Febtuary 10th 2016

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"Do you have your passport?" Ashely asks as I get my new clothes and stuff them into my luggage.
"Ya, Kaylee brought it this afternoon. I have my I.D, passport, clothes, money, and medications. What else?" I say staring at my kind white luggage thinking.
"Do you have your camera?" She asks. I forgot about that! I go to my closet and take out my camera. It needs more film. I took it to the luggage and put it in a safe spot.
"Okay it's inside. What else?" I asked.
"Okay so you have your bikinis, your underwear, your bras, your pajamas, your sweats and shirt, and flip flops. Sounds good to me." She says smirking pulling out my overly sexy clothes.
"You guys took all of Victoria's Secret!" I complained but laughed.
"You need to look sexy for your man!" Ashely says laughing too. I snatch the silk nightgown from her hands and put it away.
"What time is your flight?" She asks helping me.
"Umm I think 1:45." I say.
"Damn that's too early." She says sitting up.
"I know." I say closing the luggage.
"Well you are going to have to sleep early." She says but smiles. She knows I don't really like sleeping early. To much to do before I finally sleep.
"Ugh!" I complain.
"Haha! You'll be fine." She says.
"Are you staying with Kaylee or is Kaylee staying with you?" I ask.
"I think in staying with Kaylee. Or one day she'll stay with me. Julian is going to stay with his aunt for a while. He'll come back though for Valentine's Day." She says as I sit down.
"Are you and Marco doing anything?" I ask. I'm slowly letting him come near me. The other day I finally said hi to him. Which is a lot of progress.
"Yup! He's taking me out to dinner then we are going to the beach after for a late night swim." She says straightening up and smiling happily.
"That's good. Well I hope you have fun." I say smiling too.
"You too! Take lots of pictures! I still can't believe he got you tickets to Bora Bora. He must really love you." She says smirking at me. I look at her and blush. He does. He is so special to me and I never want to let him go.
"Well keep me updated on how things are going here. Text me but remember it's 3 hours ahead here then there." I say grabbing my luggage and putting it next to the bed.
"I know. So is he going to pick you up?" She asks.
"I think. I don't know. Melissa has been scaring me and I'm worried. You know her. She doesn't like me. She found out that he is taking me to Bora Bora and Ashia told me that she was furious. I'm worried that she might either come here or do something to Jamie. So please. Tell Kaylee to have tight security." I assure her.
"That hoe. I'll tell Kaylee and Marco. Maybe he can control her." She says and I smile.
"I'm going to miss you." I say.
"I am too. Have fun though okay? Not everyone has enough to to go to Bora Bora with their 17 year old boyfriend." She says and I giggled.
"Okay. You have fun here." I say. Then we both smile and talk about our babies.
I wake to my alarm and rub my eyes. I look around and it is pitch black. I grab my phone and it's 12:10. I slept 4 hours. I got up and slowly go to the bathroom and turn the lights on and walk to my shower. I turn the shower on and strip until I'm inside the warm water. I shower quickly and got out and put on some sweats and a purple t-shirt. I dry my hair and put it in a quick bun. I don't even bother putting on makeup. Jamie texted me saying he would be here around 12:50. It's 12:45. I walk to my door and grab my pink duffle bag, luggage, purse and pillow and walk to the front door. I put the stuff my the door and grab an apple from the kitchen. Then I felt a buzz.

I'm here... I'm going to your front door so I can pick up your stuff. I love you;)

I smile. I open the door and see a tall figure walk my direction. He comes and grabs me by the waist and I grab his neck.
"Good morning beautiful." He says.
"Good morning handsome." I say. He gives me a sweet kiss and I kiss him back.
"Mmm I would love to wake up to this every morning." He says and I giggle. He finally pulls away.
"Okay I'm going to get these stuff in the car. You can wait there." He says and gives me one last kiss and picks up my luggages. I walk down the path and make my way to his car. I go in the front seat and try to think if anything I might have forgotten. I'm pretty sure I got everything. I wait for Jamie until I finally hear the back of the car closed and he makes us way to the drivers seat.
"Ready?" He asks.
"Ya." I say and we make our way to the airport.
"Here it's fine, I can help you take one." I say as Jamie takes all of my luggages and his own out of the car. Really, I'm fine. The baby will be fine.
"No Dani, I promised I was going to take care of you and the baby and this is me keeping it. Now if you want to help you can take the pillows." He says handing me the pillows. I sigh. I check the time and it's 1:13. I look at him and give him sweet smirk.
"You know. We still have some time to wait." I say holding his back and creasing it slowly. He stiffens.
"Wanna take me out for a spin?" I whisper in his ear. I feel him relax and he turns and gives me a playful smile.
"Baby, we have 4 days to be locked in a room in Bora Bora. We can wait. Though I really want to take you on a ride right now." He says starting to lean in but then backs away. I grunt and he laughs.
"Come on turned on Dani, we have to get to our flight." He says with a smile and I roll my eyes but follow him.

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