The Mistake You Can't Erase Ch. 56

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Chapter 56

"Are you hungry?" Justin quickly changes the subject. 

"A little." 

"Want to go eat at the restaurant downstairs." 

"That's fine."

You get out of bed and put your shoes on. You fix your hair. And grab your purse. You and Justin go downstairs to find Pattie, Scooter, & Alfredo there. Scooter waves you down and you two sit down. The whole night Justin looks nervous. You reach over for his hand.

"What's wrong?" 

"Umm nothing." 

"Are you sure?" 


You all finish eating dinner and go back to the rooms. Justin doesn't say a word the whole way up. He doesn't even bother to kiss you. You walk into the room and Justin follows. You sit on the couch. Justin sits down next to you.

"Okay seriously. What is wrong with you?" 


"Justin, tell me." 

Justin stays quiet. 

"I know your hiding tell me.!" 

"I smoked weed." He whispers softly. 


"I smoked weed!" He raises his voice.

You sit there in shock. Your eyes begin to tear up. You stand up and walk away. You grab your phone and leave the room. Justin sits on the couch and hears the door close. He begins to cry. He gets up and runs to catch up to you. You walk to Alfredo's room and knock on the door. He lets you in. When Justin goes outside to the hallway you are no where. 

He doesn't bother on checking if you went with Pattie or Scooter and goes straight to Alfredo's room. You are sitting on the bed talking to Alfredo about Justin when you hear a loud pounding on the door. Alfredo goes to answer the door.

"Don't tell him I'm here.!" 


Alfredo opens the door and sees Justin in tears.

"What's up man?" 

"Have you seen (yn)?" 

"No I haven't. What happened."

You hear the door close you quickly run to the bathroom and hide. He hear Justin and Alfredo begin to talk.

"What happened? I thought today was a good day and now you're crying." 

"Everything was fine till after I told you and Scooter." 

"What did you do?" 

"I went back to the room and well I rolled a blunt and smoked. And when I was done I fell asleep and when I woke up me and her talked and she asked me to promise her to tell her the truth even though it hurt her. I didn't want to tell her then so I waited. And then after dinner we sat on the couch and she asked me if anything was wrong and I stayed quiet but I finally told her. Then she stormed out of the room." 

"I don't know what to say dude." 

"I just want to find her. I fucked up." 

"Why don't you go back to the room. Maybe she will come back." 

"Alright. I'll talk to you later."

Justin leaves and goes back to the room. You come out of the bathroom in tears. Your mascara running down your cheeks.

"You should go back to the room and work things out. He really loves you." 

You stand there and begin to walk to the door. "Thanks fredo." 

"No problem."

You walk back to the room but don't go in. You place your hand on the knob and insert the room key. You take a deep breath and open the door. You find Justin against the wall on the floor with his head in hands.

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