January 23, 2016

101 1 1

I pick at my food. I'm not really hungry. Ashely was on the couch sleeping with a bucket next to her. Poor thing. I mean when I found out I was pregnant I did have a little sickness the first few days but it went away really quick. Her on the other hand has not stopped since Wednesday morning. I look around. There is not much I can do. Both in the way where there is no work and the other way we're I can't because of the baby. It's finally going to be 2 months. My 2 month old baby and my 2 month old anniversary with Jamie. I've been around Jamie's house quite often. I adore his niece and nephew!! They are so lovable and sweet! Julie is always dragging me with her dolls. Justin... Well. Ever since he told me she's got your eyes I've been so curious. Does he know?! Why did he call her a she?! I've been worried and anxious! Is my baby the girl I wanted? Is she my little Mariana? If she is, I hope she looks like her dad. Beautiful perfect skin with his bronze hair and perfect lips. I want to hold my our baby in our arms and for a fact know that she is our and not anyone else's.
I zone back to reality and walk to my room and decide to take a quick shower. I was going to meet Jamie over for dinner in a while. I'm so proud of him! He has taken so many collage classes that he might graduate early! I'm a bit proud of myself too. Same with my ap classes and collage courses I need 5 credits more to graduate with an associates degree! I'm guessing around January of next year. Just a month away from my 18th birthday. Jamie is turning 18 this year. October 16. Come to think of it, I conceived my first baby a week after his birthday. Weird. My birthday is on February 18. We put on my birth certificate that I was born on the 21 just to make sure they didn't suspect. I turn 17 this year and next year I don't have to worry about being Daniella anymore.
I strip out of my clothes and jump into the nice warm water. I scrub myself and over my pretty small belly. I rub it a little to make it feel loved. After reading a few parenting books it said its a good idea. I massage my hair and it feels nice. After I come out and start picking out my clothes and do my hair. Since I found about my pregnancy, even before Jamie's baby, I've been feeling prettier. Not just because of the hair cut and the new look, but I feel proud of my body. I just feel more attractive and sexier. Jamie makes me feel this way all the time. Like yes I'm 16 and I'm proud of it. Yes I have a baby and I'm not ashamed of it. I'm happy I get to be who I am with people even though they might not know it yet. I am going to have to break the news eventually to Ashia and Marco and the rest of my friends, but for right now I'm fine.
And speaking of Marco, Ash hasn't told him about the baby yet. I'm scared what that is going to lead up to though. Is there going to be a fight between Ashia and Ashely? Not to mention Ashia looks tough. Like she's spent lots of time in the gym. I look at my phone and it's 6:45. I also notice a text from Jamie.
Hi beautiful;) just letting you know I'm coming by 7 okay? So I hope your ready by then... Oh and by the way... I love you;)

I smile. He told me he loved me as a Christmas present and ohh, I love him so much too.

Hi handsome;) yes that's a perfect time, I'll be waiting... Oh by the way... I love you too;)

I put my phone down and smile. I skip to the kitchen and still find Ashely sleeping. She looks so peaceful. It's the first time she has slept for more then 2 hours without waking up and throwing up all her remaining food. I frown. I can't wake her. I grab a price of paper and a pencil and left her a note.

Hey Ash,
Just to let you know I went to my dinner date with Jamie so you won't forget, I'll have Kaylee come and check up on you every now and then so just call her when you need her. I'll be back soon okay? Love you and hope you feel better!

I put the card on the kitchen table and wait on the stool. My mind suddenly goes back to Thursday morning when Ash and I tell Kaylee the news...
"YOUR WHAT?!" She almost yells. I try to explain but all Kaylee could do is go up to her and congratulate her.
"OH MY GOD! My two best friends are pregnant! Oh my god!! So much planning!! We got to get you your doctor them we have to get you your baby shower planned then we have to set the rooms for both of you... SO MANY THINGS!" She starts to say rapidly as if she was singing. I laugh and Ashely smiles. A sad smile but leads her hands to her baby bump and slowly closes her eyes as if to imagine her little baby. I stare at her in awe. She is going to be an incredible mother.
I walk over to the house and open the door and find Kaylee and Julian singing loudly in the kitchen while making food. They smile when I walk in.
"Oh look at you so fancy! Dinner date with Jamie??" She asks enthusiastically and I smile as a response.
"Aww how sweet! Anyways your Aunt Brisa called and said she wanted to have dinner with us sometime this week, is that alright?" She asks sweetly.
"Ya, that would be nice. I'll talk to her and we'll see what we can do. Anyways I have to go... Ashely is asleep in the living room, can you check on her every now and then please?" I ask quickly, Jamie is probably outside. It's 6:58.
"Yes totally, I'll be there in a while." She says happily. I smile.
"Thanks! I'll see you tonight!" I call out and head outside. I didn't see a glossy black car yet but I saw headlights coming towards me. I start walking towards the sidewalk and then the glossy black car parks in front and I smile. He quickly opens the door and jumps out and get my door.
"Hello beautiful." He says with a smile.
"Hello handsome." I respond. He looks down and presses his large hand against my freakishly small belly but I smile. Then he leads me to the car and I jump in.
"How are you?" I ask him. We haven't been on a date in a while. He's been so caught up on his classes. Usually when I go over to his house he is locked in his room trying to stay away from distractions.
"Fine. I'm happy I was able to take you out tonight. There hasn't been a lot of time." He says and frown. I make a small smile.
"It's fine. Your here now." I say and touch his beautiful face and his smile grew. My handsome man. He looks ahead and continues driving forward.
"Table for 2" Jamie says as he arrive at the restaurant. It's small but it's nice. The waiter immediately seats us in a small corner with a romantic view outside. We smile looking at each other and it feels so nice to see him.
"How did your appointment go?" He asks.
"Good. We're both healthy." I say with a smile and look down and play with my fingers.
He glares at me as if I told him a big lie.
"What?" I ask.
"Your hiding something. I've been paying attention to you for a while now and when you look down at your fingers is when you are either nervous or hiding something. Spill it." He says with a curious smile. I am not going to tell him about his baby. He doesn't know about ash's baby.
"Umm..." I say and look down. "The day I went to the hospital i was fine. We are both perfectly healthy. When I got out of the hospital to fill out the papers, Miranda was there." I finished.
"So?" He asks as if he didn't get the point. I sighed and rolled my eyes.
"That part of the hospital is strictly for pregnancy checkups only. She's pregnant too." I say and look at his expression. His eyes widen.
"Really?! Both of you now? Have any of you ever herd of protection? I mean I'm pretty sure they would have given you a Sex-Ed class in freshman year." He says and I glare at him. He then stays quiet.
"Don't talk about her like that. It's not her fault. She was drunk and didn't know what she was doing..." I start but he interrupts me.
"Drunk?! Really that too?? She should be smarter then that, she's only 16..." He starts and I raise an eyebrow and fold my fingers together and smile wickedly at him, loosing my patience.
"Are you done?" I ask in a small voice. It reminded me when the time I came home to my mom and found my collage acceptation the day after I got pregnant. Jamie stiffens and pretends to zip his lips.
"She was drunk at the Christmas party. She found someone and made a mistake. Same with me but with out the drunk part." I say and take a sip of my water.
"Who's the baby daddy?" He asks. Oh crap. I put my water down.
"I don't know." I saw and look down and catch myself playing with my fingers.
"Tell me." He demands and I don't say anything.
He coughs a laugh and leans away.
"Daniella, one of my friends could be a dad. I need to know who. I'm going to ask you again. Who is the father." He asks. No. He will not talk to me like I'm sort of child. I give him my look but do not say a word. I can't believe he thinks he could talk to me that way! I grab my small purse and get up.
"Where do you think your going?" He demands. My face flushes.
"Bathroom. I think you need time to think about the next thing you are going to say." I say and my voice comes out harsh. I turn away quickly and dramatically letting my hair flip turning to him. I head toward the bathroom next to the entrance and I look back at him and he looks mad looking at the menu. We can have dinner when he feels calmer. I walk out of the restaurant trying to be unnoticeable. I put on my jacket and start walking. I'm glad it's not far from home. I walk quickly and take another path in case he follows me. Well that's our first fight. I'm sure it's not over yet. I get home in almost 20 minutes and go in the cottage and lock the doors and windows I case he gets ideas. I text Kaylee that I was home and to not let Jamie in in case he came over. She didn't ask why, she just simply said okay. I find Ashely in her room watching tv. Her face lightened when she saw me.
"Hi! How did your date go?" She asks weakly. I groan and throw my purse on the floor and go in bed with her.
"Not well. We didn't even get to the date. We started arguing and I got mad and left." I say. I wonder what he is going right now.
"Dang that sucks. I hope you work it out." She says kindly. I smile at her.
"Do you feel better?" I ask her when she turns to the tv.
"A bit better. Haven't thrown up yet so I'm proud." She says and gives me a weak smile. Oh ash! She looks so broken down! I frown.
"I think I should go. Call me if you need any help." I say and I jump off her bed.
"Okay then goodnight." She says and I return a smile. I walk in my room and look at my phone. Of course messages from Jamie.

Okay I'm sorry, I'll calm down but come back!

It's been an half an hour... I can't find you in the restroom, if you don't answer I'm going to your house!

I'm not playing!

I'll see you in 10 minutes.

I feel irritated. He just sent that right now. I got like 7 missed calls from him. I decide to call him because I don't want to see him right now. It took a few rings for him to answer.
"Where the hell are you?" He demands angrily. I sigh.
"I didn't like the way you talked to me at the restaurant. I am not an animal. I am not a child. If you want to see me again you are going to have to work for it. Don't bother coming over. I'm not in the mood. When you are ready calm down I will be ready to say what I know. Goodnight, Jamie." I say clearly then hang up. I roll my eyes and head over to dress. I change and grab my small camera and box of belly pictures. I see a bit changes. They are small but they are there. I trace my belly and give it a really small squeeze. I was so exhausted. It was a long day. I head toward the bed not bothering to look at my phone and lay in bed massaging my belly until I fells lowly asleep.

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