February 12th, 2016

52 2 0

"Look!" I squeal as I see a small green frog on the pure green leaf.
"What is it?" Jamie says and I point at the small creature noticing my acquaintance. Jamie squats and looks at the frog. It backs up a bit.
"Be careful. It can be poisonous." I assure Jamie.
"I'm not sure what kind it is so it might be. Better if we do not disturb it." He says holding my hand. I smile.
"Now why would a little thing want to kill the most beautiful person on the world." I say smiling.
"Don't worry I won't let him hurt you." He says and smirks at me. I roll my eyes and he laughs. We walk down the small path hand in hand. We stop for a bit to take a break. I take my pony tail off and fix it. I have my short khaki shorts on and a khaki button crop top with short sleeves. I grab the water bottle from Jamie's backpack and take a large sip. I also grab a granola bar and an apple and eat it up. He smiles at me for some reason.
"What?" I ask him suddenly self conscious and fix my outfit once again.
"Your beginning to show a bit." He says and my hands lead themselves directly to my stomach. I look down and smile.
"Ya. I am." I say and you can see a very small bump. Bigger then how it was a few months ago. Well I only did get pregnant 2 months ago. This is just fat from the other baby. He smiles.
"Okay let's go." He says and we continue out way through the green forest.
"Can we have 2 of your specials?" Jamie asks the kind blond lady taking out order. She nods and walks away.
"So Dani, are you enjoying this?" Jamie asks and I smile taking a sip from my water.
"Love it." I say. And I do.
"We still have a few more days. So we can enjoy it while we can." He says and smiles.
"What about school? Aren't they going to get mad at you?" I ask a little concerned. I brought my laptop and have been doing my work here later in the evening.
"Taken care of for yesterday and today. Monday and Tuesday though... I can do it online." He says.
"How is yesterday and today taken care of?" I ask taking another sip.
"I did a few extra hours in class. My teachers think I'm advanced so I did all the work for yesterday and today." He says.
"Think?" I ask.
"Well I am. Remember I'm graduating early. They say the latest is October." He says. I stop drinking.
"And what about after that?" I ask concerned. For collage... If he leaves... His baby will be alone.
"I have been looking into going to Hawaii. I think the ocean is beautiful. Biologist." He says with a small smile picking up his drink. My heart sinks. I look down and take more sips of my water. I didn't say anything after. He is moving to Hawaii. I'm going to stay here and be alone. Even if I go with him.... It's going to be a few months. The lady comes with our food and we eat silently. He tried to start conversations but I only said yes, no, and maybe. He knew I don't want to talk. We went back to the coconut house silently. I look out the window. This is kind of the view he is going to be waking up to every morning. Not with me. We made it to the house and twinkling lights were on. The dark sky made it shine brighter and look prettier. We went inside and I head towards the shower. I close the door and turn the shower on. I put the water warm and stand there. The thought of him leaving in a few months... Hurt me. I can enjoy him right now but, he is eventually going to leave. The thought made my eyes water and tears streamed down my cheeks. Good thing the water was able to cover them. I took a deep breath and turned the shower of and wrap my body in a towel and dried myself off. I put on one of my sexy nightgowns Ash and Kaylee bought. I brushed my hair until it was driven then put it in a pony tail and walked to the bedroom. Jamie was in bed with his laptop and I grabbed mine too and started it up. We say there quietly until he broke he silence.
"What's wrong?" He asks concerned.
"Nothing." I lied. I bit my lips to get me from crying.
"Somethings wrong. Tell me baby." He says pushing out laptops away and then he hold my neck.
"It's just... Hawaii is pretty far." I say. I feel guilty the minute I said it. I can't stop him from going there. Even if I do have his baby. He needs focus on his future too. His face softens.
"Dani. I love you. I can not leave you. I said I was think about going there, not that I was. I can find one in California." He says.
"No. No I can't stop you from making a big decision like that just because of me. You should go." I say looking down.
"Not without you. Not happening. I told you I was going to protect both you and the baby. Another promise. I can stay in California with you. Unless you want to come to Hawaii with me." He says. The idea is beautiful. Jamie and I raising our baby in Hawaii. One of the most beautiful ideas on the world. But then my mind leads up to Kaylee and Ashely and my aunt Brisa. If I leave what will happen to them? I grab his neck and kiss him. He tries to push away to see my response but I pull him back and he then gives up. I pull him on me and he uses his elbows from putting his weight on me. We don't pull away for a while. But then he closes his eyes and finally pulls away.
"Your scared for Miranda and Kaylee." He finally says. I press my lips in a straight line and narrow my eyes.
"I get it. I'm letting you choose. Either way I'm going to be with you." He says but I still don't say anything. I flutter my eyes and realize that they were wet.
"Hey. Don't cry. I want to be with you either way. If you want to stay I'll stay for you. I love you." He says and hisses my tears.
"No. If that's where you want to go, then go. I don't have to go." I manage to say.
"No it's either I go and you too or I'll stay and be with you." He says still kissing the tears.
"I'm not asking you to tell me right now. Whichever you are more comfortable with. I'm here okay." He says and I close my eyes and nod my head. He grabs me closely and presses to me and we reunite.

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