones, you may start." Judge Patterson says.
"Yes your honor. Can I have Ms Sanchez come to the stand?" He asks and I stand and make my way to the stand. I sit down and cross my fingers. A man comes and puts the bible in front of me and starts the 'I swear I'll tell the truth and nothing but the truth' crap.
"I do." I say and he leaves.
"Okay Ms Sanchez. Let's start. How old were you when you left Nevada?" He asks. Really? Why that question?
"I was sixteen." I answer.
"And you know most teenagers from ages 14-17 have thought of running away from home because they felt lonely or they thought nobody pays attention to them or because of pregnancy?" He asks.
"I know pretty well. But I had my reasons to leave and they were reasonable." I say.
"Care to explain your reasons?" He asks.
"My father died at the age 4. My mom then beat me after. When I got pregnant I didnt want to put my child and myself in danger anymore. When I got home the day I found out about my pregnancy I found my mother in my room with the picture of my father and she hit me and ripped the picture into pieces. She admitted to me she killed my father." I says and people start gasping and chatting. I heard the judge hit the gravel.
"Order everyone!" He says and Andrew continues.
"Why didn't you ever call the police?" He asks.
"I would have been put in the foster system and I didn't want to be in it. I have been taking care of myself for a long time now, I didn't need anyone else to do it for me." I answer.
"Okay. Back to the child. If you didn't want the child to be put in danger why didn't you just consider an abortion or adoption?" He asks and I gasp.
"You honestly think I would kill my baby? I don't care if I was rapped or if I had the baby with the person I hated most! I would never kill my child or give it away to someone." I yell.
"The day you found out you were pregnant you broke up with your boyfriend is that correct?" He asks.
"I caught him sleeping with my friend Alison Flores. I left without him." I say pouting to Ally.
"And people found out about the pregnancy quickly?" He asks.
"Ashely sent me a text while I ditched school to get pregnancy tests and to sleep and Rebecca Willson looked through Ashely's texts and started the rumor." I say.
"Why did you get Ashely into coming with you?" He asks.
"I have known Ashely since I was 7. She is my bestest friend and she knows everything about me. I go to her when I get hurt or when I need help. She is my go to for everything. I didn't ask her to come with me. I just needed help finding a place to go. She insisted coming with me. I tried talking her out of it but she came anyway. And I'm thankful she did." I say smiling.
"And you know she did t have any problems at home?" He asks.
"I did. She just told me she felt like she didn't belong." I say frowning and I catch Ashely's mom glare at me.
"And how did she know Kaylee Lopez?" He asks.
"She was her reading buddy as kids and they never lost contact. She lived in California and was able to take us under her wings." I say.
"And how did you meet Mr Jamie Grey?" He asks me.
"The day we got to California we went to the store to find furniture and decorations for our new rooms at Kaylees house. I was looking through the frames and I got pushed and it was Jamie." I say smiling and I caught Jamie smiling too. I also caught Logan glare at him and then to me.
"Do or did you have a sexual connection with him?" He asks bringing me back to reality.
"Excuse me?" I ask raising a brow.
"Objection! That's a matter of personal questions." Grace says standing up.
"Ms Sanchez please just answer the question." Judge Patterson tells me. I bite my lip.
"Yes. Me and Jamie have had lots of sexual connections together." I answer coldly. I saw Logan's face pale up.
"And you have done it while pregnant with Mr Gomez's baby?" He asks.
"No. A few days after moving to California and finding out I was pregnant I finally agreed to go out with Jamie. I had my first appointment the 20th and told him I was pregnant so he knew. I went to a party with him on thanksgiving and that night we did... Do it. A few weeks later for my second appointment they told me I lost my baby. But I was pregnant with someone else's baby. The only other person I have had a sexual intercourse was Jamie. So they're his babies." I say and people gasp again.
"So your having Mr Greys baby?" He asks.
"Babies. A few months after I found out I'm having his 2 girls." I say.
He nods.
"Now tell me about Ashely's pregnancy?" He asks.
"Objection! He should ask Ashely these specific questions." Grace says and Judge Patterson nods.
"Agreed. Is that it counselor?" He asks.
"Just one question about her pregnancy. Did she struggle?" He asks and looks ms straight in the eye. Shoot! What do I say?
"Every now and then yes." I say and he nods.
"That's it thank you." He says and walks back and I do the same.
"Your honor, I would like to have Alex Gomez for questions" Grace says.
"If you may." Judge Patterson says.
They bring in Alex to the stand and Grace takes a gulp of water.
"Okay. How long have you known Ms Sanchez?" He asks.
"I have known her since freshmen year." He says.
"And have you ever had a relationship with her before?" Grace asks.
"We flirted with each other now and then." He says.
"Okay. Last October was the month you and Ms Sanchez conceived the child, why did you break up with her?" Grace asks.
"I'm not the type of boy with commitments. What can I say, I run away from my mistakes." He says shrugging. I stare at him coldly. He looks back.
"Okay, now please explain why you were in California last March when you first spotted her?" Grace asks.
"It was Easter weekend. I have family here so I came. I surprisingly found her." He says
"And why did you harass her at the parking lot after?" He asks.
"I did not harass her." He says.
"Oh really? Walmart has security tapes. Shall we replay the scene?" She says smoothly gesturing to the tv on the side. It's turned on and it's where he came and followed me out to the parking lot and grabbing my arm and was pretty close to me. It finished once I left to my car.
"I don't know what you call that but I think that's called harassing." Grace says.
"It was only that time." He says annoyed.
"Oh really? Then we have the day she went to Walgreens to pick up more maternity pills and you harassed her again. Thank goodness Mr Grey was able to pick her up." She says.
"What do I say? I was in the area and I found her. I wanted to know about the kid and I wanted her back in Nevada." He says and shifts to the side.
"Ah, but you said you don't like commitments and run away from your mistakes. Now let's fast forward to about 2 weeks ago when Ms Sanchez relieved a text from you and asking for $3,000. Why did you not just decide to run from that mistake? And why did you come back to Ms Sanchez and ask her to go back to Nevada and offer to help with the child?" She asks and I see him start to get a little nervous.
"I needed the money for a friend. I rethought it. The girls at my schools were getting a bit too clingy and she wasn't as much. And I thought it would be a good start." He says winking at me and I hear scoffs from the back and I picture it's Ally.
"And what was that money for?" She asks. It was quiet.
"Mr Gomez I'm going to need you to answer the question." She says.
"Drugs." He says and I hear a few gasps and one escapes from me.
"That is it your honor." She says and walks back to me.
"Mr Gomez you are under arrest for harassment and possession and paying for drugs." Judge Patterson says and hits his gravel. 2 police take Alex and cuff him and they call out. As he passes me he stares coldly at me.
"Bitch, slut, whore! You can't keep your hands off guys and that's why you ended up pregnant twice! Your girls better watch out! You and your boy!" He tells and the police struggle more. Then I felt myself stand up.
"Your honor, I would like to file a restraining order." I say loudly. I felt grace look at me but I didn't pay attention.
"I don't see why not. I just saw the reason. Please bring him back. Cynthia, please bring me a restraining order." He says to a blond woman in the back of the room. They struggle to bring Alex back and he is cursing under his breathe. A few moments later Cynthia takes a file to Judge Patterson and he starts filling it out.
"From now on, Alejandro Gomez must may not be around Carolina Sanchez within 100 feet." He says and hits the gravel. The police struggle to get him out.
"Are you sure those are not my kids!? " he yells and I burst.
"They are not yours! Don't you ever think that again! Even if they were yours they would not be allowed to come near you! I'm their mother and you are absolutely nothing to them!" I scream and I hear the gravel and him screaming "order". I go back to to my chair and take a seat. This is going to be a long day.
"Why did you leave with Carolina?" Grace asks Ashely in the stand. So far we have gotten Andrew to question Ally , Logan,  and my Aunt Brisa. Grace questioned Ricardo, Becca, and Kaylee and now Ashely. We took a recess between Logan and Becca. This is the last questions.
"She is my best friend. I couldn't let her go alone. She was like a sister for me." She says quietly.
"You didn't leave because of your parents did you?" Grace asks.
"No of course not. I love my parents. I still do. But I just always felt a little out of place." She says and I see her looking behind me.
"And you were there when Carolina found out about her first pregnancy?" Grace asks.
"Yes. I was" she says.
"You skipped school to be there for her? You provided her shelter and knew the sacrifices you had to make and the trouble you could get into?" Grace asks.
"Yes. She is my best friend. No. We're sisters. She's always been there for me and I've always been there for her. She says jump and I'll say how high. She deserved a better life then she was living. I wanted us to start over and to really call her my sister. I couldn't live without her. And I still can't." She says.
"She was there for your pregnancy?" Grace asks.
"I had a troubled pregnancy. Complications at the beginning, soon after before I lost her too." She says.
"And who is the father?" Grace asks.
"Marco Lopez." She says.
"How far was the baby?" Grace asks.
"I was 5 months." She says and bites her lips.
"I'm so sorry. But I heard we had to pull you out of your vacation." Grace says.
"Yes. Marco for a while did not talk to me when I told him the truth about me. Same when I told him I was pregnant but we talked it out further then the real identity." She lets out a soft chuckle.
"We needed some time alone to talk about everything. We remembered how Jamie took Caro to Bora Bora for Valentine's Day, so we decided to take a 2 week trip to the Caribbean. But this happened so it was more like 3 days." She says and let's out a weak laugh.
"I'm sorry Ashely.  But you have been doing online school is that correct?" Grace asks.
"Yes. I was actually thinking about going back to a normal high school next fall. But private. I wanted to start studying to be a teacher. Loosing my baby made me want to teach little kids. That was supposed to be my plan." She says.
"And your plans on living?" Grace asks.
"Well I wanted to stay with Kaylee for a few more months, get a job and maybe afford getting a small apartment. Caro and Jamie we're going to get a condo anyway so this would help me." She says and curls her lips.
"So your happy?" Grace asks.
"Very. I had ups and downs but in total I love learning to live on my own. I have Caro and Marco and Kaylee and Jamie and Julian with me. I had my Carmen, but I know she's in a better place now. I do want my own baby someday. And I hope this will be over." She finishes.
"Thank you very much. That will be all." Grace says and she returns to her seat and so does Ashely.
"Okay I've heard enough for today. Next trial will be set 2 weeks from tomorrow." he says and hits the gravel and we all get up.
"We did good right?" Ashely asks and I nod. And we finished pretty good. It's only 2:30. I walk out down the small isle and find Jamie.
"Hey beautiful. Ready for lunch?" He asks.
"Mmm please." I say and I lean in and kiss him. Moments later I pull away and we walk hand and hand down the isle. I saw Ally and the girls and she smirks at me and then looks at Jamie.
"Don't even think about it. Slut." I say and her mouth drops open.
"Look who's calling me a slut, a pregnant girl that got pregnant twice in 2 months! Ya, walk away Caro and get pregnant again by Ashelys boyfriend instead!" She yells so people start staring. Oh hell no!!! I swing back so I'm facing her.
"Don't start shut cuz you know damn well that you continually cheated on your boyfriends and asked me to cover for you every time! I wouldn't be surprised you got an STD! Go over there and suck Alex's balls cuz that's the thing you know best! Come near Jamie again and I swear... Your going to need more makeup than you already have. Bitch!" I yell back and her mouth pops opens and her eyes flare with fire. I quickly turn and pull Jamie with me out the door. I learned to defend myself and what's mine here.
We finally walked out and I look for Ashely. She's arguing with her parents. I walk to her and she seems really angry.
"I am not going with you okay! I live here and I don't need you right now!" She yells.
"Excuse me I am your mother and I demand you come back right now! Como que stay?! You got pregnant Ashely! You were probably smoke and started drinking too!" Her mom yells back.
"Yes mom I got drunk when I got pregnant and you know what? I loved it! I am not going back with you!" She screams and I step in.
"She can't leave. She has to stay here. For the court, for school, for work, for her boyfriend, and for me and my shower. She leaned to live without you, I think she can handle it." I say a matter of factly.
"What the hell has she tuned you into Ashely?!" Her mom screams.
"She taught me to be independent and learn to take care of myself! She's right, I leaned how to live with out your help! Imma go." She says and walks away and takes me with her.
"Don't you dare think about coming home when your life gets screwed up! Ever!" Her mom screams and Ashely takes one hand and puts it up and I'm guessing I know which finger.
"Hey go with Marco. I'm going to go have lunch then have my appointment." I tell Ashely.
"Okay. Have fun and good luck." She says and gives me a hug and I go with Jamie.
"Ready?" He asks and i nod and hop in his car. We pass the front of the court and I see ally and Logan and the other girls. I pull down the window and stick out my favorite finger and we finally make our way for food.
"I'm sorry they had to drag you and Ms Salvia into this." I tell Linda once I got to the doctor office.
"Oh darling it's okay. You should have to wait. Ms Salvia has your room ready in 207. You could go right in." She says and I smile and Jamie and I make out way to the elevator. We got to the room and I changed. I lay on the bed and talk to Jamie for a while. I was really tired.
"Hi guys. Interesting morning huh?" She asks and I shrug.
"Okay well let's get this done." She says and apples the cream on my belly.
"Amazing. They are great." She says an I watch my girls try to swim on top of each other and I can feels them. I laugh and watch them fight. My little Mariana and Esteffany. We watched and heard them for a few more minutes and then she removes the stick.
"Okay now the questions. Have you been going to the classes first?" She asks and we nod.
"They are actually very useful. Even if I'm not going into labor." I say smiling.
"That's good. Have you experienced any contraction like feelings?" She asks me and I shake my head.
"It's okay, you'll probably feel them and if it's too early for the girls to be born it's okay and normal. They are Braxton   Hicks. They feel a lot like contractions. Try drinking water and walking around and if they don't go away come straight to the hospital." She says and I nod.
"Okay you're still on your meds right?" She asks.
"Yes." I say.
"Leg cramps?" She asks.
"Yes." I say and try hard not to remember the feeling.
"It's okay. It's normal. Water helps a lot. Any discharge?" She asks.
"No." I say
"Head aches?" She asks.
"Yep. Every now and then." I say.
"Hormones?" She asks.
"Every now an then." I say.
"Hunger?" She asks.
"Yup." I say.
"Okay now let's take your blood pressure and weight and we are done." She says with a smile. We did both of those pretty quick and we were done.
"Great job! Girls are healthy and almost out. Few more weeks. Have you filled out you birth plan?" She asks.
"No we haven't. Been a little to busy" I say with a small chuckle.
"It's okay, maybe your next visit. Which is in 2 weeks. The 4th. Since it's a holiday we would want you come around 10 am." She says and I smile and nod.
"Well good luck with the girls and the trials. I'll see you two in 2 weeks." She says and gets up and leaves. I also get up and head to the bathroom and changed. I got out and Jamie and I left the room. We make our way down the hallways holding hands. Something felt off. I stopped really quick.
"Dani?" He turns and looks at me.
"It's been a month." The words spilled out of my mouth. I can't believe it.
"Hey, hey it's fine. She's fine now." He said and grabs me and wraps his arms around me. I hold him too.
"It's just... Wow... A month ago I watched my best friend watch the monitor and the doctor telling her that her baby didn't make it. It's just hard to think about." I say shrugging and he backs away.
"We're fine. A few weeks you'll have your shower, the trials will be over, we're probably going to have our apartment by then, maybe even the girls will be here. How about let's go to your house right now and I'll stay over." He says and I nod. That actually sounds nice. The nicest thing i heard in the last week.
"Okay baby. Let's go." He says and he holds me as we go to the elevator.
"What if I got a tattoo?" I ask Jamie. We laid in my bed under the covers. That really relieved my stress.
"Why would you want a tattoo?" He asks me with a smile.
"I just think small ones are cute... And maybe a little sexy." I say and I turn to him with a really sweet smile.
"Can I choose where and what?" He asks smirking.
"As long as I approve." I say with a smile and put my hand on his face. He chuckles.
"Then ya, start looking." I say with a whisper.
"Wow, you're really going to get a tattoo?" He asks with a grin.
"Ya. Why not? It will look cute." I say shrugging.
"Okay. Tattoo it is. Now you should get some sleep. It's a little late." He says and I nod and turn so my back was to him. I felt him mess with my hair and I smile.
"Try to forget today. It's been long. We'll fix us tomorrow." He says.
"My mom was there." I say and he stills.
"I saw. She looks a little like you." He says. I still.
"Not much, but I see your eyes when I see her. What color is your natural hair?" He asks playing with my hair again.
"Drown. Dark brown." I say. My hair was blonde now. I miss my dark hair.
"You look beautiful in every color Carolina. No more questions. Just sleep." He says and I fix myself again. I start to drive when I hear his voice close to my ear.
"I love you Caro. I love you girls too." He whispers and rubs my belly.
Oh Jamie, I love you too.
Then I was gone.

Heyy guys!!! Hope you liked this reallllly long chapter! I tried fitting a trial in the whole chapter and accomplished!! Hope you like "overprotective" Caro! She won't take shit from anyone!!! Well the next chapters are going to go a bit quicker, like time will go faster... I'm hoping I get to her birth real soon cuz I have so many ideas for that special day!!! Well anyways, I hope you enjoyed! Please vote, comment, and follow!!! Love you!!

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