February 18, 2016

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"Okay, you can start in room 201. Ms. Kenya's room. She's a 1st grade teacher." The front office lady, Mrs. Crump, tells me as I sign in. I walk towards the door. I was actually nervous. I wore my navy blue pencil skirt Ashely gave me on Tuesday and a grey long sleeve shirt and some red heels and my white purse Jamie's parents got me for Christmas. I walked outside and there was 2 building. One for grades kinder to fifth and the other sixth to eighth. It's weird. When I went to elementary school they did have is separated but like they were two completely different schools. I Wales to building A and looking for room 201. The hallways were small and white full of color on the walls of children's art work. I found the room and on the top were letters spelled out Ms. Kenya. I open the door and hundreds of little eyes looked at me. I looked around the room and there were posters of ABC's and numbers and months of ur years and days of the week. It all looked like a unicorn threw up in this room. A tall skinny brunette woman stood next to a smart board looking at me.
"Hello, you must be Daniella Dominguez. 1st grade friends this is Daniella. She will be here to help around here. Please be nice to her okay?" She says in a sweet delicate voice. All the students say okay after her. I smile sweetly.
"Okay friends, I need you to work on you worksheet as I talk to our guest. Off to work." She says sweetly and walks towards me. Her loose shirt flows as she walks to me. Her skin was perfect white and her red lipstick sticked out brightly. Her eyelashes looked like beautiful feathers.
"Hi. I'm Maddie Kenya. You must be Daniella... Is that correct?" She asks. She looked young. Maybe 21 or 22.
"Umm... Yes." I say smiling.
"Okay. So right now we are learning hour to count from 20-40. I gave them a worksheet and they just need to finish it. If they have any questions can you help them? This is their bell work so after they are done just check it and if they have it all correct have them put it away and get them to start on their Thursday Reading sheet. After that I'll give you some papers to grade while I do the lesson." She says. I nod.
"Okay. Well I leave them in your hands." She says with a sweet smile and walks to her desk in the corner. I walk around and all the kids were quietly working. I look at their work and help a few on the way. The day went on quickly. I graded many papers and gone to make copies. Finally it was lunch time. I was hungry.
"Well I'm going to Wendy's. Want to join me?" Maddie asks.
"Umm... I don't have any money." I say giving a weak chuckle.
"Oh it'd fine, you helped me a lot. It's on me." She says smiling.
"Okay then." I say and follow her back to the class to get our purses. She leads the way out and we head towards her small red car. I hop in next to her and we start driving.
"Do you live far?" She asks me.
"Not ready. I live a few blocks down." I say pointing to the direction.
"Oh that's nice. I've met your sister Miranda. She's really helpful too." She says smiling.
"Ya... It's sort of a charm." I say and she laughs.
"That's funny. So j also herd you two have some buns in the oven. True?" She asks.
"Yup. I'm almost 4 months and she is going to be 2 months." I say.
"That's so cool! Having a sister and you being pregnant at the same time... You guys aren't twins?" She asks.
"No, we were adopted by the same parents at the same time but she isn't my birth sister." I say and it comes out naturally. I'm used to telling this story now.
"Our parents died a few months ago, we moved down to California a few days later and then I found out I was pregnant. About 2 months later so was my sister." I say.
"That's crazy. Are you happy though? I mean I would love kids but I haven't found the right person yet." She says.
"I guess I'm happy. The guy that got me pregnant... Well I don't know. It was one night and I forgot most of that night. We were at a party and I liked him but we never talked. We never spoke after that night. Now I have my boyfriend and he is.. He is just the best person in the entire world. We cares for me and is always there. He is like treating the baby is if it was his. He loves us." I say with a crooked smile patting my belly. I'm just happy this baby is Jamie's.
"That's nice. Well congratulations. I hope you guys be happy." She says with a bug smile. It's weird. Other people who herd this story would usually give me a smile that seemed like they were disgusted about a pregnant 16 year old. She was different. Like if she was actually happy to see it. We continued to talk through out the ride until we got our food and we are. We drove back to the school still talking.
"Well it's nice to get along with someone younger than me. Usually they annoy me because all they care about is partying and social media. You, well you actually care for your future and determined even with your baby." She says.
"If you don't mind me asking, how old are you?" I ask.
"I'm 21. It's my first year teaching and I've always been determined to reach this point." She says smiling to herself.
"Well you have." I say and gave her a nice smile and hoped out of the car. I helped out the rest of the day until finally it was time for me to go home. I got a text from Ashely.

Hey Caro,
Sorry to tell you this but I left early because I had to go get the air fixed from the car. Please don't hate me! I won't be home until 6.

I roll me eyes.

It's fine. I'll walk. It's not that far. See you at the house.

I put my hope in my purse and start walking down the street. It wasn't as far as I expected it to be. I got home in around 10 or 15 minutes. I went to the cottage and turned on the lights. I saw big figures jump all of a sudden and it made me jump back.
"SURPRISE!" They screamed. My eyes widen.
"Happy Birthday Carolina!" Ashely says happily bringing me a small chocolate cake with one big candle. I laugh. Her and Kaylee start singing the birthday song and finally I blew the candle.
"Thank you!" I say happily. They new my real birthday.
"Your finally 17." Ashely says smiling.
"Ya 17." I say patting my stomach.
"17 and pregnant." I say with a small laugh.
"Yes! Here open your present!" Kaylee says excitedly. We walk to the couch and they handed me a big pink gift bag. I smile again putting the cake down on the table. I open the bag and there is a beautiful white purse. It was big with golden charm zippers. Gold chains were on it too.
"It's so beautiful!" I say happily.
"That was from me. Happy real birthday." Ashely says with a soft laugh.
"Thank you. I love it." I say giving her a hug.
"Open mine!" Kaylee squeals.
I laugh and grab a purple bag on the side. I pull the papers out and found a box inside. I tear the paper and found four books. All the Fifty Shades of Grey books.
"HOLY CRAP!" I say my eyes widen. I pull out one book one by one. They are so delicate in my hands. I open some pages and the pages were so thin.
"I love them! Oh my gosh! I've read the first one and I loved it! Thank you!" I say happily. I put the books back in the box and give Kaylee a hug.
"Thank you, you guys. I loved them both!" I say holding the books and bag agains my chest.
"We're glad you liked them." Kaylee says with a cute smile.
"So what do you want to do for the rest of your birthday?" Ashely asks.
"Netflix does not sound bad right now." I say and they both laugh and we turn the tv on and watched How I met your Mother the rest of the day.

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