April 25th, 2016

37 2 0

"So you told him?" Ashely asks as I spent another hour with her on the phone. I've been in touch with her since the move but it wasn't everyday, she has been busy getting things done with Alex and her finally growing her belly.
"Yes, around the beginning of the month." I admit.
"Did he take it well?" She asks.
"At first no, but then after a while of thinking it though, he felt sorry and came back." I say shrugging at the memory.
"Wait he left?!" She almost yells.
"No! He just walked out of my room. That was it." I say assuring her.
"Then?" She asks. I tell her the whole story from the part where he saw us on tv until the part we felt the kick.
"Aww so you felt a kick?!" She asks happily."
"Yes!" I shriek.
"How does it feel?" She asks.
"Weird. Not something you feel everyday." I say smiling at the feeling. We laugh.
"Well I have some good news. Julian has been around and spotted Alex finally leaving. We can go back to our place!" She squeals.
"Are you serious?! Oh my god! When?" I ask pretty much jumping on the bed.
"We can start tomorrow, they have to clean the house and make some adjustments to the security but we can finally go home!" She says and tears trickle down my cheeks.
"What is it?" She asks from the silence.
"Nothing. Just excited. Listen I'll start packing, I'll call you later." I say smiling.
"Okay, love you bye!" She says.
"Bye." I say and hung up. I look around. I'm going to miss it here. Funny, through out this entire time I've been here, Jamie and i have not slept together. Well this night can be memorable. One last night.
"So the bastard left?" Jamie asks as we eat dinner together. David and Julianna went out with Justin and Juliet to Disneyland for the day. I've never been. Maybe after the babies are born.
"Ya. They said I can finally go home." I say.
"Back to Nevada?" He asks concerned.
"No! Back to Kaylee's! Never in a million years will I call Nevada home again." I say.
"So today is your last day?" He asks pouting. I roll my eyes.
"Yes it is, but we'll be together soon. Once all this drama is over, finish school, we can leave together. Raise the babies, have our own place. Things can happen." I say with a smile.
"Wouldn't this all be difficult though? I mean we have collage, and then we have to take care of  the girls, and then we need a job. I mean don't get me wrong Caro, I want to, but wouldn't it be hard?" He asks looking at me. Damn I haven't thought about that.
"Well yes it would be hard. But like everything we have been through, I know we can do it. We can start saving right now. I haven't wasted any money from my last paycheck. Obviously I haven't gotten one this past month since me missing and all, but maybe I can get something higher. More money and we can save up little by little. We don't have to start big, just an apartment will do." I say with a smile. He smiles at me.
"Come here." He says and opens his arms to me and I go and sit on his lap.
"With all the things you have been through, I'm proud that you are still willing to keep trying. That's one thing I love about you." He says. I curl up in his chest and smile.
"I will always keep trying. Especially for the ones that I love and care about." I say. He leans in and I grab his face and press my lips to his. He tilts my neck and kisses my neck slowly and it leaves tingles over my body. He pushes up the space and I feel him getting up. I stand in front of him and he pushes me back so we land on the backside of the couch.
"You know, even with your belly... You still manage to look sexy... Still turns me on you know." He says in between the kisses. I smile within the his lips.
"Want to go upstairs?" I ask.
"Let's go." He says and picks me up from my legs so my legs are wrapped around his waist. He finally picks me up and he takes me upstairs and we reunite like how we did 2 months ago in Bora Bora.

Heyy guys!!! Hope you enjoys the new chapter!! I'm proud of this chapter!! She finally gets to go home! And then that small romance scene and compromising with Jamie... Cute huh?? Anyways please comment and vote!! Love you!!

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