November 25, 2015

67 2 0


Okay what?

Okay we can be a couple. In some conditions.

Name them.

I'm a mature person. I know we are teenagers but please... I've been grown up for a long time.

So you are looking for maturity?

That's what I want.

Okay I promise. Anything else?

You asked for this thing. Now I want you to stay on your part. I've been hurt enough.

I'll sign a contract, I don't want to leave you at all.

Thank you:)

So, thanksgiving dinner tomorrow?


Yes... I think it would be nice for you to meet my parents:)

WHAT?!?!? We just accepted this commitment and now you want me to meet you parents?!?!

Haha... I mean you don't have too... But I want to spend the day with you tomorrow.

I look at it. We just started dating. I don't know.

Oh I forgot to tell you... There is a party at a friends house... It's later in the evening... It's not a big one though.

I do have dinner with Kaylee's parents. Maybe after.

Okay... But absolutely positively no alcohol. Baby remember?

Of course! Anyway... I have to go to my next class... I'll talk to you;)

I laugh.


I move my covers and look at the time, 8:15. I get out of bed and walk over to the door. "Ashely?" I call. Not there. I walk toward the kitchen and see a small note on the table.

Kaylee and I are making breakfast at her house. So once you wake come over... We are making your favorite!

I smile. I walk down the pathway and make my way to the house. I walk in and I smell the sweetness of bacon! "It smells SOO good!" I yell. Ashely laughs. I go and sit in the table. "Well your up a bit early. The food will be ready in 15 minutes." Ashely says with a smile. "Umm hey Kaylee when do we have dinner with your parents?" I ask. "Around 5:30. Why?" She asks staring the oatmeal. "Oh I got invited to a party. But don't worry it's not till after dinner." I say quietly. I turn and see Kaylee's face. She has a huge smile. "With that one boy Jamie?!" She exclaims. I smile. "Ya. Ya with him" I say blushing and twirling the spoon on the table. "Yes yes!! Ohhh!! You have just been here for about a week and you already have a boyfriend." She says and gives me a wink. I see Ashely's face. She doesn't seem as excited. "Well I guess that's today's plan, shopping!" Kaylee exclaims happily and starts jumping. I make a small smile. Ashely thinks I'm taking this relationship pretty quick. "Ash, it's just a party. I won't be gone really long okay? You don't have to worry." I say as nice as I could. "Just be careful okay? Also now with the baby." She says creeping a small smile. I smile back at her. "I promise."

Later that day after I finished my online school we went to the mall and was able to get 10 nice dresses. Way too much. When we got home we started making food for Thanksgiving. I did the mashed potatoes, Ashely made stuffing and Kaylee made a pasta. We had fun making the food. We turned the music on loudly and sang as weird as we could. It's so nice here. Back at my mothers house she would hit me if I put on my music. I felt like a real home here. I have them and I have Kaylee's parents and I now have Jamie. I guess moving to California helped me. My baby is going to be happy. Surrounded by this family. I can already see me growing up and watching my baby go through her life. Or his. I'll take him(or her) to the beach and we would walk as the sun goes down. We would play hide in seek and dress up. I smile with the thought. Then I continue peeling the potato.

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