June 3rd, 2016

42 2 4

"Do you have to leave?" Jamie asks as we lie on his couch cuddling. He had the afternoon off so I came as soon as I could. Ashely and Marco have been spending the day looking through places where they should spend their vacation. Jamie and I stayed on the couch all afternoon just cuddling and... Umm make out.
"Jamie I have to. Even though..." I start but he starts kissing my neck and... Ohh... I let out a moan.
"I want to stay... I have.. To... Go..." I say and me kisses me again and again over my neck and breast.
"Mmm... Don't leave." He says leaving more kisses on me.
"Oh Jamie. No no. I have to go." I say coming back to reality. I push him away and start to get up. Oh my belly is so big. I get up and start to get my purse.
"Oh but we were having lots of fun." He says pouting. Oh Jamie.
"I know. We can continue this fun in my dreams." I say smiling at him.
"Oh not one of your other dreams." He groans and covers his face.
Oh yes. My dreams. They have gotten so much dirtier am for the past few days. So yummilicious... So damn sexy...
"I will. Anyways I'll see you tonight." I say smiling and bending down and giving him a kiss.
"We're are you going anyways?" He asks looking at me disappointed.
"Well I have to go check on Ashely, then we have to go figure out her therapy and then I have to get some groceries and some vitamins. Oh and new clothes... Nothing fits me anymore." I frown looking at my belly.
"I'll take you shopping one day." He says smirking. I roll my eyes.
"And remember, I don't want you going to the horny doctors office alone." He points out.
"Oh Jamie grow up!" I say rolling my eyes at him and making my way to the door. He shouldn't be worried about Dr Mason. He's married, I think.
"I'll see you soon baby." He says giving me a kiss and a little rub on my belly and I walk out the door. I make my way to the car and then the radio on. I start thinking about the next few weeks. Kaylee wants to throw a baby shower, sometime next month. I have to do my summer classes. Jamie's sisters wedding. Finishing my classes in the next few months. Have Ashely's vacation and therapy planned. So many things.
Finally I made it to the house and I make my way to the gate. I pressed the pin and walked to the cottage. Really why do we need the pin now? We have nothing to worry about.
I walk in and find Ashely and Marco on the couch with lots of papers scattered around.
"Umm hi?" I say looking at them. Ashely looked up and there is finally a little color in her face. Marco finally cleaned up a bit.
"Hey! Looked found some places!" She says coming up and handing me some papers. I look at them, it was a list.
1. Africa
2. London
3. Amsterdam
4. The Caribbean
5. Spain
All out of the country...
"Umm are you sure you can afford to go somewhere like this?" I ask worried about the prices.
"Marco's parents have time shares for all of these so all we have to pay for is the plane tickets and a few extra money to spend." She says smiling.
"And how long do you plan on staying?" I ask worriedly.
"Umm I would say about 2 weeks." She says scratching her head and looking at Marco.
"2 WEEKS?!" I say with my eyes widen. I barely stayed at Bora Bora for 5 days, and she's staying away for 2 weeks?!
"Yes I know it's a long time. But I think it better so we can restart everything. Please think about it!" She says and her eyes are filled with excitement. Ugh how can I say no?
"I'll think about it. Are you guys still busy?" I ask looking at them.
"Well we have to make some calls. Why?" She asks.
"Oh well I just have to make some errands. Do you need anything?" I ask.
"Umm not really. Just groceries. Here I'll give you the money for my part." She says and she walks to the counter and finds a small pink box and hands me a few hundreds.
"Okay thanks. I'll be back in a while." I say smiling and walking to my room to get my bag and the papers. I left after that and made my way to the car. I drive a bit further until finally made it to Dr Mason's office. Jamie's words come back to me. I don't want you going into the horny doctors office all alone. He's to dramatic. Nothing is going to happen. I get out and take the papers with me and head inside. There I see the man I sassed at yesterday and make my way to him.
"Dr Mason." I say.
"I'm sorry how can I help you?" He asks looking at me a little confused.
"I need to speak to Dr Mason. Or am I to young to be talking to doctor?" I ask at the end.
"Umm..." He stares at me.
"Miss Dominguez." I hear a voice call. I turn to see the tall figure that looked like Dr Mason and I smiled and walked to him.
"Dr Mason, I'm here to talk about my sisters appointment please." I say.
"Sure, come into my office and we'll discuss the details." He says and gestures me to his office. I walk in and spot that the frames that were there yesterday were no longer there... Why? I hear the door close behind me and suddenly I felt chills.
"So are you here to pay the insurance Miss Dominguez?" He asks in a low voice.
"Umm, no I'm here to talk about her first 2 weeks of therapy. She's going to be out for 2 weeks and I was wondering if you can to a telephone session." I say kind of shrugging.
"Yes of course. Just let me know when those days are and I'll have them saved." He says giving me a weird smile. I try to pull a smile. He gets up the. And moves closer to me.
"So I see you have a boyfriend." He says leaning across his desk.
"Excuse me?" I say arching a brow.
"Such a shame. A little girl like you shouldn't be knocked up by some loser like that." He say leaning forward. Oh hell no!
"Dr Mason that is non of your business. I have to go." I say getting up and placing the papers in my purse. I get up and move next to the door but then 2 hands grab my wrists.
"Uh uh uh. Not so fast young lady. You need to be thought a lesson." He says with eyes widen and with one hand moving it and touches my butt.
"PERVERT!" I scream and with one knee I push up and I hit him in his mini huevos. I slam open the door and he reaches his hand and I close it so his finders get stuck. A long scream upraised and I quickly make my way out. The man in the desk calls for me it I ignore him and make my way to my car. I drove quickly far away just enough so I couldn't see the office.
God dammit! Why was Jamie right?! I make my way to an empty parking lot and stay there. I groan. Never again will I see a male doctor.
I grab my phone and look for another therapy clinic. There was another not so far from here.
Southern Town Clinic.
I drive down the highway until I reached it. The place is small, surrounded with trees and bushes. I climb out the car and walk in to see a guy at the office. Oh no.
"Oh hi darling! How can I help a pretty girl?" He asks. He's gay?? I blush. He called me pretty.
"Hi I'm here to make an appointment for my sister, Miranda Dominguez. She was prescribed this session because she lost her baby around 2 weeks ago." I say trying to be brave.
"Oh you poor thing! Well here's the paperwork you just have to fill these. Your still a minor right?" He asks worriedly.
"Yes." I say in a low voice.
"Ya sorry, it's a policy. These papers just help us keep track of your record. Nothing to offend you." He says shrugging. I sigh.
"Thank you..." I say.
"Ricardo." He says with a sweet smile.
"Ricardo. I'm Daniella." I say with a smile. He smiles back and I walk to a seat.
I fill the papers out in a few minutes and then finally turned them to Ricardo. I wait for about another 10 minutes until a woman appears from a door. She seemed middle aged with a short bob cut and a slim figure.
"Miss Daniella Dominguez?" She calls. I get up holding my belly walking to her.
"Hi, I'm Dr Ginger. Please come in." She says leading me to a room. The room was small with many books and many pictures. It feels nice.
"Okay so we have your sister who lost her baby and is going through depression?" She asks.
"Yes. She is kind of going back to normal but she is still willing to come and do sessions." I say.
"Alright. Sounds good. So pretty much for a session like this I recommend to see me 2 times a week for about a month and a half or so. Depending on how well she does through out the sessions. We can start whenever you please. We would just need some insurance and we can have it set to go." She says interlocking her fingers.
"That sounds good. Actually she wants to go with her... Umm ex? I'm not so sure what they are right now... But they want to go spend a few weeks on vacation just to try to restart themselves. She still wants to do the sessions but she wants that time for themselves. She is requesting a telephone session. Can you do that?" I ask.
"Mmm. I mean I guess we can do that. I rather do it in person, but if she wants to go then we can work something out." She says looking through her computer.
"Please." I say.
"Okay well we can do the calling sessions but do you know where she is going? It depends on the time zones too." She says. Oh ya! Dr Mason was a stupid Doctor. He never bothered to ask that.
"I'm not sure yet but they are deciding. They want 2 weeks and I'm not sure when they would leave." I say.
"Well if we say they leave next week on Sunday then we can count those 2 days of the week and the other week until the end of July. We can do Monday's and Wednesday's. Is that okay?" She asks.
"Yes that's okay." I say.
"And when she is here we can do 5:00-6:45." She says.
"That's okay." I say.
"Okay, now I would just need the insurance and please call me when you have the days that she leaves and what time would be good for her." She says. I nod and hens her the insurance I got from Kaylee.
"Okay so the sessions would be $20 each time with the insurance." She says putting it in the computer. She finishes it up then she gets up.
"Okay everything is set. I hope to see you soon. Oh and congratulations." She says smiling and I look down at me belly.
"Oh thank you." I say blushing. I walk out and wake to Ricardo.
"Thank you honey! See you soon!" He calls out and I give him a smile. I walk back to the car. What now? I need groceries and new clothes. I sigh. I drive the car to the grocery store. I did it quick since I was tired and needed a nap. Finally I had everything so I went home. I made my way to the drive way and took out a few things at a time. Kaylee saw me from the window and quickly came and helped me take the groceries inside.
"Hey! How did it go?" She asks. I didn't say anything.
"Caro?" She asks.
"I'll tell you right now." I say and continue getting the groceries. Once everything was inside, I went to Kaylee's house and we say on her couch and told her what happened with Dr Mason.
"Oh that son of a beesh!" She hisses. I chuckle.
"So ya I went to Southern Town Clinic. They are so much nicer." I say shrugging.
"Caro that man was going to rape you. Don't you think we should do something about it?" She asks. I shake my head.
"I don't want to worry anymore. He can go sleep with the next girl that walks into his office but I don't want to make it a bigger problem." I say.
"Okay then." She says sighing.
We stay there and talk for a while. I help her make food and we talk about the baby shower. Finally it was 6 and I decided to go back to the cottage and be with Ashely for a while. I walk through the back and see her drinking lemonade and watching Netflix.
"Hey. Did Marco leave?" I ask.
"Ya, he needed to go home." She says.
"How are you?" I ask standing next to the counter.
"Good." She says taking another sip from her lemonade.
"Have you made up your mind where you want to go?" I ask.
"Ya. We decided The Caribbean!" She says smiling with excitement. I smile at her.
"Aww that sounds nice!" I say smiling.
"Do you know when?" I ask.
"I think next Sunday." She says.
"Okay. So you you still want the therapy sessions?" I ask.
"Yes. I actually want to do that." She says.
"Okay, so I asked for telephone sessions and she says that's okay, I just need to tell her the time cuz of the time zones." I say shrugging.
"Oh ya." She says.
"And is Marco gonna get them too?" I ask.
"Ya. His parents already signed him up for it. He's going to ask for the telephone sessions too." She says.
"Oh okay." I say. We stayed quiet for a while.
"You wanna watch Netflix and eat ice cream?" She asks taking the ice cream out. I smirk. Who wouldn't want that?!
"Hell Yess!" I say and grab a bucket and take it to the couch and we watch Netflix and we are finally happy for the first time in a long time.

Heyy guys!!!!! I hoped you liked this chapter!! Okay so Ashely's therapists is trying to get it on with Caro but she is all like "bish no!!" Ashely finally chose her vacation spot with Marco! What do you think of Ricardo?! I think he's gonna turn into a good friend to Caro, like a cool gay best friend!! Anyways... Please comment and vote!! Love you!!

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