March 27, 2016

71 3 0

I woke up realizing it was Easter. I was supposed to make the cupcakes! I get up quickly and walk to the bathroom and turned the hot water on and quickly stripped. I opened the door and hopped in and began washing. I got out quickly and started getting changed. I put on a nice floral sundress and some flats. I fixed my weird looking red hair into a ponytail and walked to the car. I texted Ashley saying I was going to the store. I started the car and went to the closest Walmart I could find. I jumped off and went through the big doors and many people walked through Isles getting food and toys and clothes. I walked to the cooking section and got my ingredient. I put it in my car and then I grabbed any extra groceries I could find. I looked through the isles and I found some cereal. There was Frosted Flakes at the very top and I was to short to get them. I tipi toed and tried to reach them but I couldn't reach them. Then a long hand reached forwards and grabbed it for me.
"Thank you..." I said and I turned to see him and his face was so familiar. His golden bronze hair and the muscles. His face was strong like. I froze. Alex. I quickly turned around and left with the cart. I didn't even bother to pay. I put the cart next to a clothing isle and left out the door. I didn't look back and I made it outside. I was about to cross the street but I felt a hand catch my left hand.
"Let me go!" I hiss.
"Make me. Where the hell have you been?" He hisses back.
"It's non of your business. Let me go!" I say trying to yank my hand.
"If you scream for help they will come and take you back." He hisses.
"Just let me go!" I say.
"Where have you Been? why did you run?" He continues.
"You know why. Now let me go and you can go off and fuck some other of my old friend. LET ME GO!" I say louder.
"You think now that you dye your hair and grow a big stomach, which is legally mine too,will make people not try to find you?" He says back.
"You do t have nothing to do with it anymore! Now let me go your off the hook!" I say and I finally pull free and run to my car. I make sure no one was following me and I went a little more then the speed limit. I didn't even go to another store. No one was behind me. I get to the house and decide it's better to hide the car in kaylees garage. I walk quickly through the garage door and found myself in a laundry room but opened the door and ran to the kitchen. I make my way to find Kaylee and Ashely on the kitchen counter talking and drinking coffee. They look at me worriedly and I run to them. I wrap my arms around Ashely and began sobbing.
"What's wrong??" She asks urgently, bellies bumping.
"He found me. He's here!" I say between sobs.
"Who?!" She asks.
"Alex. He's here. He saw me!" I say and cry more.
"Oh god." She says tensing up.
"Where is he?! Dis he follow you?" Kaylee asks almost yelling.
"I don't know! He pulled me back but I was able to go! I got in the car and I couldn't see him anymore but I don't know!" I say crying. She held me and I stayed  tight on on her.
"Oh my god." They said.
"We need to do something about this. Caro... I think you should go and move in with Jamie for a while. Act. Be sick all the time and never get out. Ashely and I will hide at my parents house. I'll see if Jillian can watch out for Alex." She says and jumps off and grabs the phone. Me living with Jamie? I get up and try to reach out for Kaylee but she locked the door before I could reach her.
"Caro. We are going to need to listen to her, okay? Our lives might be at risk now and we can get in serious trouble... Not just us, Kaylee and her family can... And your aunt Brisa!" She says and I cry more. I hold my belly and let myself slide to the ground on the wall. I feel her come to me.
"Listen to me. We will be fine! Your babies, my baby. Jamie, Marco, Kaylee, everyone will be fine if we just keep quiet. Okay?" She says and she starts rubbing my shoulders as I cry on her. A few seconds later Kaylee comes back outside. She squats where we were sitting.
"I made some calls. Ashely, you and I are going to live with my parents. Caro, you are going with Jamie." She says.
"You didn't tell him did you?!" I almost yell.
"That's in your position to tell him not mine. Here is the story for now until you tell him. I had a family emergency in Guatemala. You are too sick to go but Ashely comes with me. We might be gone from 2 weeks to a month. Okay? You are going to stay there and you are not going to leave. Only for your next appointment. I called the school and they are giving you guys that time. Stay home and finish school. That's all I'm asking." She says and my eyes widen.
"We need to leave today. Get all the stuff you can and leave them in the living room. Jillian will take us when he gets home and that's not for another few hours." She says and starts to get up.
"How will we see each other?" I ask my voice cracks.
"I'm sorry. Through that time we can't see each other." She says and I hold Ashely's hand.
"We should get the things packed. I'm sorry." Kaylee says and gets up and leaves.
I ball up again but no tears come out. Leaving Ashely? She has been by my side since we left Nevada. Ya I went to bora bora but I came back in less than a week. A month. That's to long.
"It's going to be fine. It all is. We can talk on the phone and video chat. It is all going to be fine." She says her lips quivering and tears falling.
"We should go pack." She says with a weak smile. She gets up but I stay on the floor and put my head back. How could this happen? Will we ever be safe? Am I going to have to run again? I was so happy here. I had family, someone I loved. My babies' daddy. We were going to be a family.
"Kaylee said Julian will be here in a few minutes." Kaylee says popping her head in my room. I continue slowly putting the few things I had left of my room.
"Caro, it's going to be fine. It won't be forever." She says putting her arm around my belly. I felt her belly on my back.
"You, Jamie, and the babies will be fine. We can be safe if we do what we are supposed to." She says softly.
"Okay." I whisper and I give her a hug and we stay there hugging with both our bellies touching.
"We'll call okay?" Kaylee says wiping her tears as she gives me a hug as she drops me off at Jamie's house.
"Next think you know I'll have your baby shower already planned." She says touching my belly.
"Thank you Kaylee. I'll miss you!" I say and I ball up on her.
"We are going to be okay. Okay? Just stay inside and don't go anywhere" she says backing up and smoothing my shoulders. I walk to Jillian and give him an awkward hug and a goodbye.
I read to Ashely and we hold each other close.
"It will soon be over. Once we know he is doing no harm we can go back to being the small family we had at home." She says and we wipe away our tears. Jillian grabs my stuff and we walk down the steps and I ring the doorbell. Jamie answers the door and I turn around once more and wave goodbye to my family and walk into Jamie's arms and they are gone.
"Are you hungry?" Jamie asks as he walk into my new room. Once Kaylee called his mom she was delighted and fixed up Jamie's sister's old room for me. I was curled up in the small twin bed under the sheets softly crying from fear of what might happen. I shake my head. I've been in the room for more then 2 hours. Jamie thinks I'm scared because of the family emergency. He sighs and walks towards me.
"Baby, everything will be okay. Please. Eat, for both your health and the babies'." He says and then I realize I need to eat. I sit up and wipe my eyes and look around to the unfamiliar room. It's nice purple. The decorations are white. There is a small desk in the side and a bathroom on the left side. No walk in closet. Still I am grateful, better than where I used to live...
"You want to go get take out?" He asks and my eyes widen.
"No!" I say quickly and he looks at me confused.
"No please no. I'm fine. Something small here would be nice. Please, just stay here with me." I beg. His face softens.
"Well this bed is a little small. You want to go in my room?" He asks.
"Please, no sex." I say.
"I wasn't thinking about that." He says sourly.
"How about downstairs? Aren't Justin and Juliet coming in a while?" I ask remembering he takes care of his niece and nephew.
"They'll come later. When my mom found out you were coming, she decided to give you some space. They all went out for dinner. They spend the night later." He says. I make a small smile.
"Ya. Let's go downstairs." I say and we get up.
"Are the babies fine?" He asks cautiously.
"Ya they are good." I say. We walk downstairs and I lay on the couch and turn the tv on.
"Netflix?" He asks.
"Sure." I say and he turns the tv on and switches it to my account. He has an account for me?!
"You have an account got me?" He asks.
"Ya. I know you like Netflix, plus I like your taste in movies." He says and I roll my eyes.
"You want some left over pasta?" He asks.
"That sounds delicious." I say and he leaves and starts heating up food. I flip throw the shows and and ended up watching How I Met Your Mother. Watching it reminds me of the day of the costume party with Ally. That feels like so long ago. I pay attention to the episode and it's the season where Lilly and Marshall start trying to have a baby. Funny, I never tried. It all happened. Seeing it took me back to last week when I told Kaylee and Ashely about the babies...

"I have something to tell you guys." I say that day during dinner. Jamie left and Ashely just came back from her appointment.
"What is it?" Ashely asks curiously still eating her salad.
"I found out the gender for my babies." I say softly.
"REALLY?!? What is it!? Wait.... Did you just say?..." Kaylee starts loudly but quiets down at the end. I give her a small shy smile and in less then a second a high pitched scream came out of her.
"2?!?!?!" She says and comes over and gives me a huge hug.
"TWINS OH MY GOD!!!" She co tu yes with her excitement.
"Damn Dani congratulations!" Ashely says and we all start laughing.
"What are they?! Boy, girl?? Girl girl?? Boy boy?!" Kaylee asks jumping.
"Let's just say there is going to be lots of dolls around the house." I say with a wink getting up and taking my plate to the sink.
"GIRLS!!! AHHHH!!" Kaylee screams. They both run towards me and ball me over towards the sink.
"Oh Caro I'm so happy for you! I hope you guys become great parents." Ashely says smiling happily at me.
"Marco better not be bad either." I say and we giggle like when we were 8.

"Here." Jamie says holding a plate of pasta interrupting me from my thoughts.
"Thanks." I whisper. He walks over and sits down next to me and puts his arm around me. I eat slowly watching the show.
"You smell good." He says nuzzling his nose in my hair.
"Please don't." I say pulling away.
"Are you okay?" He asks sounding worried.
"I'm fine, I just..." I start and I look at him and he looks so concerned. His beautiful brown eyes widen with worry and his lashes bat. My face softens.
"I just miss them." I say and he smiles and hugs me tight.
"It's going to be fine. They'll be back eventually in a few weeks. I'll be here." He says and I smile and burry my face on his chest and he takes my plate from me and put it to the side and hold me tight and with the other hand, he rubs my belly that is holding our future.

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