August 7th, 2017: 10:38 pm

42 2 0

Mariana Vivian Grey
Esteffany Rose Grey

Jamie and I signed the final birth certificates until it was official. We were at the front seat and I was dressed in a light blue blouse and leggings. My stomach was not flat but it wasn't ginormous anymore.
I watched my girls in the car seats. They had their eyes a little opened and were bundled and cuddled with their cute pink blankets. I put headbands on them with a big hot pink flower and a light pink onsie. They looked like tiny baby dolls!
"Okay, you guys are all set! Now let me take a quick look at these cutie pies!" Linda says and she gets up to take a look at my girls. She baby talks them and they just look at her. I giggle and said my goodbyes.
"Take care and we'll see when we can see each other again!" Linda says waving at we started for the door.
"Yes! I'll miss you Linda!" I call and she smiles and waves us goodbye. I carry Mariana's car seat and Jamie carries Esteffany's. We get to Jamie's nice black car and we buckle up the girls. I smile at Mariana and baby talk her as I buckle her up and I can see a small smile. I quickly grab my phone and take a picture of my little angels. I turn to Jamie who is still putting esteffany's seat and I take a couple pictures of him.
"Hey there sexy daddy." I say to him and he looks at me and winks. I giggle and close the door.
The drive back home was quiet but it felt like a difference from other times we drive back home quietly. This time we Jamie and I kept looking at each other and we would have the biggest grin ever and start laughing.
"Home right?" He asks.
"Yes. Home." I say with a smile and we head home.
"We're home!" I call out to Ashely as we enter the door. I held my bag with one hand and esteffany's seat on the other.
"Let me see them!" Ashely squeals as she comes down the stairs. I smile and she gets on her knees as I put esteffany's seat on the floor.
"Hi mamas! Remember me? Your aunt Ashely?" She starts baby talking them and I laugh.
"I'm going to put the stuff away, do you need me to bring you anything?" Jamie asks.
"Ya can you bring me the two think blankets on the baby's crib and the donut pillow and my buttoned shirt?" I tell him and start getting Mariana out of the seat.
"Ya okay." He says and goes upstairs.
I hold Mariana gently and she looks like a soft baby doll! I bring her to me and she starts getting fussy.
"Hey ash can you do me a favor and take esteffany out too?" I ask Ashely and she nods happily and takes out esteffany.
I rock Mariana back and forth and she starts crying. I try to shush her but she keeps crying.
"Shh Shh it's okay, I'll give you food right now." I say and continue to rock her. I hold her little fisted hand and see tiny red scratch marks on her face.
"Hey babe, can you do me another favor and bring me the little baby mittens from the white drawer in between the cribs?" I call out to Jamie.
"Okay!" He calls back.
Ashely and I rock the babies until Jamie comes downstairs with my donut pillow, blouse, blankets, and mittens.
"Thank you! Here take her while I get them prepared for lunch." I say and hand Jamie Mariana. I take off my blue blouse and put on my red button up. I put the donut pillow around me and find a good comfortable position. I undo the top buttons of my blouse and unsnap my new sexy maternity bra! (Sarcasm)
"Okay hand her to me. Spread the blankets on the other couch tightly tucked and pull out the couch." I say and open my arms to Mariana. He hands her to me and starts doing what I told him to do.
"Oopsies! I think someone just made an accident!" Ashely says looking at esteffany's little face and I chuckle. I fix Mariana so she can eat comfortably.
"Do you have diapers and wipies?" She asks getting up.
"Ya they are in the super bag, I think on the kitchen table." I say and she gets up and grabs them.
I help Mariana find the nipple but she keeps moving.
"Mariana my boob Is pretty big, i don't think it's that hard to find a nipple." I say and Jamie laughs. I smile and flinch a little when she starts sucking.
"You need anything else?" Jamie asks still standing over me.
"Umm, maybe some water." I say with a smile. He smiles back and goes and gets me a glass of water. I hear a cry with Ashely and I turn to look.
"I think she's hungry." She says rocking the baby but talking sweetly. I giggle.
"Marina is falling asleep. Jamie can you put her on the couch and I'll take esteffany." I say quietly. Jamie moves towards me and takes Mariana out of my arms and puts her on the couch. I reach over for esteffany and she has a mad expression. I laugh and bring her close to my face.
"Baby number 2 is hungry isn't she? Isn't she?!" I say but she continues to fuss. I giggle and place her on my boob. Jamie and Ashely giggle. I smile and lean in to kiss my baby girl.
Jamie turns the tv on and later Marco came.
"Caro, how are you?" He asks giving me a quick side hug.
"Bearable. Tired and hungry. How bout you?" I ask and he chuckles.
"Decent. How's Ashely behaving? Do I have to punish her?" He jokes. I chuckle.
"Pretty bad, we might have to turn her into the police for the bad behavior she has been." I joke back and Ashely chicles and rolls her eyes.
"Joke all you want but remember I'm the only one pregnant here now." She says and we laugh. I lay back down and Marco baby sits for a while😂. Jamie brings me soup and water and we watch a movie.
"So how's it like to be a mom?" Marco asks.
"Tiring, a little cranky, but you'll just figure it out when Ash gives birth." I say and he chuckles and continues to straddle Esteffany.
We stayed put for the night. Ya the girls cried every 5 minutes during the night and I barely slept, but it'll get better. Right?

Heyyyyy guys!!! Sorry for the slow update!!! 1st school started and college has been kicking my butt... I barely have time to myself and when I do I'm probably preparing for the Dangerous Woman Tour(Ariana Grande!!!!!) I'm her first show so Ive been in tears all month and have been preparing! I'll see when I'll finish the book, 2 more chapters left, so I'm guessing pretty quick! Anyways hope you liked this short and quick chapter! Please vote, comment, and follow!!!! LOVE YALL!!!

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