November 27, 2015

72 2 0

I woke up with a cold feeling. I sit up and my bed is empty. Jamie isn't here anymore. He left. I rub my eyes then get out of bed. I go and find my shirt and sweats. I look around. It's 3:29. I go to the bathroom and wash my face. Then I feel cold hands on my arms. "OH GOD!" I turn and splash water on the person that was behind me. "Damn it! The second time tonight!" Jamie says behind me but in a playful way. I laugh. "I thought you left." I tell him as I wrap my arms around his neck and he grabs my waist. "I was but then I started looking at you sleep and was fascinated. You looked so pretty." He says and plants a kiss on my lip. "Mm.. Your good at this." I say with a whisper. "Mm thanks... But I have to leave right now. I'll go put you to bed." He says and in a flash he grabs me by the butt and takes me to my bed. I squeal but try not to be so loud, Ash might be home. He throws me to bed and he's behind me and I giggle. He leaves a kiss on my cheek and starts messaging my shoulder until I drift to sleep.
I fully awake the next morning with the sun on my face. Oh what a night! Jamie and I.... Twice!! Oh! I fall back on my be and giggled. Mm his beautiful taste. I miss it. I get out of bed and fix my hair into a ponytail. I then go back to the bedroom and do my bed. I turn on the tv and start singing inside. Once I do my bed I walk out the room with my dirty laundry and go put them in the washer. "Good morning!" Ashely says behind the counter making breakfast.
"Good morning!" I say sweetly. I'm in such a good mood.
"I'm making Egg with bacon, you want some?" She asks.
"Yes please!" I call back.
"Okay the food will be ready in about 10 minutes." She says. I nod at her then return to my room. I open the blinds so the light will fill the room. I go and grab my phone and find a text from Jamie.

Good morning beautiful! Just wanted to let you know I had a good time last night;) we should do this more often!

I laugh. Yes, yes we should.

Good morning handsome! Thank you I had an excellent time last night, and yes, yes we should do this again more often... Just tell me when and I'll be there;)

I put the phone down. He had a good time!! I guess I've improved.
"Dani! We are out of milk! Can you go bring some?!" Ashely calls out.
"Sure! I'll leave right now!" I say as I get my phone and car keys. I walk out in a white v- neck and sweatpants. Nice and comfy.
"I'll be back in a bit." I say.
"Okay, I'll just watch Netflix." She says with a smile heading towards the tv. I giggle and walk out the door. I go through the front and go to the shiny red car that is now mine. I got my license a few days ago! I head toward the small 7/11 that was around the corner from Kaylee's house. I jump out and walk in the store. I get the milk and pay for it. When I walked out I heard someone call my name. My real name. "Carolina! Carolina!" I heard a woman yell. My eyes widen. How does she know me?! It was the women from the counter the other day!
"Excuse me do I know you?" I ask politely.
"Is that you Caro?" She asks quietly.
I look at her confused. I feel like I've met her before.
"Do you remember me?" She asks.
I keep looking at her. She is shorter then I am and has beautiful long black hair. The only person I remember like that is my Aunt Brisa, my dads sister...
"Brisa?" I whisper.
Her face softens and a smile grows on her face. I don't feel it but I suddenly lean in and hug her tight. She hugs me back. About a few more seconds of hugging she pulls away.
"What are you doing here?" She asks worriedly.
"It's a long story..." I say playing with my fingers.
"Listen I do have to go to work, but we need to talk. Are you busy today at 3:30?" She asks.
I don't think I have any plans. I guess I can see her again.
"Yea that's fine." I say with a smile. She smiles back.
"I'll see you later, okay mija?" She says and backs away.
"Okay." I say and walk back to my car. Oh my god.
"Really?!" Ashely says as I tell her the story. "Dang so you have your Aunt Brisa here. Would she turn you in?" She asks urgently. "I don't know. I guess I'll talk to her later." I say. "Just as long as she doesn't take you away." She says worried. "I hope not. Let's just eat right now." And we do.
I wait at the 7/11 where we saw this morning at 3:30. I have my jeans and a blue shirt I got when I went shopping last week. Then I see a short women walking towards me.
"Carolina." She says when she greets me.
"Aunt Brisa." I say.
"Let's go somewhere for lunch. I know a place."
"Okay." I say and I follow her toward her small car. I jump in and we are silent the entire ride. We made it to a restaurant called Miguel and Kaylas Buffet. I jump out an we walk into the restaurant. We sit at a  booth and it's awkward.
"So how have you been?" She asks breaking the silence.
"Umm... I guess fine. And you?" I ask.
"No, no talking about me. How did you leave Lilliana?" She asks urgently.
My mom?
"It's a long story." I say playing with my fingers.
"That's why I brought you here. So you can tell me the story." She says and crossed her fingers as if she was ready to listen.
"Well, she beat me." I say. This didn't surprise her. She probably knew. I continued.
"And I was in school. I went to a party and made a mistake. I ended up pregnant and I knew I couldn't live in that house because it will effect the baby. I didn't plan on leaving but my best friend Ashely was going to help me  stay safe at the house. But when I got home my mom found a picture of me and my dad. I've kept it safe since he... Well you know. She got really angry and ripped it. And told me horrible things and I got angry and hit her and left. I ran to Ashely's house and we decided it was better if we left." I tell her. She listened to the whole story.
"Why did Ashely come?" She asks.
"She is my best friend. She didn't want me to go alone. I didn't ask her, she just came with me." I say.
"And your pregnant." She says
"Yes." I say.
"You ran away from Lilliana. You saved yourself. Why won't you come and stay with me?" She asks a little hopeful.
"Oh. Oh. No thanks. I'm sorry. But the thing is no one knows that we left, we have new names and we have changed everything about us." I say quietly.
"Oh, I see. So what is your new name?" She asks.
"Daniella Itzel Dominguez." I say.
"Daniella." She tests the name.
"Yes." I say.
She looks down and then looks up again.
"I'm sorry. You just look so much like your father. I'm so sorry we weren't there after he passed away. You had to live with that monster..." She starts to say and tears start to stream down her face.
"Brisa, please don't cry. It's not your fault. She took me away where you guys could find us." I say trying to comfort her.
"Everything changed though... I mean she loved you so much and she just changed..." She says. WHAT?! My mother loving me?!?! I pull away.
"My mom never loved me." I say a bit to harsh.
She looks up at me.
"What? Yes she did. She loved you so much. More then anything she could have. She couldn't wait to have you. I don't know what happened but then when you turned 2 she started drinking and going on drugs. After that Julio started talking about finding hand marks on you. It went on after that until eventually they told us that he passed away." She says wiping tears.
Oh my god. My mom loved me?
"What happened with her?" I ask urgently.
"I don't know. Julio never told us." She says. It took a few minutes to process this.
"I'm sorry, I thought you knew that." She says.
"No it's fine. Listen I think I should go. I just need some time to process this." I say and grab a napkin and get a pen out of my purse.
"Here's my number okay? Ill talk to you later." I say and get up and walk away.
Everything is so confusing right now. I need to go home. I walk back hugging myself.
"Hey beautiful." I hear and turn around and Jamie is inside his glossy black car.
"Hi." I say shyly.
"Hey, what's wrong?" He asks worriedly. He's still driving as I walk.
"Nothing. I just need to go home." I say.
"You want a ride?" He asks.
"No please I just need to go home." I say a little more irritated, And start walking a little faster.
"Okay. Just text me okay." He says and he drives off. I feel bad. But I just need home. I go through the back and walk into the house and no one is home. I lock the door from my room and lay on the bed. I don't close my eyes I jays look at the ceiling. It's so hot in here. I go to the bathroom and turn on the shower so it is cold. I strip real quick then jump in. I close my eyes and try to think. My mom loved me. Why did she dater to abuse me? Why does she hate me now? Why did she kill my dad? I feel tears drip down my eyes. How?
I get out of the shower and go to my bed and sleep.
I wake to the feeling of my phone vibrating in my stomach. I grab it and pick up.
"Hello?" I say.
"Hi." It's Jamie. Damn I forgot I yelled at him today.
"I'm sorry about earlier. I was just going through some stuff and wanted to be by myself. I'm sorry." I say.
"It's okay. I was just calling to see if you were fine." He says.
"Thanks, ya I'm fine now." I say.
"You want to go have late night dinner tonight?" He asks. What time is it? I turn to look at my clock. 7:14?!
"If you can't it's fine. It's just right now I'm going to my parent's friend's house and I still want to see you tonight." He says. Well I don't have any plans.
"Sure. Just tell me at what time and I'll be ready." I say a little more happy.
"I'll be there at around 9:30. I'll see you." He says and I hear him smiling. I laugh.
"I'll see you." I say and hang up. So sweet.
I get up and walk out my room. Kaylee and Ashely were in the other room.
"And the princess is awake." Ashely says with a smile. I smile back at her and walk toward her bed.
"What happened with your aunt?" She asks and tell her what happened.
"Are you serious?!" Kaylee says.
"How?!" Ashely asks loudly. She looks mad.
"I don't know. I just left afterward. I couldn't think." I say and it's true I couldn't.
"Damn. So what are you going to do?" Kaylee asks.
"Just think about how my life would be like if she still loved me." I say with a whisper. We were quiet for a while.
"Well I have another date with Jamie tonight. I'm going to go get ready." I say.
"Another one?!" Kaylee asks with her eyes glowing.
I nod with a big smile.
"Aww you guys are so cute!" She squeals. Ashely seems a little more excited with the idea.
"When are we going to meet him?" Ash asks.
"I don't know. I mean we still don't know each other perfectly yet but eventually I'll bring him over." I say.
"Where is he taking you?" Kaylee asks.
"I'm not sure, he said we were going to get some late dinner." I say playing with my fingers.
"Awe! So romantic!" Kaylee squeals again.
"Well we are going to have to get you ready!" She says again and before I could speak she grabs me by the arm and is dragging me to my room.
I look in the mirror and I see my reflection. I look nice! I have a nice loose but comfy formal dress and my hair is curled and have a waterfall braid on the side and my eyes look big and pretty with pretty red lipstick. I fix my bangs because they were all over my forehead. There. Perfect.
"What time is he coming?" Ashely asks.
"9:30." I say. It's 8:45.
"We have time will watch an episode of the fosters." Kaylee says with a smile and turns on my tv. We sit and watch the show. Finally he called.
"I'm outside." He says.
"Okay I'll be right there." I say and hang up. I get up and fix my hair and dress.
"He's here?" Kaylee asks. I not to give her her question.
"Yay! Well text us when you on your way home okay?" She says.
"Yup." I say and smile and she gives me a hug.
I walk out and head for the glossy black car. He is there waiting for me and ready to open the door.
"Good evening beautiful." He says with a smile.
"Good evening handsome." I respond.
He lets me in and I buckle my seatbelt.
"Where are we going?" I ask as he jumps in the car.
"Somewhere simple but good. McDonalds." He says with a wink. I laugh.
"Really McDonald's?" I ask.
"Yes it's the only place I could find that would still be open in these hours." He says playfully. I laugh.
It doesn't take long to get there but we eventually did. We got out and walk to the restaurant.
"Hi, welcome to McDonald's may I take your order?" A cute short redhead asks us as we get in line to order.
"Ya I'll have a Big Mac with a soda... And for you?" He asks me.
"Umm... Er... I'll just get the nuggets." I say.
"10 price?" He asks and I nod.
"Okay and a 10 price with a soda please." He says.
"Would that be all sir?" Redhead asks.
"Yes." He says.
"Okay that would be 6.07" she says and he pays her. We wait in a small booth and talk.
"So you like the mystery meat from here?" He asks with a smile.
"Really people say all bunch of crap from the meat but really. It tastes good. So I don't care what they put in it, I'll still eat it." I say and he laughs.
"Or maybe just your cravings." He says.
I laugh.
"Whatever it's still good." I say and take a sip of my water. A few minutes later he goes and brings the food. I grab my mystery meat and start chewing.
"So about last night." He starts and I look up.
"What about last night?" I ask.
"When can we do it again?" He asks smirking at me.
I smile.
"After I finish the last piece of my mystery meat." I whisper to him and his smile got bigger. I decide to tease him and eat the chicken slowly.
"Can that chicken go down your mouth any faster?" He complains. I take another small bite of my 4th nugget. He looks anticipated and if he's about to throw himself towards me. I smile and continue with my chicken. He was done with his food a long time ago. It took me a complete half hour so finish my chicken.
"Ready?" He asks with light glowing in his eyes.
"I don't know. I kinda want desert." I say teasing.
"I also want some desert. So let's go back to my car and we both get what we want." He says with a wicked smile. I laugh.
"Lead the way." I say giggling.
He then holds my hand and leads me to the way to his glossy car and we enter the back seats. He then slowly drives me downtown.
"That was nice." I say and we are still in the back.
"Mmhmm." He says.
"I think we should go. It's getting late." I say getting up and putting my panties back on. My hair is a mess now.
"Ya we should." He says also putting his jeans on again and buttoning  his shirt. We go in front and I fix my hair in a ponytail. They always fix everything.
"You really know how to show a boy a good time." He says with a smile.
"Mm. You too." I say.
"Too bad the baby isn't mine. He or she would have been one hell of person. With their beautiful characteristics and talents..." He says an I then get the joke and hit him in his arm. He laughs.
"I'm kidding! They already have your good mouth." He whispers and I hear and hit him again. He laughs harder.
"Cochino! And you kiss your mother with that dirty mouth?!" I yell playfully.
"No baby, only you." He says and I got him again and we both laugh.
"Your such an idiot." I say and he laughs.
We finally get to my house. I turn and kiss him goodnight.
"I'll see you okay?" I say.
"Okay. Goodnight. Sweet dreams." He says and I smile and get out of the car and go through the back. I walk to the cottage and enter and go to my room. It's 12:03. Not so late. I am kind of tired so I change into joggers and a t shirt and go to my bed and turn the tv on. I lay down and rub my belly. I then eventually close my eyes and drift asleep.

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