The Mistake You Can't Erase

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Chapter 1

"Hey (yn), are almost done in there?" One of your friends shouts as you get ready for your big day tonight. 
"Yeah, I'm just finishing up." You shout back.

It's your 21st birthday and you are spending it in Las Vegas. You and your friends are all staying in one room to save money. You walk out of the bathroom to see a huge bottle of liquor in your face.

"Let's take a quick shot!!" Your best friend hands you a shot glass. 
You shout, "Let this night begin!"

You all take a shot and grab your purses. You guys walk out to the lobby and run into a group of guys walking towards you. One of them bumps into and makes quick eye contact with you.

"I'm sorry." He says. 
"It's fine." You say and keep walking.

You guys jump into a taxi and drive off. The guy that bumped into you looks back and sees you get into the taxi.

"Hey ill meet up with you guys in a bit. I really have to use the bathroom." He points to the bathroom.

He says bye to his friends but ends up getting in a taxi and try's to catch up with you.

You get off at a random club and walk in with your friends.

He sees you get out. "Stop. Stop here.!" He yells out at the taxi driver.

He gets money out of his wallet and pays the guy. He jumps out and follows you inside.

You walk to the bar and get something to drink and then start to dance with your friends. They keep playing your favorite songs so you don't get a break from dancing. You suddenly feel hands softly land in your hips. You turn around to see a very familiar face and hair.

"I hope I didn't scare you." He says in your ear. 
"No. You didn't." You say back. 
"I'm really sorry I'm bumped into you back at the hotel." 
"It's fine."

You guys continue to dance.

"Wanna go get a drink?" He offers you his hand. 
"Yeah sure." You grab his hand and go to the bar. 
"So what's your name?" 
"It's (yn)." 
"I'm Justin."

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