The Mistake You Can't Erase Ch. 21

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Chapter 21

The next morning you wake up to Justin's phone ringing.

"Justin!" You shake him. 


"Your phone is ringing."

He answers it and begins to talk to his mom. 

"Hi mom." 

"Hi sweetie. I'm about to get on the plane with grandma and grandpa." 

"Alright. Call me when you land. I have a surprise for you when you get here." 

"Okay sweetie. See you soon." 

"Bye mom. I love you."

He hangs up and looks over at you.

"Good morning beautiful." 

"Good morning." 

"Come here." 


"On top of me."

You roll over and get on top of Justin. You look down at Justin and flip your hair to one side. He lifts up your shirt and runs your stomach. He looks up at you and smiles.

"I love you" 

"I love you too Justin."

You look over at the clock.

"We should get ready. Come on."

You get up and drag Justin out of bed. You get in the shower and quickly get ready. You blow dry your hair and straighten it. You wear a dress and black heels. As you are doing your make up, Justin's phone rings. Your stomach gets a hugs knot. But you realize it's Scooter so you answer it. 

"Hi Scooter." 



"Where's Justin?" 

"He's in the shower." 

"Well alright. Well I'm on the way to pick up his mom. We will be there soon." 

"Okay. Bye."

As you end the call, his messages pop up. You see that Selena has been texting him but you don't really bother. You know that he is over her. You lock his phone and go back to finish your make up. Justin gets out of the bathroom.

"Scooter called." 

"What did he say?" 

"He is on his way to pick up your mom and they will be here soon."

About an hour passes and you are downstairs on the couch. Justin still getting ready. Soon Justin joins you on the couch.

"I'm nervous babe." 


"I'm meeting your family." 

"It's going to be fine."

He kisses you hard and doesn't let you go till the doorbell rings. Justin kisses you repeatedly and then answers the door. He opens it to find his mom, grandparents, and Scooter behind the door. You stand up and wait for them to walk in. You and Pattie make eye contact but you quickly look down and fix your dress. The finish coming coming in.

"Who is this lovely lady.?" Pattie says. 

Justin walks to you and grab your hand. "Mom, this is my girlfriend. (Yn)." 

"Well nice to meet you." Pattie walks up to you and gives you a hug.

You all sit on the couches and begin to talk. You lean over and whisper in his ear.

"When are you going to tell them.?" 

"Right now."

"Hey mom." 

"Yes sweetie.?" 

"I have something I need to tell you." 

"What is it?"

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