February 15, 2016

49 2 0

Our bodies fell filled the bed like water. Our heaven was right now on earth. We twisted and turned under the red sheet. Every kiss was like a new page. The story went on. The bed went with our rhythm. Our eyes met every few seconds but every time, they will have our story to tell. Our bodies where new stories we explored. They each had a story to tell. He kissed my belly and that was our story.
My eyes flutter from the images from last night. I opened my eyes and everything came back to me. How can I be the luckiest girl in the world? I stay on my back. I look up and don't look away. I stay there and just think. Think about my future. Think about my past. I think about my present. How can my past hurt the most, my future being the biggest surprise, and my present being my best gift? Everyone has their moment, this is mine. My best time in life has happened in less then a year. My moments will be with me forev ever even if my future doesn't end up how I want it. It will be the best even if my past killed me. I know I can continue on knowing I have lived my best moments.
"Do you have all your clothes packed?" Jamie asked me as I got out of the shower. I wrap my body with a nice towel and went to the bedroom and put on a pair of sweats and a clean blouse. I can't believe our journey has finally come to an end. We leave back to California in about 2 hours. Today was a long day. We didn't do anything specific. Most of the time we cleaned and watched Netflix. And... Chill. That was basically our last day in Bora Bora.
"Ya, there packed." I call back to Jamie finally closing my luggage.
I close my eyes and smile. I heard footsteps behind me and then arms wrapped me from under my arms. He's chin nuzzles in my hair.
"I'm going to miss this baby." He says still in my hair.
"Me too." I whisper. Being with him all day everyday.
"Soon. I promise." He says turning me around giving me a kiss. I kiss him back. I go on my tipi toes so I can reach him. We finally pull away and get out things ready to go back to California.

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