June 11th, 2016

36 3 0

"Okay look this way." Gabe the photographer says. Jamie has his hands wrapped around my breast and is holding my stomach with the other.  I am holding my head back as Jamie is pressing his lips to my skin. With one hand I have my arm wrapped around the arms he has over my breast and the other on top of the one he has on my belly. I look at the camera and click.
"Okay now close your eyes and look sexy." He says laughing. I close my eyes and exhale and hear the click.
"Okay now, daddy, go in front of her and hold the belly. Mommy also look down and put your hands on his arms." He says and we do what he says. I breath in and out. Gosh I have too pee. This is so sexy. Click.
"Okay now daddy press behind mommy and hold the belly. Mommy with both hands cover yourself and lean back and relax." He says and we do. We are naked. Only have our underwear on. One layer between us. I want him! Click.
"Okay now daddy bend down and hold mommy's thighs and give a kiss to the babies. Mommy look down, fix your hair to cover you up and hold daddy's head." He says and we reposition. Head... Too close... Flashback to Thursday morning... Oh my god! I have needs! Click.
"Okay now a sexy one! Mommy right hand on hip, daddy hold her hip and give her a sweet kiss on the neck. Mommy, act like you enjoy it. Oh and cover up." He says and we put ourselves in order. Not acting... Actually enjoying this. Exhale. Moan. Need. Him. Now!! Click.
"Okay and we are done! If you guys can go change and we'll see the results." He says and starts messing with the camera. I move to the robe and put it on and go to the small room where my clothes are at. Oh I want him. I walk in and then as I'm about to close it he comes in.
"Oh not so fast. You made me do this, and you had me so turned on the entire time." He growls and be fore I could say anything he pushes me up the wall and buries himself in me. I hold my breathe not wanting someone to hear. He moves as I try to keep up. I felt my eyes rolling back and then I arched my back. He kisses my breast and starts teasing me with his teeth. I bite my lip keeping me from crying out or screaming his name. My body started loosing strength and before I knew it, I came around him. He gently puts me down and gives me a sweet kiss and then walks out. Woah! What a rush! I breath rapidly trying to understand what happened. I fall to the ground and breath. I rub my belly and forced myself to get up and change.
"Okay we have these main ones. Let's just see which came out right." Gabe says scrolling though the pictures. They all looked really nice. Black and white and just us there, holding each other and holding the girls.
This is for the girls, not for your pleasure. I thought to myself.
"I really like that one." I say. It's the one where Jamie is kneeled in front of me kissing my belly. Gabe clicks it so it's a bigger image. It's beautiful! We spent the next few minutes deciding on the pictures and picking the filters and the focuses on each picture. It was around 11 when we finally got up to leave.
"The pictures will be delivered to you this week. Expect them around Thursday or Wednesday." Gabe says with a sweet smile. He's pretty old. Grey hairs cover most of his hair instead of black. His skin wrinkled around his face and his hands looked a bit dusty. But he is an expert on taking these pictures.
"Thanks you, Gabe. They are wonderful!" I say walking to the door.
"Thank you my darling. Have fun with your little ones and your pictures!" He says and I smile and wave just I closed the door behind us.
"That went well." Jamie says as we entered the car.
"Mm. Very well." I say batting my eyes.
"Oh even in public, we are experts hiding our love making scenes." He says with a wink. I smile but then think back to wet n wild. The shack where he took me.
"About that shack you took me the day of wet n wild, you took another girl?" I ask quietly. He tenses up and doesn't look at me for a while.
"Caro do you really want to listen this?" He asks, hesitating.
"Well I told you my secrets, I think I deserve some too." I say. He doesn't say anything, but soon after he groans and starts.
"In about 8th grade, I had a crush on this girl, Angela. She was by far the most beautiful girl I have ever seen... Of course until I met you." He says and gives me a crooked smile and I gave him a small smile back.
"Well you know we were in 8th grade, some think there is such thing as love then. I thought I was in love. We've been friends since 7th grade. But in 8th grade, that's when I noticed the sweet voice she had when she said my name, the way her hair fell when she turns away, the soft skin she had when she touched my arm. I was I guess you could say "in love." Around January, people started spreading rumors saying she liked me. I tried my best not to care, but deep down, it felt like I found the key to heaven. When we talked we ignored those rumors and continued to being just us. In February I finally asked her if they were true. She told me ya. So by valentines I had this whole thing planned out that I was going to bring her one of those huge teddy bears and balloons and a bouquet of flowers. I showed up to school that day having everything ready. When she saw me she was in tears. I gave her the stuff and asked her out. She said ya." He said with a small laugh. So he loved another girl before me. And actually loved, not just slept with her for a few weeks and when she was pregnant left. He cared.
"We dated the rest of the year, and freshmen year. For her birthday in October, I gave her her present, which was telling her I loved her. We went to homecoming together, spend long night dates with her. We didn't do anything, we just talked," he assured me. So was a virgin or not?
"The year went real quick. It was our one year anniversary on Valentine's Day. I took her out to a fancy dinner and went to her favorite park and we stayed there for hours. By the end of freshmen year, our friends wanted to go to wet n wild. So we did. We spent the day there having fun, doing our thing. When the sun was setting we were laying on the grass watching people run around. She stopped and asked me "do you love me?" I told her yes I do. She then got up and took me behind the bushes to that shack. When we went in she started kissing me in a different way. I didn't really know what to do. I was still a virgin and had no clue what to do. She mostly knew though. She helped me out and I finally got the hang of it. By the end she turned and told me the one thing I wished I never heard her say. She was moving in August. Of course I was sad about it but then decided to spend all summer with her. Through out the weeks she started avoiding me. I would come over and she would say she was busy. When we would be out she didn't look at me, and barely talked. I didn't know what to do. Around the end of July, a Marco and a few friends asked me if I wanted to go to wet n wild with them. We went and by the end, I don't know. I had some weird feeling to go visit that shack. I told them I was going to get some water and I went back behind the bushes. I looked through the broken cracks of the shack and I saw someone in there. She looked so familiar. Her moan was so familiar too. She turned and it was Angela. I opened the door and saw her with her guilty face on the floor naked with a guy over her. She got up and was about to say something but that's wen I realized, she never loved me. There was no such thing as love. So I broke up with her then and there and never talked to her or saw her since." He finished. It took me a moment to understand what was happening. A girl cheated on him???
"And what happened afterward?" I ask. Is that when he tuned into a player. He smirked as if he knew what I was thinking.
"By the end of the first week of school I had 2 girlfriends. By the end of sophomore year I had about a total of 58 "girlfriends." With the summer 68. But in junior year I kind of stopped. Something was telling me to calm down. I did go out with a few girls but only like 3 or 4. On November 18 2015 I woke up thinking I have to go somewhere. I got up and drove. I ended up picking up Marco and heading towards the store. We started playing with a football we found and we were playing by the photo frames. Then I bumped into this girl. I helped her up and then I saw her face. My world just stopped for a second but felt like a life time. I forgot about Angela or all those poor 68 other girls, and just saw her. I had to know her. Her name, her number, her story. And so I did. I got her pregnant and here I am telling her how I thought I fell in love and how I really fell in love." He says and when he finished my jaw was dropped. I closed it and looked at him.
"Pull over." I say real quiet. He looked at me confused.
"I told you, you probably didn't want to hear..." He started.
"Pull over." I demanded. He sighed and pulled over.
"Caro I really do love..." He started again.
"Shh. You don't have to say anything." I say really quietly. I leaned in and grabbed his face and breathed. Our faces were so close. I could taste his breathe, minty. I close my eyes and he did the same. Out breathing became rapid but we haven't even touched.
"Jamie, I might have loved that boy who bumped into me at the store then, but all I know is that I love him now." I say and leaned so our lips came together. I started harshly. Tangled my fingers in his hair. I pulled up so I was on my knees. His hands moved to my waist and pulled me up. I unwrapped one hand and put it to the said of the seat to it can push back. While I was doing that, he grabbed the glass wrap thing so no one could see. He leaped from his seat so he was under me. I giggled as he did that. Once he was on his back I went over him and began trailing my lips over his lips, under his jaw and to his neck. He moved under me and with his hands he pulled my jeans down and along with my panties. I panted while he did the work under me and then he started moving his lips on my neck. I sat over him like a frog when finally I found him. He held my hips keeping me steady. Then we started to move. I felt loved here, cherished. Even if it was in a car, it was perfect. Perfect for me. Perfect for him. Perfect for us.
"You never told me if you were popular at school." Jamie days as he fixed his tie in the mirror. I dyed my hair again so it was now a dirty blonde. It look okay on me. I still miss my brown hair though. I made it thick and puffy. I started on my make up.
"I don't know if I was." I tell him.
"How do you not know? You are gorgeous. How could you not be popular?" He asks still not getting his tie. I laugh and help him fix it.
"I guess I was popular. Guys might have noticed but I never noticed them. The only 2 guys I know called me beautiful were Alex and my old best friend Logan. That's it." I say undoing his tie.
"Have you talked to Logan?" He asks. I look up concerned and then looked back down on the tie.
"Of course not. Even if I could, I don't think I would." I say.
"Why not?" He asks me. I sigh.
"Because I have nothing to do with him anymore. When I needed him he wasn't there. And I have my life here now. And I love it. I don't want the past to come to me. No one. No old friends, or neighbors or teachers. Nada. Here you go. Perfect." I say as I finish his tie.
"Thanks." He says looking at me. I smile. I fix my tight black dress and finish my make up. Once I was done I grabbed my phone and turned to the side.
"Picture!" I say and he poses and I snap. I look at it.
"Perfect." I say with a smile. He smiles back. We finish up and grab our stuff and make our way down stairs and to his car and we drive to the church.
The church was big and beautiful. Pure white around. Inside there were blue flowers on each isle and light blue ribbons. I stand next to Jamie which was next to his brother. Joe was waiting at the alter. The church bells ring and we all stand. We look at the end and we see girls in blue come in. They were beautiful. 6 of them came and stood next to the alter. Juliet in white and blue walked down throwing rose pedals on the floor. Justin held a pillow which I think are the rings. At the end David and Julianna held their beautiful daughter in white. She was absolutely stunning, her dress was a strapless mermaid dress so you could see her belly popping. She was not afraid to show it.  Her hair was up and when she made it to the alter she kissed her parents and they came and sat next to us. Throughout the entire time I looked at them. Perfectly in love. I smile. Maybe one day Jamie and I will be the ones saying the vows and being up at the alter. When they kissed we clapped and congratulated them. We went and took pictures. I hugged Karina first.
"Congratulations!" I say happily.
"Thank you! Maybe one day I'll be here congratulating you and we'll be sisters!" She says happily and I laugh. One day.
At the reception I spent most of the time sitting. The girls began kicking again and my back was killing me. I was crazy thirsty for water  and everything appetized me.
"Are you okay? Do you want to go home?" Jamie asked me on my 4th glass of water.
"I'm okay, I'm just tired. Go out and have some fun. Ash and Marco said they'll be here in about 20 minutes." I say smiling. He still didn't look convinced.
"Go and spend time with your sister and family." I tell them.
"I hope one day you say our family." He says smiling and I gasp. He smirks and leaves with his sister. So he wants to soon get married? After about 10 minutes Jamie comes back and takes me around saying hi to people. He was introducing me to his family. That reminds me, I had to go visit my aunt Brisa sometime. It's been a while.
A while after I saw Ashely and Marco make their way across the gate. Ashely turned and gave me a shocking look, probably the new hair.
"Hi! You went blonde?! It looks amazing!" She says giving me a hug.
"I've apparently dyed my hair all the colors I could!" I say laughing.
"Hey Marco!" I say giving him a hug.
"How you been, how are the girls?" He asks.
"Ugh they are killing me right now. Like they enjoy parties!" I say and we laugh.
"Wanna go sit down?" Ashely asks me.
"Sure." I say not hesitating. We go find our table and I sit relaxing.
"You look tired." She says laughing.
"Oh I am tired! I've had a long but great day." I say smiling at the memories of me and Jamie together doing dirty work.
"Oh how did the photo shoot go?" She asks fixing her hair.
"It went great. Pictures will come this week." I say smiling.
"Mmm.... Send me pictures!" She says laughing and I remember her leaving. It's to fast!
"So that's your soon to be sister in law?" She asks motioning to Karina. She was in the edge of the garden fixing up little Justin. She was still so pretty.
"And how do you know Jamie and I will get married?" I ask smiling.
"Well first of you having his babies." She says and we laugh.
"Second, he seems the romantic type with you and is willing to do that for you. And lastly, the way he looks at you, it's like he sees the future and I see in his eyes looking at you in white walking down the isle to say 'I do.'" She says and I smile again.
"I hope so. Maybe after I turn 18 and finally not be pregnant." I say and we laugh.
"For a few hours we sit there talking and soon Julian and Marco and a few of Jamie's cousins come and we start talking. In between a story of when Jamie was 10 I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turn to see a tall brunet woman that I've seen before.
"I knew I recognized you, hi!" She says and it took me a second to remember her name.
"Audrey hi! Hi Angel! What are you guys doing here?" I ask getting up and giving them each a hug. Audrey was wearing a purple sundress with 3" heels and her hair was up with messy braids. Angel had a flannel shirt and some blue jeans. Also looked stunning.
"We are close friends of Joe, what are you too doing here?" She asks.
"Oh Jamie is the sister of the bride." I say smiling and turning to him.
"Oh, what a small world." She says and I move my chair so they can sit in the empty chairs next to us.
"Miranda, this is Audrey and Angel, they go to our birthing classes with us." I introduce them.
"Hi, I'm Miranda, Dani's sister. And this is my boyfriend Marco." She says and they shake hands.
"Then these are Jamie's cousins, Alexia, Diego, Emily and Javier." I introduce them. They smiled and shook hands. We talked for a while and found out Audrey is 23 and is a middle school teacher not far from here.
"And you what do you do?" She asks me.
"Well actually I just finished junior year and Jamie and I are gonna work on graduating early so we can get life started quicker." I say and her eyes widen.
"Your still in high school? I thought you were a bit older!" She says and I laugh.
"No. I'm 17. Still not being able to vote. Oh well, if I was old enough I probably would have won the election for someone else that isn't Trump." I say and we laugh.
"So this is a bit tough huh? Doing school and carrying babies around." She says putting her hand on her forehead.
"Actually Miranda and I came here cuz our parents died in a car crash last November. I was pregnant then. So we moved to California with our cousin and soon after I met Jamie and he took care of me since." I say smiling putting my hand on his leg.
"That must have been hell! Oh gosh I'm sorry about your parents! I lost my dad a few years ago too and it was horrible." She says shaking her dead.
"Hey Hun Imma go say hi to Joe." Angel says getting up.
"Okay, tell them I said hi but in tired to get up." She says giving me a wink and he rolls his eyes. Jamie stands up and I look at him.
"Marco and I are going to mess with my sister for a bit, don't worry we'll behave." He says with a wink. I roll my eyes and grab his hand and pulled him close so he was next to my ear.
"Well you don't have to behave tonight, but for now, keep your zipper tight." I say smirking. His eyes widened but then turned into a smile
"I'll see what I can do." He says with a smirk then leaves. I shake my head but laugh.
"So where are you in high school are you in?" She asks taking a sip of water.
"I just finished junior. Actually I take online classes and Jamie and I are hoping to graduate earlier, you know to get life started. Senior year is going to have to be over quick. We're hoping by October or November." I say rubbing my belly.
"Oh that's nice. Smart too." She says. We take that night to talk about pregnancy and life. Apparently she had been pregnant before but had a miscarriage. I was about to blurt out my miscarriage story but remembered I'm still stuck with the fake story. So I keep quiet. After a few hours of talking I finally go to the dance floor and have my chance with Jamie. We dance to music I haven't danced to in the longest time! They started playing bachata, cumbia, Banda and a whole lot of other songs I've heard of but forgot the name. By 10 I was exhausted. He insisted on taking me home but I said I could wait a while longer. Finally 11 was my breaking point. He asked me if I wanted to leave and I didn't lie.
"Please." I said. We went around saying goodbye to his family and told Ashely I'll see her at the house. Audrey was also tired so she was also heading out. We exchanged numbers and finally went to our separate cars. I got in and immediately closed my eyes.
"You are tired aren't you baby." All I did was nod.
"Well let's put some relaxing music for you shall we?" He says and turns the radio. A familiar voice comes up and I know it's Ariana. Though the song was unfamiliar. Was it on her new album? I haven't listened to it yet. But oh, the words were amazing.

The sun is setting
And your right here by my side
the movie is playing
But we won't be watching tonight

Every look
Every touch
Makes me want to give him my heart
I'll be crushing on you baby
Stay right where you are

Cuz I never knew
I never knew
You could hold moonlight in your hands
Till the night I held you

Her lyrics made me wake up. I sat up and payed attention to her song. Jamie looked at me and laughed. He knew my love for amazing lyrics. Once the song was over I replayed it. And again. And again. Until we finally made it home. I learned most of the song.
"You and your songs." He says laughing as we got out of the car.
"They are beautiful." I say hopping out of the car.
"No. Beautiful is describing you. Nothing else." He says and winks at me. I smile and felt myself blush. We walked to the back and I pressed in the pin. We walked hand in hand to the cottage my and by a second we landed on my bed. We just payed there for a while.
"You should take this off... Put something more comfy." He says pulling my tight dress. I smile and go on my side. I start from the top of Jamie's shirt and make my way down. He looks confused but I hush him. Ones his shirt was off I start undoing my dress. Loves it was gone and my bra was somewhere on the floor I put Jamie's shirt on and start buttering it. He smiles watching me do this. I notice him staring, so at the end I get up and make my way to the bathroom. Right before I entered I pulled the shirt off and pulled my panties from under and threw it to him. I hear him laugh as I start pouring water in my face to get the make up off. I get the soap and start massaging my face and it felt good. Then after I wiped it with a soft towel. I got my face lotion and placed it around my face. This was better. I walk back to the room and find Jamie with his boxers laying in bed trying to act sexy. I immodestly start bursting into laughter until finally fell on the bed.
"You know you love me." He says with a low growl. I roll my eyes and look at him.
"And you know I love you." I say and pull him towards me. Just like the past few hours, I get my misbehaving Jamie I love and adore.

Heyy guys!!! I hoped you liked today's chapter!! Pretty cute huh? Lots of Carmie moments there!!... Lol Caro... Jamie... Carmie!! Whatever lol, anyways i thought Jamie should have a reason why he was a player and had different feelings with Caro so I gave him a backstory! Then comes the wedding and photographs and the song that was playing in the car at the end was by Ariana Grande, Moonlight! Love that song and I can't get enough of it! Look for it on her new album Dangerous Woman! I'm hoping this song expands more through the rest of the story and the next one.... Yes there will be a sequel and im having soooo many plans for this one!!! More drama and lots of babies crying!!! I hope your excited as much as I am!! Anyways please comment, vote, and follow!! Love you!!!

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