February 13th 2016

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"It won't sting you." Amy says as she tries to get me to touch the stingray in the water. I am tangled up on Jamie still not touching the creature. Jamie laughs every time I hold him tighter.
"Look babe, it doesn't hurt you." He says touching the stingray. I loosen my left hand and reach slowly to the swimming creature. I finally touch it and it feels slimy. But for some reason I don't pull away. I let go of Jamie and move through the water with the stingray. I smile and Amy the animal instructor smiles too. We were in the beach where they can show us aquatic creatures. The water was perfect blue and shallow. I move my feet trying hard not to step on the stingrays. I laugh and get a little deeper in the water.
"Look at that one!" I call to Jamie and point at a small stingray that was heart shape. It was small and cute. I bent down into the water and touched it. I swam when it felt my touch. I laughed.
"He's so cute." I say and Jamie was on my side.
"That's Olly. He's the sweet one... Well he is shaped as a heart." She says. I touch Olly some more and let the other stingrays pass by. After about a half hour of me being with the stingrays Jamie finally stood up.
"Come, Amy said we can go with the Dolphins." He says and I immediately jump up. I've been wanted to go with the Dolphins all day. I touched Olly one more time and took Jamie's hand and followed him back to the shore. I put on my coverup over my bikini and Jamie held my hand as we followed Amy. She was really pretty. Golden skin, long brown hair and a perfect body. Though she was married. The ring on that finger didn't lie. So I didn't worry about her being around Jamie.
"So we are going to go down south in the boat then we can change you into a scuba suit and we can jump with the Dolphins." She says with a sweet smile. We walked for a while until we reached the dock. There was a white boat waiting for us and it was small but suitable. We hoped in and Amy started driving the boat. The air was fresh. I felt the breeze hit my face and I loved it. Jamie put his arm over me and held me tight then leaned down to kiss me. We smiled when we went to a stop.
"Okay we're here. So I have some suits right here and they are simple to put on. But if you do have trouble putting them on, just call me." She says and turns away and puts hers on. I grab the pink one and slip it on. I put on the goggles and put oxygen mask on so I look like a walking pink teletubbie. Jamie looked at me and let out a small laugh. I rolled my eyes but let him take me to the side of the boat.
"Okay so the water is not as deep but I'm pretty sure non of you can reach the bottom. You guys do know how to swim right?" She asks. Both Jamie and I nodded. Ally had a pool and I would go often so I eventually learned.
"Okay then this with be pretty simple. The Dolphins are around and they'll know your here so they'll come in a bit. Other then that have fun! I'll be right behind you if you need anything." She says cheerfully. I squeal and went down the ladder to get into the water. I grabbed the side and waited for Jamie to come down. He grabbed me and waited for Amy. When she was in the water we let go of the rail and went into the water. It was so pretty! It was perfect blue and so clear to see too. There was a few colorful fish and I could see the sand and it wasn't so deep. I explored and saw Jamie and we reached for each other. Then I saw a grey figure coming towards us and for a split second I thought it was a shark and started swimming back. It moved its head but then I realized it was a dolphin. I took a deep breath and touched it. It was so beautiful. Amy came and started touching her too. Jamie was with another one. Amy was trying to tell me something but I didn't understand. She was holing onto the the top fin. Then I understood. She wanted me to hold her too. I mimicked her and held the beautiful creature. May pushed my hands tighter as if to hold tightly. So I did. She moved the dolphin and it started moving and I held tight. It started moving faster and I helps tighter and started moving my legs up and down. We started swimming and it was so cool! I saw more fish and a few stingrays and was able to see the beautiful underwater life. I finally let go of the dolphin and swam back to Jamie. I feel so great full for having him in my life. Could I ever let him go?
"So what did you do today?!" Ashely asks as I'm on the phone with her. I laid in the big white bed and Jamie was in the shower.
"I touched a stingray and swam with dolphins." I say happily.
"Oh my god!! That sounds amazing!! Did you take pictures?!" She asks excitedly.
"Of course I took pictures! I'll send them to you in a bit when I take my laptop out." I say smiling.
"Well that's good that your having fun. When are you coming back?" She asks.
"We leave Monday night. So we'll be home by Tuesday." I say. Tomorrow is Sunday and I don't want to leave.
"Almost a week then. Lucky butt." She says and I laugh.
"So how is your time back at home?" I ask curiously.
"Fine. Morning sickness is becoming less of a habit. Marco and I have been doing lots of stuff. We went to the movies yesterday night and watches The Boy. Thursday night he came over and I tutored him for his Chemistry test. Today we had dinner and then we went to the park. So after all our relationship is building. Weird that sex hasn't been a problem. We haven't slept in the same bed since... " she trailed of on the last part.
"Oh. I mean that's good. Oh guys are working into other things first." I tell her.
"Ya. And then tomorrow it's Valentine's Day. I don't know if that will lead anything on. Hey quick question just out of curiosity. Do you have to wear a condom when your pregnant?" She asks and I laugh.
"What's so funny?!" She asks and I could stop laughing. I could hear her on the other side laughing too and then I finally calmed down.
"Depends. As long as he doesn't have an STD or HIV then no you don't have to." I tell her and chuckle at the end.
"Okay thanks." She says with a chuckle. I laugh once more. I hear the shower go off from the bathroom.
"Hey I got to go. I'll call you tomorrow. And I'll send you pictures right now." I say.
"Okay then, bye!" She says.
"Bye." I say and hang up. I put the phone to the side and grab my laptop. The first thing I do is send Ash the pictures. Then I go on my English paper and do the final touches. I hear footsteps coming towards me and I look up.
"Hey. You want dinner?" He asks smiling shirtless and a towel around his waist. I smirk.
"Eager for some aren't you?" I joke and he laughs.
"Oh baby we can do that for desert. But I made reservations for our dinner. If you still want to go we have to leave in a bit." He says putting on his grey t shirt.
"That sound amazing." I say.
"Okay then let's go." He says putting on a pair of boxers and shorts. I climb out of bed and take off my t shirt and put on a hot pink crop rob and fine a nice red floral pattern long shirt and slip it on. I brush my wet hair and pull it up to a nice bum and add a flower clip to the end. I smile looking at the mirror and let my bangs out. I walk over to my purse and go to the door by Jamie. He hold my hand and we walk out the hours and he closes the door. We walk back to the shore and I start to think, where were we going?
"Hey umm... Where are we going?" I ask. He smiles and looks at me.
"It's a surprise." He says and doesn't say anything else. I look at him and I swear he was smirking behind his sunglasses.
He drove a little cart for about 10 minutes until we made a stop. We were at the beach again. There was a long line and there was a lady in a bikini top and a long skirt waiting tables. I looked around. There weren't any tables around. Jamie pulled me and we went past everyone that was in line. I heard some complains and saw people snarling at us as we passed. We made our way to the small table under the tent with a short redhead also in a bikini top and long skirt.
"Umm sir... We have a line." She gestured to the angry line of people.
"We have a reservation. Grey, Jamie." He said. She glared at him and then looked at her binder. She looked surprised but then grabbed 2 menus from a grey box in the side.
"Right this way sir." She said smiling. I heard people groan in the back. I followed Jamie and I looked around. Then I saw it. There weren't any tables on the shore. But they were in the water. My eyes widen. I grabbed Jamie's elbow.
"Am I seeing things or are we literally eating in the water?" I say and he chuckles.
"I hope you like it." He says with a wink and follows the waitress. I stayed speechless but after about a second I pulled my shirt off and took off my flip flops and followed them into the water. We went to a small table in the middle and I sat and gave up on trying to keep my skirt from getting wet. I sat down and the lady served us some water. After she left I felt a huge grin flow in my face.
"This is amazing! How many times can I say thank you for taking me to this trip?!" Is exclaim throwing my hands up gesturing the island.
"You don't have to say thank you. You deserve a good Valentine's Day and any beautiful girl like you deserves something like this." He says winking. I felt my smile shrinking. Any beautiful girl. Has he brought other girls here? He said he was a player. Was his story the same with every girl. I look down. He noticed.
"What's the matter?" She asks softly furrowing his brows.
"When you said any beautiful girl should come here... Have you taken other girls here? You seem to know the place." I say putting both hands on the table. He rolls his eyes.
"Oh Dani. How can I make you understand. I've been here with a girl before." He says and look at him with confusion and anger.
"That girl was my my sister. And I have also been here with a boy. That boy is my brother in law. In fact I was here with a lot of boys and girls. My aunt and uncle, brother and a few cousins. You don't have to worry about anything. You are the only girl who I've dated that I took here. Please understand that." He says leaning to my face. I blink a little rapid. I then smile from relief.
"I'm sorry. I guess I'm new to this too and just want to avoid... You know... Getting played." I say with a chuckle. Jamie was silent.
"You think I would play you?" He asks so serious it might be anger. I feel my blood rush through my face.
"No! I didn't mean it like that it's just right before we started dating you told me you were a player and I'm scared." I say really quickly. He doesn't look at me. He is still silent.
"You don't trust me." He says and puts his elbows on the table and covers his face. My heart sinks. I couldn't think. I quickly grabbed his face with my hands and held him until he looked at me.
"Listen to me. I trust you with my life. You are willing to stay with my baby that isn't yours. You took me bora bora and I'm enjoying every minute of it. I met your family and I love them already. You met my family and we opened our arms to you. You are my best miracle and I love you. Jamie Grey I love you. This baby and you are my life that I can't wait to live in. I already have you. Don't think any of that, I trust you." I cry out. Tears spring down my face and I know I'm crying because I haven't told him everything. Crying because he really doesn't know my past. Crying because I can't tell him yet. Crying because I might eventually loose him.
"Daniella." Was all he could say. He grabbed my face and kissed me. We held each other and I knew people were probably staring. He gets up and pulls me with him. I look at him confused.
"We can make dinner later. Let's go." He says and takes my hand and we talk out of the water and he tells the waitress that the table is open. I look back one more time to the beautiful sea.
"I'm coming with you." I say as we lay on the bed. We were covered with a thin sheet and the pillows were all over the floor and the blanket was scattered on the floor.
"What?" He asked confused.
"I'm going with you Hawaii." I say clearly getting up to lay on top of him.
"Dani you don't have to do that." He says holding my face.
"Yes I do. I have to be with you. And I want you happy. Im going with you to Hawaii." I say and he smiles pulling a strand of hair behind my ear.
"Okay." He says with a beautiful smile.
"I love you." I say with a tear falling from my cheek. He removes the tear from my cheek and kisses me once more.
"And I love you." He says. And I believe him.

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