May 2nd, 2016

37 3 0

I wake feeling warm. I get up and see pink. I turn to see Ashely on her side with tear stains on her eyes. I get up slowly and walk quietly to my room. I rub my belly knowing they are kicking. I groan. I go to the bathroom and pee. Once I was done with that I get into the shower. Oh when I see Marco he is going to get it. I was finally being nice to him. Jamie has forgiven him. We had dinners together before I left. I fume to my closet and put on a light pink tank top(what fits.) a white long sweater, and some yoga pants. I put my hair up in a bun and apply a little mascara and some pink lip gloss. I walk out and grab a bag of grapes and head out the door. I press in the code and and head towards my car. I look at my phone. 8:26. Jamie starts at 9. I call him. He picks up in the 5th ring.
"Morning beautiful." He says happily.
"Where is he?!" I say angrily.
"Who?" He asks not asking.
"The son of  a bitch Marco." I growl.
"At school..." He starts.
"Which class?" I hiss.
"I think Pre- Calc... Caro, what are you..." He starts but I turn the phone off and head towards the high school.
I get there at 8:40. I hop out the car and walk towards the huge buildings. I have not been to a high school since I came here. It's so weird. I walk towards the front desk and a short blond girl is at the reception.
"Hi can I help you?" She asks.
"Yes I'm here to tell my boyfriend the gender of my baby! Can I just go let him know? I promised I would tell him before I went to Kansas for my family please!?" I plead and make my pouting face. She looks at me confused.
"Sure. Please make it quick." She says and let's me in. I walk in and see people staring at me. I see a guy I recognized at the Christmas party. He's in a crowd of guys and they all look at me as I walk towards them.
"Marco Sanchez. Where is he?" I snap. He looks at me.
"Pre- cal.." He starts.
"Ya I got it pre- Calc. Where is it?" I hiss. He turns around and all they guys are backing up. He knows his head towards a building and I follow him. He opens the door for me.
"Is he umm..." He starts.
"No." I snap. He didn't say another world after. We make our way to a class and I turn.
"Thanks you. Now please I need to talk to him." I say and open the door. The whole class stares at me. Some guys smirk at me and some girls roll their eyes. Am I attracted to them? The teacher who was rather old stares at me and seemed annoyed.
"Excuse me can I help you?" She asks. I look at Marco who was also looking at me. I head towards him. He starts to back away and I reach towards him and my hand slaps his face. I see the lady starts to come towards me.
"You hurt her once and now you hurt her twice. Stop being a fucking pussy and go be a man you bitch!" I hiss but he doesn't look at me. His hand is covering his left cheek. I felt hands grab my elbows and I start to back away. Everyone stares. At him, at me, at my belly. I felt the teacher take me towards the door. I didn't fight.
"You sure got balls to leave your pregnant girlfriend. Ya everyone, he is nothing but a dirty lying man slut!" I yell and I was finally out the door. The short grey haired woman finally got me outside.
"You young lady have a lot of explaining to do!" She hisses. I smirk and roll my eyes.
"I have nothing to explain. You heard me. He left my sister pregnant. Now I'll go let you deal with a little player that doesn't know how to use a condom." I say smiling and turn on my heals and head out the door. Teachers came out their doors and stared at me. I ignored them and walked out. I see Ashia walking towards me.
"Holy crap your back!" She says and she runs towards me.
"Your stomach! What are you doing here?!" She asks.
"Nothing, I just needed a word with Marco." I say smiling.
"Anyways I have to go. Let's see each other soon." I say and head towards the office. The little blond girl looks at me and starts to say something.
"I have an appointment." I cut her off and she has nothing else to say. I saw she had the cameras on her computer and she saw everything from the hall.
I walk into the cottage finally glad to be home. I walk into the kitchen and see Ashely with her hands on her head and Kaylee pacing back and forth.
"Umm hi?" I say. Ashely looks at me, her eyes filled with anger.
"Where the hell have you been?!" She hisses.
"I went to go fix your problem." I say calmly.
"Why did you interfere! Honestly I was the one who had to work this out!" She yells.
"You think I'm going to sit around and do nothing?! After he made you cry last night?! He deserves a taste of his medicine. And the thought of you thinking it's okay for him to treat you like this and me not doing anything makes me sick! Let me remind you who was the one sobbing "he left me! Come back to me!" Last night! So I had the right!" I scream! I felt her hand swing across my cheek. I gasp. I look at her. Fury in her eyes and hands in fists. I stand straight and walk to my room and slam the door. I walk towards my bed and let myself fall on my back. Honestly, how can so much drama happen so early in the morning? I sniffle and tears start to fall. I move my hands towards my belly and rub it. I lay on my pillow and slowly drift to sleep.
I was awaken my knocks on my door. I rub my eyes and sit up.
"Come in." I say. A tall figure with a beautiful face walks in.
"Hi." I say
"Hey." He says concerned. He closes the door behind him. He walks towards me and I play with my fingers. He finally sits next to me. I have to be ready.
"So do you want to explain what happened today in pre-Calc?" He asks.
"I umm, I put Marco in the place he should be." I say trying to sound confidently but fail.
"Bly slapping him and calling him a pussy?" He asks raising an eyebrow. I look at him with a straight face and nod. He smirks.
"That's my girl." He says and leans in and places a kiss on my forehead. What?
"Wait, so your bat mad?" I ask.
"Of course not, you stood up for you best friend. Plus you made it dramatic. Another point." He says with a smile. I give him a small smile.
"Are things going around?" I ask shyly.
"It's high school. Things always go around. But I talked to him. He knew everything already. I explained to him more clearly and that's when he felt terrible. When Ashia heard what happened she is demanding an explanation. No one knows Ashely... Miranda is pregnant... They do now." He says with a shrug. I continue to look at him wanting him to continue.
"People obviously started shit and now it's going around school that he's a ball less bitch. He honestly feel Terri me but he's scared of what she is going to think. He wants to apologize to you too." He says. I look at him and my eyes soften.
"See, me and my dramaticness can help." I say and we laugh. I felt a kick. I move my hand to the spot and I feel them kicking again. He places his hand on my belly and they continue to play. He grins.
"I'll apologize to him in person. I need some explaining to do too. I'll have to tell Ashia. She has been such a good friend too." I say half smiling. He smiles. He all of a suddenly old at my thigh weirdly. I flush red and remembered I took my yoga pants off when I was I the bed. I slowly cover them up.
"Wait what is that?" He asks pulling the blanket off. I look at my thigh. There were faded bruises and scars. My eyes widen.
"Caro, what is that?" He asks again.
"Umm, those are my scars from Nevada. This one.." I point to the small one on the inner part of my thigh.
"I remember when I was on the floor and my mom stepped on me when she was wearing heels." I say. He stares at me with fear. I continue the line. A bigger one.
"This one, was when I was doing her hair and I dropped one of her brushes so she got it and burned my thigh." I say quietly. I continue the trail.
"This one, was when she got her nails done and I didn't make enough egg so she stabbed her nails on me." I say and when I look up Jamie was next to my face. He leans in and grabs my neck and pushes his lips on me. I close my eyes and cowards the kiss. He stops and goes on his knees and grabs my thigh. I look at him confused. He places his lips on my scar. Then the next, then continues the tail. I brush his hair with my fingers. He kisses every few prices of my skin from my stomach back to my lips again.
" I love you Caro." He says breathing on me.
"I love you Jamie." I say and I wrap my arms around his neck. With one hand he hold my waist, and with the other he holds my belly.

Heyy guys!! I hope you liked today's chapter! Oh snap! Caro went all Sharkisha on him! Then Ashely got mad! That ending was cute how Jamie was on her side<3 true love!! Anyways, please comment and vote! Love you!

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