The Mistake You Can't Erase Ch. 54

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Chapter 54

The doctor cleans up your stomach and helps you sit up.

"Congrats." Pattie stands up and hugs you.

You begin to cry. Justin wraps his arm around your waist.

"What's wrong baby." 

"I just really wanted two girls but I'm happy!" 

"You are.?" 

"Of course."

"I'm so happy for you guys." Pattie interrupts. 

"Thanks mom." Justin says and hugs her.

"Sorry to interrupt but we need to talk about the upcoming months." 

"What's going to happen?" 

"Well around 8 months, you need to take it easy and not move around too much." 

"That 5 months away." You says nervously 

"That's perfect. I'll be finishing up my tour by then" Justin says. 

"Okay. Now you have to start eating right. And take vitamins." 

"I can help her with that." Pattie says. 

"Looks like we have everything covered. You are free to leave whenever you want."

The doctor hands you some pictures from your ultrasound and leaves the room.

You leave the doctors office and go back to the hotel.

"Go to room, I'll be right there."

Justin kisses you and you go to the room. He stays behind and talks to Pattie.

"I wanted to talk to you about the ring?" 

"What's wrong?" 

"I have another day off on Friday but what are we going to do with (yn)." 

"I'll think of something. Don't worry sweetie." 


They begin to walk to the rooms. Justin walks into the room and Pattie walks into hers. Justin sees you in the bedroom on the phone. He sits next to you and pulls out his phone. He takes a picture of the ultrasound that has both of them. He tweets the picture: "went to the doctor today. Found out we are having twin BOYS!!! #futureheartbreakers"

He lays down and waits for you to get off the phone with your friends. You soon hang up and lay down next to him.

"Did you tell them yet?" 


"Your fans." 

"I did! We should go tell Scooter now."

He gets off the bed and helps you sit up. Justin goes to Alfredo's room and knock on his door. You go and get Pattie, so she doesn't feel left out.

"Come on, I wanna tell you and Scooter at the same time."

Alfredo walks with you to Scooters room. You knock on the door and he opens the door. He lets you guys come in.

"So what's the big news.?" Scooter sits down the bed.

Justin pulls of the ultra sound from his pocket and hands it to Scooter.

"We are going to have twin boys." 

"Congrats man.!" Alfredo hugs you and then Justin.

Scooter stands up and gives Justin a hug. "I'm happy for you guys."

Justin begins to get teary eyed. He looks over at you and you kiss him on the cheek.

"Don't cry baby." 

"I'm just really happy."

"I'm going to go back to the room, I want to take a nap." 

"I'll be right there soon."

Justin sits down on Scooters bed. 

"Hey Scoot.?" 

"What's up man?" 

"I'm thinking about asking (yn) to marry me."

He looks at Scooter who looks shocked

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