June 16th, 2016

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Parker walks me out the door and I find Kaylee and Jamie there open armed and I sprint to them. Jamie gets to my first. He buries his face in my hair and I grab hold of him tightly. We stay there for a few seconds and then he pulls back. He moves his hands to my belly. Oh my babies! He kisses my belly and comes back to me.
"God I love you." He says and our foreheads are touching.
"I love you too." I say.
I hug Kaylee and they help me get in to the car.
"Why did you keep this from me Caro?" Jamie asks in my bed. After we got here, it was hard not to keep our hands away from each other for so long. It quickly went to the bedroom. Now we are naked under the sheets and he was holding me and my head was on his chest.
"Like I said. I wanted it to be over. I wanted him gone and I wanted to handle it by myself. You don't know him so I thought I was safer just with me." I finish.
"I know. But if I talked you out of it nothing would have happened." He says.
"But something could have happened. Who would have known I had one more week of happiness left." I say frowning.
"Well we're here now. We're going to have to face reality now." He says.
"Speaking of reality, did you start classes?" I ask him getting up.
"Class was the last thing on my mind. Listen, I can only miss one more day and I'm out. And I have to miss trial days. I'll find a way to get online and I'll get my GED that way." He says pulling me back.
"Are you sure?" I ask him.
"Positive. Now you are going to have to start before you get behind." He says and I smile.
"I will Jamie. Everyday is just getting closer to our future." I say smiling and move my hand on my belly.
"It will be soon. Real soon. This will be over soon and out life will start sooner. I promise." He says and I wrap myself on him. What a good way for a welcome home present.
"Marco!" I call out once I get to the police station. He is pacing back and forth in the waiting room.
"Caro! Oh god! Please tell me what's going on! We were about to get on the cruise when the police took us to the airport and they didn't tell us anything!" He says and he was quivering.
"They found out." I say quietly. His eyes widen and he takes me behind a wall.
"What do you mean they found out?" He asks.
"My ex boyfriend came and threatened if I didn't give him money then he was going to take the girls. I panicked and got him the money and when I got there it was already a trap. They took me and I spent 2 nights in jail. I'm so sorry, you guys didn't even stay a week." I say frowning.
"Dammit. Shit. So what are they going to do?" He asks impatiently.
"Well they are going to take people in for questioning, have court trials, and see how it goes from there." I say shrugging.
"They aren't going to take her back are they?" He asks me.
"I don't know Marco. She was perfectly fine in Nevada with her parents, I don't know if they are going to make her go." I say frowning.
"God she can't leave! I love her!" He says closing his eyes.
"I know. Me too. Our first trial is Monday 9 am." I say.
"Are they going to ask me?" He asks.
"I'm not sure about Monday but they will eventually." I say shrugging.
"She has to stay. She has to." He says leaning on the wall.
"We will." I say. We stayed quiet until they called my name.
"In here Ms Sanchez." Gwen told me as I find another room with Ashely I'm there.
"Ashely!" I say and she runs to me.
"Caro! Oh god! They told me everything! How could you?!" She half talks half cries.
"I'm sorry Ashely! I had to! He wanted to take my girls!" I say crying.
"What are we going to do?" She asks.
"Kaylee has a lawyer and we start trials next Monday." I say wiping my eyes.
"Oh god. This better go well." She says turning to sit.
"Is everyone going to come for questioning?" She asks.
"Well they are going to have too. We'll see how that goes." I say shrugging.
"How long are they going to keep me here?" She asks.
"2 nights." I say.
"Ugh. The food sucks already." She says and I chuckle.
"I know. But it will go quick." I say.
"What did you tell them?" She asks me.
"I told them the truth. All of it. Don't lie." I say.
"Okay." She says. We talk for the remaining of the time until they came to take me.
"I'll come back tomorrow and we'll take you home Saturday morning." I say and gave her a hug.
"Okay. By babes!" She says rubbing my belly.
"We'll see you." I say smiling and I walk out the room. I take a deep breath and follow Parker to the exit.

Heyyy guys!!! Sorry kinda short chapter! Well Caro got out! They brought Ashely in! Next chapters I'll try to focus on the trials more but I'll put in some more me type of chapters too lol! Anyways please comment, vote, and follow! Love ya'll!!

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