July 23, 2016

28 2 0

"Wow. I haven't seen it this empty since we moved in." Ashely says as we sit on the floor of My now empty room.
"It hasn't even been a year. Do you think we are doing this too fast?" I ask her.
"Are you having second thoughts?" She asks.
"I don't know. I mean for the last couple of weeks we have been saying yes yes we are ready, but now that it's come, it seems like we have been living a movie. It's so quick." I say.
"You guys are going to be fine." She says with a smile.
"Ash... I'm scared." I say not looking at her.
"Why?" She asks confused.
"The girls are going to be born in a few weeks. I know they are going to be born earlier. I can feel it... I'm scared I'm going to be alone while it happens. What if I'm alone in the house and something happens? What if I can't make it to the phone and I'm upstairs? The thoughts haunts me and I'm scared." I go on and try hard not to cry.
"Hey hey, it's going to be fine. Your going to be fine and your not going to be alone. I'll go if there's anything you need me to do, have me as one of your emergencies or favorites and I'll come running to you." She says and I let out a small chuckle.
"Technically you can't run... but can I ask you for a favor?" I ask.
"Yes anything." She says.
"When I feel like it's getting worse, can you pack a bag and get over here and stay with me?" I ask pouting.
"Ha! Yes caro, I will do that." She says smiling.
"I'm serious! Most girls want their mom their to help them out before the delivery, but I don't want her, I want you. You are my mom." I say and she chuckles.
"I'm your young mom. Yes caro, of course. I will be there when you need me, if you be there when I need you." She says with a smile and I smile at her.
"Wouldn't miss it." I say smiling. We move closer to each other and we hug and we stare at the empty room that I loved calling home.
"That's the last one?" I ask as they take the bring in a couple of new boxes into the kitchen. This week we have been shopping like crazy! Since we are starting new we have been going and and down isles as furniture store. I have been sooo tired this week, it's hard to stay standing.
"Yupp!" Kaylee says helping them grab boxes.
"Gosh dang girl! This is huge!" Ashia says walking in with a box. I giggle and hold the ends of the island.
"Are these cups? Or forks?" She asks.
"Umm, I think they are cups." I say and she brings me the box. I open it and start placing them into a cabinet. Kaylee, Ashia and Ashely help me fix up the kitchen. Jamie, Marco, Julian and Adrian start fixing up the living room. We listen to music as we start continue fixing the kitchen. A while later Jamie's parents and Karina and Manny came.
"It's gorgeous! Just like the first time! Congrats Mija!" Julianna says giving me a cheek kiss.
"Thank you!" I say and hold on to my belly.
"Caro!" Karina says excitedly and I open my arms for her and her own belly.
"Karina! Hi! Where are the kids?" I ask as we pull away from eachother.
"Oh their dad room them to Legoland for the day, I don't think it was a good idea to have them run around while we tried getting things ready here." She says and fixes her hair.
"I mean there's going to be kids running here in a few years anyway." I say and we chuckle.
"Hey babe, where do you want the couches?" He asks. I walk to the living room and the tv was on the wall close to the hallway and under was a electrical fireplace and in the corner was a bookshelf. In the middle was a nice black fluffy rug with a white coffee table.
"Umm I think the longer one should be next to the bookshelf and the shorter one should be facing the tv." I say and they start moving the gorgeous red couches. I walk to the other boxes and found the portraits we bought at IKEA. There was one of a zebra and I thought it would look good on top of the long couch.
"Here right now put the zebra picture over the couch. I say putting it on the coffee table.
"Okay, and the mirror and table, you want them next to the stairs?" He asks.
"Yes, right here." I say and walk next to the stairs and under the nice little roof that was the second story.
"Okay, I'll put them up right now." He says and finished putting the couches. I walk back to the kitchen. I thought it was so beautiful. One wall were all black bricks and black granite from the stove all the way to the fridge.  I decorated it with red cups and fake fruit. The cabinets weren't all full but they had coffee cups, tall and short glass cups and glass plates. Then one whole cabinet was all full of kid plates, cups, bottles, and milk containers. We had more stuff for them then for us. Even in their room! The room is painted a baby pink and the furniture and cribs are white. The new baby clothes are all neatly placed in the closets and drawers. Mine and Jamie's room is painted a light grey and white and the bed is white with red pillows. Then there is my white fluffy rug in the middle. We did get a few  pieces of furniture like cherry drawers and a electrical fireplace with a flatscreen on top of it. Our bathroom was clean but not much was in it. Just my makeup and his razors then in our closet was our clothes. The upstairs living room we put a flatscreen and a black couch and a white rug. The guest room had a nice queen sized bed and a drawer. Just perfect for now.
I stand in the middle of the room watching them when I feel another pain. I move to the wall and hold on.
"Oh caro! Let me get your water." Ashely says and fills a cup with water. Juliana and Karina come to me and I shriek holing my belly.
"Shh shh it going to be fine." Juliana says then Ashely hands me my water. I take a sip and try to breathe. After about a minute it passed.
"Are you okay?" Jamie says finally at my side.
"Yes. Mm. Ya I'm fine." I say controlling my breathing now.
"They are getting closer." Ashely says looking at Jamie.
"I'm okay. It's been around an hour since my last one." I say still sitting.
"Go take a nap, you need sleep." Jamie says to me standing up.
"What? It's 3." I say.
"You probably need to sleep more, maybe that's why you get these. It's okay, when you wake up the house will be ready. Go take a nap." He says.
"Ugh fine." I say rolling my eyes.
"Ash come and help me." I say and she comes with me.
"I'm sorry, I guess I have to take a nap." I tell Juliana rolling my eyes.
"It's fine, that's probably what's wrong. Go take a nap and when you wake up we'll have dinner ready." She says with a smile. I smile back and walk upstairs with Ashely. We walk into my room and she opens te covers.
"How long was it really since you had your last Braxton hick?" She asks me as I take off my shoes. I look at her and try to remember.
"Umm I don't know... 30 or 45 minutes ago." I say. She looks at me and breathes.
"They are getting close. Im bringing my bags tomorrow. I'm moving in for a month." She says and my eyes widen.
"What?! Are you sure? I mean Jamie and I are literally about to move in and a month, really? Aren't you gonna miss home?" I ask struggling to get on the bed.
"I can tell, your gonna pop any minute. And you know you want me here." She says helping me.
"I haven't talked to Jamie about it yet tho." I say finally finding a good spot.
"I'll talk to him. Don't worry about it." She says shrugging.
"And probation?" I say remembering Monday.
"I'll talk to Grace. I need to be with you, plus Jamie has to go to work and your gonna be here alone." She says.
"Are you sure?" I ask looking straight at her.
"Positive. Now you take your nap and call the hospital tomorrow and make sure they have your room ready for when it's time." She says with a smile.
"Ash, your the best." I say smiling at her.
"Together for life, right?" She says with a smile.
"Yes. You should probably call the hospital too. You need to make your appointment." I say.
"Ya I called, I see them on Friday. Are you getting school done too right?" She asks.
"Ya, I took today off tho for the move. The rest is still working on." I say and she starts getting up.
"When do you finish?" She asks.
"Oh sometime in August. I get a break and then start again." I say smiling and fixing my pillow.
"Oh dang. Well I'll let you sleep. I'll see you later." She says with a smile and I watch her close the door.
I look up. This is my new room. My new life. Jamie is going to be sleeping next to me for the rest of my life. Our kids are going to grow up here. I slowly close my eyes and fix myself holding my belly in my arms.
Ashely's POV
"Shes still not up?" Juliana says picking up the plates of the kitchen table. We finally had our first dinner at Jamie and Caro's place and Caro was still fast asleep. It was almost 9:30.
"I guess she really was tired, huh." I say nudging to Jamie.
"Told you." He says and I chuckle.
"Poor thing. We would stay until she is up but we have to get going. We have a 30 minute drive home. Jamie, good luck mijo. Have a great first night at your new place." Julianna says going to Jamie.
"Hey Ash we have to get going too. If you can tell caro we said bye when she wakes up." Ashia says behind me.
"Ya of course, thank you for coming!" I say and give her a hug.
"Tell her congrats and have fun!" She says and I chuckle.
"I will, bye Adrian." I say and give him a quick side hug. We let them out and pull Jamie back.
"Hey can we talk for a bit." I ask him a little quietly.
"Ya sure what's wrong?" He asks and pulls me to the side.
"Don't get mad or nervous or whatever, but this morning when caro and I were finishing packing she admitted that she was scared." I say and I see his eyes widened a bit.
"She asked me if I could stay with you guys when she feels like it's almost time. Today when she had that Braxton hicks and she told you it was an hour apart I knew it was less. So I told her I was going to stay starting tomorrow." I say trying to avoid eye contact.
"What? Why is she scared?" He asks confused.
"She's scared that something might happen if she's alone. You both know that you have to work to pay the bills and she's going to have to be here by herself. She asked me if I could stay with her just in case something happens and she needs help." I finish.
"I was going to take time off work..." he says running his fingers in his hair.
"Don't, I mean not yet. Right now she is alright and I don't have anything to do so I can help her out. You need to make money. That's important right now. Once it's time, that's when you take your time off." I say.
"Are you sure?" He asks a little unsure.
"You both asked me that... yes of course I'm sure. I've been with her for a long time and I can't leave her on these moments either. I'll take care of her. She'll be fine." I finish.
"What about you? Your in your first weeks of pregnancy and you might not be well." He says.
"I'll call Kaylee to come in to help. Don't worry Jamie, I'm here to help both of you." I say trying to assure him.
"Thank you Ashely. This means a lot." He says finally agreeing.
"So that means I can stay?" I say smiling.
"Yes. You can stay." He says chuckling.
"Thank you!" I say and I lunge to hug him.
"Of course." He says and I get off.
"Anyways I have to go. I have to pack and get my things ready." I say smiling.
"Okay, be careful on the way." He says smiling and I smile back.
"Marco, ready?" I say going back to the kitchen.
"Yup. Jamie good luck, I'll defiantly be coming here more often." He says and Jamie laughs.
"Yup, your gonna help me with the kids right?" Jamie jokes and Marco laughs.
"Only when you help me with mine." He says and we all laugh.
"Tell caro I said bye! Good luck Jamie!"
"Thank you. I'll see you guys later." Jamie says and hugs Kaylee.
"Good luck." Julian says and they hug too.
"Bye Jamie." I say giving him one last hug.
"Bye Ash." He says and I finally walk out the beautiful new condo.
Caro's POV
I wake to the sound of people saying bye. I sit up and look at my clock. It's 9:30?! I try to get up and struggle to put on my shoes. When I did I walk out the door and look off the stairway. Jamie closes the door.
"Shit, i missed the entire night." I say when Jamie walks to the living room.
"Ha, morning sleeping beauty." He says looking up.
"Very funny." I say rolling my eyes and I run my eyes.
"Hungry?" He asks.
"Maybe." I say smirking.
"My mom made potatoes and sopa. Want me to bring you a plate?" He asks walking to the kitchen.
"Yes please." I say smiling.
"Hmm good, now be a good girl and go wait in the room." He says smirking. I roll my eyes and smile and walk to the room. I turn the tv on and watch Keeping up with the Kardashians while I wait. After a while Jamie walks into the room with a table tray with a bowl.
"It smells good." I say smiling. I grab it and start eating right away. It's delicious!
"Good?" He asks.
"Amazing." I say and continue eating.
"So when we're you going to tell me about our new roommate?" He asks and I stop eating.
"Umm... I didn't think it was going to be tomorrow." I say.
"Or you 30 minute contraction?" He asks looking at me.
"I wanted that more private." I say looking at him.
"Or how you are scared?" he asks.
"I didn't think I was until I really started thinking about it Jamie." I say putting the tray to the side.
"We need to talk about these things you know." He says looking down.
"I know we do and I was going to tell you... but today we were really busy and I slept most of the day." I say looming at him.
"So Ashely moves in tomorrow?" He asks.
"I guess. Your not mad right?" I ask.
"Or course not. She's your family and I know you need her. I just think we should have talked about it first." He says.
"I know. I'm sorry. But thank you." I say smiling and leaning in to give him a kiss.
"Hmm I suppose your not tired after taking that huge nap are you?" He says grabbing my hand.
"Not really. What should we do?" I ask smirking.
"Well you know I was up all day moving our furniture around the house, so do as you please while I sleep." He says with a smile.
"Shut up!" I say chuckling and give him a playful slap.
"Your so beautiful when you laugh." He says.
"Oh shut up, I'm an 8 month pregnant 17 year old... I should be prettier." I say rolling my eyes.
"You look beautiful pregnant. It shows how strong and brace you are. That's one of the things I love about you." He says tapping my nose. I smile.
"And what other things do you love about me?" I say smirking and leaning closer.
"I love how your always optimistic about things, and how you defend yourself when you need to be. I love how you stand up to what you believe in and I love how you always put your girls first." He says moving his hands down my body.
"Our girls." I assure him and grab him by the hem of his shirt and bring him to me. That night we enjoyed our first night together, loving each other, and pleasing each other. The first night to many more to come.

Heyyy guys!! Well you may product that the girls will be in the story soon and it also means that the story will almost end soon. It's been an incredible ride writing this story and I'm hoping for a sequel... hopefully! I am starting another story so stay tuned for that one soon! Remember to vote, comment, and follow! Love ya'll!!!!

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