August 6th, 2016: 4:48 am

61 1 0

"How long has she been here?" Julianna asks. I slowly flutter my eyes awake and saw that she was sitting with Jamie on the chairs.
"A little over an hour... almost 2. Don't worry mom, it's not going to be for another couple hours before they get here." He tells her.
"I have not missed the birth of any of my grandkids, I am not missing theirs." She tells him. I smile and they look at me.
"Hey there mommy to be! How are you feeling?" Julianna asks getting off her chair.
"I'm fine. How are you Julianna?" I ask turning to my back.
"Pretty well... do you feel any pain?" She asks.
"Mmm my back kind of aches. Other than that I'm fine." I say.
"Well we have to call the nurse. She said she'll check you after you've woken up." She says and moves to the button. I look at Jamie who is standing over me.
"And the rest?" I ask.
"They are in the waiting room. I think Ashely is coming in a bit. She went to get some coffee." He says touching my hair.
"So so far we have been here for 2 hours." He says and I nod.
"Morning sunshine! We're going to take a quick look to see how your doing. Do you have any pain?" Natalie asks walking into the room.
"Just my lower back. But I think I'm fine." I say and I push myself up the bed and spread open my legs. She grabs gloves and takes a look.
"Okay, everything is going well. Your still at 6 centimeters for right now. Are you brace enough to walk?" She asks and I look at her weirdly.
"Umm I can try." I say a little nervous.
"It just helps the birth a little. Some woman find it a little relaxing. If you want, you and daddy can walk around the hall and come back after a spin or 2." She says. I nod and start to push myself up. Jamie helps me and he gets me off the bed.
"So just around the hall?" He asks and she nods.
"Just as long as you are comfortable. Mostly now the medicines kick in and there is less pain. So just do it as long or as short as you like or can." She says and I start walking. Huh there is a less pain. Jamie helps me push the iv and we walk around the hall.
"Do you feel better?" He asks after a couple of turns.
"Actually ya. But I feel them all right here." I say gesturing my uterus ad he chuckles.
"I wonder what time they are going to come." He says.
"I'm curious to know when my hater is going to break. I don't want a dramatic one like from movies." I say and he chuckles again.
"If that happens then we'll have a good story to tell." He says and I giggle.
We walk around a few more times until I was finally tired. He takes me to the room and helps me on the bed.
"Was the walk relaxing?" Natalie asks. I nod and put the covers over me.
"Okay so you can wait for now and if you feel pain while contractions just press the button and either I or other nurses will come and assist you. There's a tv right there and the remits on the table. Help yourselves with that while you wait." She says and starts grabbing a few papers.
"Thank you!" I say and she walks out the door.
"Hey anything change?" Ashely asks walking into the room with a cup in her hand.
"Ya we just had the girls. You missed it." I joke and she chuckles.
"Sorry caro i couldn't bring you coffee, but I brought you two some." She says and she hands Julianna and Jamie a cup as they grab them happily. I roll my eyes. I haven't had coffee in months!
"K guys enjoy your delicious coffee!" I say grabbing the remote and start flipping through channels. They laugh and I chuckle.
"You can have some after today." Jamie says smiling.
"Ya ya whatever." I say and try to find something to watch.
We talked for a while and after a couple of minutes the rest of the guys came in to check on me.
"Oh god, I've been waiting to see you in here since I met you. Now it's only a couple of hours away!" Kaylee says giving me a hug. I smile and hug her back.
"When I first met you I thought you were just a new girl that Jamie found." Ashia jokes and I chuckle and give her a hug too.
"Do you feel anything yet?" Marco asks.
"Not really. I get really faint contractions and some back pain but that's all. Not much of other things." I say and rub my belly.
"Who's going to be with you when they come?" Kaylee asks.
Wow I haven't even thought of that!
"Umm I don't know..." I say and they all look at each other.
"Jamie obviously. Ashely, can you?" I ask.
"I would be honored!" She says with a big smile.
"Juliana?" I ask.
"Of  course hun, anything for you." She says with a smile.
"Sorry guys but I think the rest of you are going to have to wait until they actually arrive." I say frowning to the rest of them.
"It's fine, I wouldn't be able to look at you after looking A you down there!" Ashia says and I laugh.
"You guys are the best." I say and they laugh.
"Are you tired?" Jamie asks.
"A little. Not that much though" I tell him.
"You want water?" He asks and I nod.
"He hands me my water that the hospital gave me.
"Let's play a game before the babies comes. Let's guess the the time they arrive and which baby is going to come first." Kaylee says and we all agree.
"The winner gets a free coffee from me!" She says and everyone gets excited.
" I think they are going to arrive around 9:30 and Mariana is going to be first." Kaylee says.
"I think they are going to be here around 8:45ish and I think esteffany is going to be first." Ashia says.
"I think esteffany is going to be first around 10." Ashely says.
"Umm, around 9:20 and esteffany." Marco says.
"8:30 and esteffany." Julian says,
"11:30 and Mariana" Jamie says smiling at me.
"10:50 and I think esteffany is coming first." Juliana says.
"10:30 and Mariana." Julian says.
"Okayy I have them all written down. Let's see who wins!" Kaylee says and we laugh.
"Just please let it be quick!" I say and they laugh.
For a couple of hours we talked until we got tired one by one we fell asleep.
Jamie and I were the last ones up.
"What if by some reason they are boys and not girls?" I ask him playfully.
"Then we would have to find some way to get rid of all the pink in their room and the clothes." He says and I chuckle.
"But I'm pretty sure they are girls. So I wouldn't worry." He says.
"We have to come up with our plans on how to parent them." I says
"First we have to see which one mommy's girl and which one is daddy's girl. That way we would know who to send them to if they do something bad." He jokes and I roll my eyes.
"Don't worry, they will love both of us equally. But we both have to be tough on them so they won't go to one for all the Yeses when the other says all the no's." He says.
"You know after them we're going to need to get you a boy." I say and he chuckles.
"After maybe they turn 1 or 2. They are our first ones and we are already having to deal with 2." He says and I smile.
"We're going to be good parents right?" I ask.
"Ya. Ye we are. Now get some sleep because later your going to be begging for some." He says and I giggle.
"Come on. Close your eyes and dream of holding the girls in your hands." He says and I listen to him and close my eyes. I beeping if the monitor becomes a rhythm to me and I slowly drift with the rest of them.

Heyyyy guys!!! Omg another chapter done!!! I could have had more but ugh! This morning I twisted my neck and it's been hard for me to look down or any other way other then straight, so sorry if the chapter was a little crappy! My goal is still to finish all the chapters before tomorrow.. maybe 2 or 3 chapters to go... wish me luck!!! Please vote, comment and follow! Love y'all!!!

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