June 15, 2016

23 1 0

I walk back and forth in my cell. The night was horrible. Soon after they left me, they dragged me out of my clothes and out on some dark green jumpsuit. They took my phone and I managed not to scream when they touched me. My babies were moving like crazy all night. I cried most of the night and my eyes were red now. After about an hour of walking a police came and opened the cell.
"Ms. Sanchez. We are going to take you to ask you some questions. Please don't struggle." He looks at me and I could tell he felt sorry. He wasn't there last night. He seemed younger and more nicer. I didn't argue. I just let him cuff me and take me down a few turns.
Finally I was inside a white room. I sat down in front of a grey table and waited. A few minutes later a woman dressed in blue walks inside.
"Hello Ms. Sanchez. I'm Gwen Dayne. I'm here to ask you some questions, we decided to not cuff you since you didn't commit a crime to be threat full, so we are just going to talk." She says and I stay leaned back staring at her. She swiftly moves to the chair in front of me and crossing her fingers on the table.
"Okay, so we have been looking for you and your friend Ashely Gonzales for the past 7 months. Can you explain why did you come to California?" She asks grabbing a pen and pad. I continued staring at her without saying a word.
"Ms. Sanchez please don't make this more difficult then it seems. If we get this shit sorted out there can be a chance you can get out of here. Please just answer the questions." She says. I stare at her coldly and she raises a brow. I sigh and roll my eyes and sit up so I'm laying my hands on the table.
"My Fuckboy ex boyfriend knocked me up last October. My mom beat the shit out of me, put two together, decided to not put my baby in danger." I hiss.
"Your mom beat you?" She asks. I nod.
"On your records it says your father died at age 4..." She starts and I laugh wickedly.
"What's so funny?" She asks raising her brow sharply.
"Died. No. He didn't die. He was murdered. MURDERED! My fucked up mom killed him and I was left there getting beat to death. It got to the point to where i was taking care of myself when I was 8! Tell me, what kind of person who lived through that never had the idea of running away?" I say coldly and quietly.
"Ms. Sanchez, why didn't you call the police?" She snaps.
"Something worse then being beat to death is being put in the foster system. Where you get bounced to house to house and they might treat you worse then my so called home. Like I said, I learned to take care of myself at age 8... I didn't need anyone. No one." I say.
"And your friend?" She asks.
"Ashely has nothing to do with my life back story. She was my best friend who knew my deepest darkest secrets and she was the only one I could count on. She lived a perfect life with perfect parents and perfect siblings. But she didn't fit in, from what she told me the past few years I knew her. She didn't have to come with me to California, but she wanted to because she was more of a sister to me then a friend." I finish.
"Okay. Now the child. It's Alejandro Gomez's kid right?" She asks.
"Nope." I say without hesitation.
"You had a sexual relationship with mr Gomez for about 3-4 weeks and you found out you were pregnant before going to California. And you have your doctors record saying you were 3 weeks pregnant your first visit as Daniella Itzel Dominguez." She says opening up a file.
"I was pregnant with his child until it died. I had a miscarriage but I got pregnant by Jamie Grey by the end of November. He's the father of my girls and Alex is absolutely not." I say and she looks at me.
"How could that happen?" She asks.
"Well here how it goes. I got my first check up, it went well. A few days later I guess the baby dies inside me not really knowing. A few days later me and my new boyfriend hooked up without a condom because why use one when I'm already pregnant anyway? His sperm went into my eggs and poof. There's my new babies." I say sarcastically.
"So these are not Mr Gomez's kids?" She asks a little annoyed.
"No." I snap.
"Okay. But there has to be more to the story of why you left." She says.
"The day I found out I was pregnant was the day I left. I went home, found my mom in my room with the ONLY picture I had of my father and she ripped it and told me she was the one who killed my father. I got angry, hit her a bit until she was unconscious and left to Ashely's house. I told her i had to leave and she said she was coming with me. I told her no but she told me she was coming either way. I was going to bring Alex with me, but when I told him I found him having sex with one of my other best friend ally. Everyone knew I was pregnant by then. Some rumor. So I left." I finish.
"Who was the last person you talked to before you left?" She asks. I think back and try to remember.
"Logan Enriquez." I say.
"And who was he?" She asks.
"He was my best guy friend. He liked me for many years already. He found out I was pregnant and saw that I got rejected by Alex and he rejected me too." I finish.
"How did you meet Kaylee Lopez?" She asks.
"She knows Ashely by old friends." I simply answer.
"And you know it's a crime to make fake IDs and make a fake identifications?" She asks.
"Yes I know. But we needed a new start. It was working fine until..." I didn't finish.
"And you were staying in the guest house in kaylees home?" She asks.
"Both me and Ashely shared the cottage." I say.
"And education?" She asks.
"Online. I was supposed to start today." I say.
"Job?" She asks.
"We had a job at an elementary school before summer vacation began." I say.
"And your relationship with Mr Grey?" She asks.
"We are in love. We were planning on graduating early so we get it over with and start our lives together." I say coldly.
"Okay enough questions for right now" she says closing her note pad and the file.
"When will I see my boyfriend?" I ask angrily.
"He's just waiting outside." She says getting up.
"One more question. Where is Ashely?" She asks.
"Vacation with her boyfriend." I say annoyed.
"We will continue the questions in a few hours. I have other work to attended. You have 10 minutes. Make it quick." She says and walks out. I stand and gasp. About 5 second later Jamie bursts the door open and runs to me. I open my arms and I cry on his shoulders.
"Oh Caro. How could you?!" He hisses and I cry.
"I don't know Jamie! I don't know! He told me he was going to take my girls! I panicked! I just wanted him to leave us alone! We are getting closer everyday!" I cry!
"Shh shh... It's okay." He says.
"No it's not okay! I made a big crime and who knows?! They might send me back to Nevada and Ashely will get in trouble and it's all my fault!" I cry and he holds me closer.
"I'm not going to let that happen!" He says.
"We're going to court and if I loose..." I start.
"You are not going to loose." He says holding my face.
"I don't think I could see her again!" I sob.
"She can't do anything! She is more likely going to go to jail for murder and beating you! She can't do anything." He says holding me.
"I'm so sorry Jamie, this didn't have to happen! It's all my fault!" I cry.
"Hey! This is not your fault, don't you say that!" He says wiping my eyes.
"If I never showed up I your life, you wouldn't have to worry about this." I cry.
"Carolina, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. Don't you ever say that, ever! I will be here for you in these horrible times and I won't leave. I promise!" He says and I jump on his chest and hold him.
"I will always be here baby. Forever." He says and I stay there holding him.
"How long am I going to stay here?" I ask Gwen annoyed. It's almost 5 and I want to go home.
"You can leave tomorrow afternoon. The first trial is going to be next Monday at 9 am sharp." She says.
"Wait I have my doctors appointment that day." I say.
"What time?" She asks.
"12:00" I say.
"I'll call for them to live it until 4:00" she says.
"And I was going to see her every 2 weeks after that. So i can't have court days those days." I say confidently.
"We'll make arrangements then. I would just need a list. Now back to the trials. We are going to need some people to come and interview and then witnesses for the court. Do you have a layer?" She asks.
"I would have to talk to Kaylee about that. I do have contact with her do I?" I ask nervously.
"Yes of course." She says.
"And I would still be allowed to stay with her?" I ask.
"You would be on probation, we suggest you stay in the cottage to avoid contact." She says.
"But you just said I can have contact with her." I say raising a brow.
"Yes, but after first trial you can. We don't want you guys talking about the trials." She says.
"Oh that you don't have to worry about. Ima pregnant teenager who needs to get her baby shower ready and a whole lot of other crap." I say smiling without emotion.
"Right. Please just be careful." She says.
"And I can see my boyfriend right?" I ask.
"On probation. You can't leave the house after 8." She says.
"I have birthing classes and I'm having my baby shower soon and in wont be home until late." I say annoyed.
"No later then 9:30. The baby shower we'll see if we can get someone there to make sure your there." She says.
"And my service?" I ask.
"You will serve a fine of $480 for the false identification and we'll see how the trials go for any further punishment." She says.
"Your friend Ashely will be back tomorrow from her trip. I see she has therapy?" She asks. I gasp.
"What?! She's on vacation! She has to stay there! Why are you bringing her back?? She was supposed to be there for 2 weeks!" I yell.
"She has done a crime and we need her here! Do you want a bigger problem?" She snaps.
"She just fucking lost her baby a few weeks ago, she needed some time away to spend time with her boyfriend and think and talk it all through!" I yell.
"I'm sorry I can't do anything about that. We need her in." She says.
"And are you going to keep her here for 2 nights too??" I ask.
"Yes, that's her consequence. Don't tell me how to do my job." She snaps.
"Why don't people understand?" I say softly and roll my eyes.
"Back to your cell." She says and I get up and let the police hand off me and take me back to the cell.
"Dios mio!? They found out?" My aunt Brisa says and i could hear her worry.
"Aunt Brisa it's fine. They are going to want to interview you, don't panic, just tell the truth and you'll be fine okay?" I tell her.
"Okay, I will. I'll be praying for you mija." She says.
"Thank you aunt Brisa. I love you. Thank you for everything." I say and hang up. I follow Parker... The nice police... back to my cell. Once there he hands me a box.
"Here, I'm sorry this happened to you. If it was up to me I would believe you." He says and I go inside the cell with the box. He turns and leaves.
"Thanks you." I mummer.
I open the box and it's a pillow. And not like the pillow they have here, this one is a very nice pillow. I look up and see him at the very end of the hall and smile. I mouth 'thank you' and he smiles and walked away. I go to my cotton bed and use my new pillow and slowly fall asleep.
"Then why didn't you stop me?" I ask Kaylee. They let me see her for 10 minutes too. She just confessed that she was suspicious of my meeting with Alex.
"I was going to, but you kinda walked in on me. I lost you after you left. I went back to the house and tried listening to your past calls. Denny's really? Please don't loose my trust, I was just scared I had to take a peak." She says wiping her left eye.
"It's okay Kaylee. It was my fault. I believed him and thought it will help." I say frowning.
"How did you get the money anyway?" She asks me.
"The first time me and Ricardo went out to eat I panicked and told him. He took out a loan and gave me the money and trusted me that I was going to pay him back." I say shrugging.
"Why didn't you talk to me? Or Ashely or Jamie?" She asks.
"I was scared and I wanted to do this without people knowing. I didn't want to put you guys in danger." I say.
"Caro, you should have trusted us." She says frowning.
"You know they are bringing Ashely and Marco back tomorrow right?" I ask her.
"Ya. I figured." She says shrugging.
"What are we going to do about the court trials?" I ask.
"We need to prove your not guilty. Which your not so we don't have much to worry." She says.
"Who's going Monday?" I ask.
"Well I have to get our lawyer here. Her name is Grace Montez. She has never lost a trial in her life. They are going to put me, my family, and Jamie in for questioning and we get to testify. I'm not even sure who's against you. Either your mom or Alex... But either way they are going to be there." She says.
"My mom." I say quietly. Can I face her?
"Yes. Don't worry as long as they prove her guilty for the murder with your father then we have one down. We have  Alex then." She says.
"But what's there to fight about?" I ask confused.
"I don't know. But he is fighting. I'm sure he is going to get witnesses and all these other crap of people that don't know what happened. Trust me, you will win this." She says with a weak smile.
"And they didn't take you in for the false IDs? And helping us go through all this?" I ask scared.
"Of course me and my family will get put into questioning, but don't worry about us. Worry about you. You, the babies and right now okay?" She says and I nod slowly.
"I'll try." I say.
"Okay. Well I have to go. My 10 minutes are about to be up. I'll be here to pick you up by noon." She says and I nod.
"Okay. Thank you Kaylee. For everything." I say with a weak smile.
"Anytime. I'll see you tomorrow." She says and we get up and give each other a hug.
A few minutes later Parker comes and and takes me to my cell. It closes and I go in the little cot and lay my head.
Relax Caro. This will go fine. It has to. I think. I take a deep breath and close my eyes.

HEYYY GUYS!!! Interesting huh?? Well now Caro is in jail... And has to go into court... More goddamn pressure for her. Well it's all Alex's fault. Anyways I hope you enjoyed today's chapter.... I actually did, she had to explain her story and prove she's not guilty. Please vote, comment, and follow! Love you!!

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