January 27th, 2016

55 2 0

"Hi, Marco." I say as I'm pacing around my room holding the phone. I needed to talk to him about Ashely. I wasn't just going to straight up tell him, but Ash really needs someone. Her baby daddy. I know why it's like not have one that doesn't care. Now I found Jamie and even though he believes that the baby is not his, he still cares.
"Hi, Daniella. How have you been?" He asks a little sad. Jamie was right he does seem sad.
"Well umm I have to tell you something first and then I'll get to my other point. Just don't get mad at me okay?" I say and I knew I have to tell everyone eventually. I'm running out of time and I'm starting to show a bit.
"Sure sure anything." He says a little more relaxed.
"I have been hiding something from you, and Ashia and Britney and everyone. Jamie is the only one that knew and I'm sorry. Since I've moved here I've been pregnant. Not with Jamie's baby, but from another guy." I say. It feels good to tell someone. I say it with confidence. I'm proud.
"Wow." He says surprisingly but not disgusted.
"Yes." I say.
"How long?" He asks.
"About 3 months or so." I say and that was the only other lie.
"Wow... That's just..."
He says and I know he doesn't k is what to say.
"Shocking?" I say.
"Ya I guess." He says his voice trailing off.
"Are you mad?" I say folding my arms.
"No. Not at all. Just surprised. Took me off guard. Well if you need anything, you know I'm here okay?" He says a little soothing. I smile. I have suck better friends here.
"Thank you, Marco. Anyway my other point. Umm I was wondering if you wanted to have dinner on Saturday with me my cousin Kaylee and her boyfriend Julian, my sister Miranda and Jamie?" I ask feeling a bit nervous. Does he know who Ash is?
"Ya sure. Sounds cool. Just send me the address and I'll be there." He says a little more lifting. I don't think he knows who Ash is.
"Okay well I kinda have to go right now and my phone is going to die... So the address is 7153 N Panella Lane. We'll have the food ready around 7. I'll see you then okay?" I say getting my stuff.
"Okay, bye Daniella." He says and I hung up. I needed to tell Ash about this. Hope she doesn't get a heart attack. I grab my purse and head out to have dinner with my Aunt Brisa.
"You told him?" Ashely asks as we were on our way to Macaroni Grill. She didn't sound angry but she didn't sound happy. She seemed really exhausted. She's barely slept at all.
"No. I just invited him over. But he doesn't seem to remember you." I say looking down.
"Well he was drunk. But really? Ashia broke up with him?" She asks looking up again.
"Ya. Jamie said she had feelings for someone else. He seemed kind of down most of the time. Maybe this baby can help him you know. Once he gets to meet the mommy too." I say with a smile. She smiles and blushes. Who wouldn't want her at all? She was so pretty, even without make up. I smile back and we make it to the parking lot.
"Hi Aunt Brisa!" I greet her and give her a hug and kiss. She seemed a little nervous and worried. I wondered what happened.
"Oh hi mija. How are you?" She asks.
"Good. You remember Miranda and Kaylee right?" I say and they both give her a warm smile.
"Or course! Hi girls!" She says and gives them both a hug and kiss.
"Well we are over here, I just brought your cousin Martha and Lizzie. I think you met them at the Christmas breakfast." She says and gestures to the two really pretty girls at the table. They both look up and give us a dazzling smile and a wave.
"Ya I remember them. The twins?" I say with a smile.
"That's them. Here come and have a seat. The waitress should be here in a bit." Brisa says and we all sit.
"Hi." I say to the girls.
"Hi." They both say at the same time.
"Lizzie, Martha, these are my best friends. Miranda and Kaylee." I say and they all reach their hands to greet each other.
"Nice to meet you." Kaylee says gracefully and her perfect curls bounce when she sat down.
They didn't really know what was going on with us so we made sure they knew not to tell anybody.
"How old are you exactly?" I ask.
"15." They say again at unison.
"Don't worry about it. Family is family and even though we haven't really met, you can count on us to keep your secret." Lizzie says with a wink. I smile and we start ordering food.
"Do you know the gender of the baby?" Martha asks. I shake my head for a response.
"The baby is still pretty small so it's not showing yet." I say as I take a bit of lasagna. I take a moment and just taste the food. It's so delicious. I never had lasagna. My mom never made some. It's mouthwatering and taste so exotic.
"Well at least we are having a little cousin!" Lizzie says happily. I giggle still stuffing my mouth.
"And now you too Miranda?" My Aunt Brisa says awkwardly putting her hands on Ashely. She gives a small nod and smile.
"That's nice. How far?" She asks.
"A month." Ashely says. She messes around her salad. It's not appetizing her.
"Well if you who need any help, just call me okay? When the babies are born, I am willing to babysit!" She says and we both smile and laugh.
"Thanks Aunt Brisa." I say kindly.
"Anytime." She says with a nice smile.
We say our goo yes and thanks for the dinner and decide to head back home. We were silent the entire way home. Finally I broke the silence.
"Kaylee are you and Julian going to be able to make it for dinner with Marco on Saturday?" I ask quickly.
"Or course! What should we make?" She asks.
"Do enchiladas sound good?" I ask having an appetite for it.
"Mm that sound good. Ya that would be cool. What time?" She asks.
"Well I told Marco and Jamie like around 7." I tell her.
"Good! Yes well be there." She says as she takes out the keys and gets out the car. I got out and followed Ashely to the back cottage. We walk silently inside. We went to out deprecate rooms and change. I have been going out more since we moved to Cali. Out of nowhere I start to think of people. Ally, the slut. Is she now pregnant with Alex's baby? Well more likely, maybe. My mind goes to my other friend Kaylee. I wonder what she thought after she heard the news. She was my singing sister. I loved her. It's weird to me that's she's nothing now. Then Logan. Oh Logan. I feel terrible to acting the way I did before I got knocked up. But I can never say it was a mistake. If any of the things ever happened before, then I wouldn't be here sitting in my own home in California away from my mom. I wouldn't be here madly in love with my amazing boyfriend Jamie. I wouldn't be here having real friends like Ashia and Marco and Kaylee. I wouldn't have seen my Aunt Brisa and I would have never know about my mother loving me. So in fact I can say thank you to everyone that hurt me back in Nevada. I can just be thankful because now I'm living a beautiful life.
I hear a knock and it made me jump.
"Umm come in." I say and Ashely walk in.
"Hi." She says shyly.
"Hi." I say back. She walks towards me and sits on the bed.
"So. Have have you figured out how Saturday is going to go?" I ask.
"If he remembers me, not really. If he doesn't, well I can just not tell him. I'll raise the baby on my own." She says a bit sad.
"Hey, no. Your baby is going to need a dad. You know how alex walked out on me. Jamie is here even if he does think the baby is not his. I'm going to help you get through this, okay? I promise. Your baby is not going to be alone." I say and tears start to spring from my eyes. She looks up and bursts into tears. I hold her and let her soak my shirt.
"It's going to be okay." I assure her. She is wrapped around me and I hold her. My sister, I think. She has to be more then a friend. She is my sister.

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